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Belize country that gives citizenship. White passport as a pass to parallel worlds

From this article you will learn how not to be in the hands of fraudsters, deciding to arrange the second citizenship for the Invention in 2017. We will tell about a new fraudulent scheme, which is launched by the company's passport fraudsters, about an attempt to deceive Middle Eastern investors with the help of a non-existent Serbian program of economic citizenship, as well as about the desire of fraudsters to prove on investors, attracting their attention to the Saint Lucia's Economic Citizenship Program with non-existent bonuses.

The relevance of legal programs for the sale of second passports for investment is growing from year to year. If you extrapolate these past years in demand for such documents, it is safe to argue that economic citizenship will continue to remain a very valuable purchase for investors from all over the world not only for 2017, but also in the long run.

Nevertheless, choosing a new passport, swammers should beware. Such personalities inevitably appear on any market, which demonstrates high growth rates and is actively expanding - whether it is a real estate market or vehicle. Therefore, along with quite plausible proposals to issue second citizenship for investment in Grenada The global web is actively filled with much less real offerings regarding the design of passports for investment in countries where there is no regulatory framework for this.

Second Citizenship for Inventions 2017 - Passport Fraudesters Incorp

Do you know that you can buy a Mexican passport for 15,000 US dollars? And how do you perspective to become the owner of a similar document with the emblem of Belize for only $ 9,000? Or purchase a Moldovan passport for $ 4,000?

These passports have recently offer the company that we can call Passport Scammers, Inc. (PSI) that on a great and mighty sounds approximately as "passport fraudsters of the Incorp." Of course, it would be possible to publish the real name of the company, but we will go different ways due to the lack of desire to waste time on defending our own interests in judicial process Regarding the protection of honor and dignity of the owners of the company, which is being grown behind the abbreviation PSI. We only note that we are talking about the actual existing company, which is engaged in not quite legal activities, stuck in inexperienced and gullible investors.

Yes, while we have no evidence that the PSI-selling passports are fake, we are 100% confident that they are not given away from the use of standard processes and procedures covering the provision of citizenship for investment. Why? And all because Mexico, Belize and Moldova have no programs for the sale of economic citizenship. For foreigners without related links in these countries, in general, in the general way, the way to apply for their passports is to pass through a long period of residence in the territory of host states - that is, through many years of naturalization.

Take, for example, Mexico. The Mexican Constitution states that all people born in the territory of this country are automatically becoming Mexican citizens. You are also automatically becoming a Mexican citizen if at least one of your parents has Mexican citizenship at the time of your birth.

If there are no Mexican among your parents, and you were not born in the territory of this country, then to get Mexican citizenship and the right to design a passport of this country, you will need to first qualify for residence in Mexico. Then you must move to Mexico and spend five years there as a legal resident. If you want to qualify for Mexican citizenship and passport, remember that you will have to spend most of the time in Mexico during this five-year period. And further. To get the right to design a passport of this North American state, you should be able to speak Spanish. Moreover, it will be necessary to prove it by passing a special test. So everything is not as easy as writing a check for $ 15,000.

Keep in mind that in certain situations, workarounds appear. If you have Mexican relatives from among (PRA) -Babushki or (Pra) -Dashek, you can easily become a citizen of Mexico. If you married a Mexican citizen or a citizen, then the process of naturalization in this country is also seriously simplified and will not take much time. In addition, naturalization in Mexico can significantly be reduced from the point of view of the time, if you are a citizen of the country located on the territory of the Pyrenean Peninsula (that is, Spain and / or Portugal) or Latin American countries.

But there is also another exception. You can bypass the rules relating to the five-year stay in the host country, if you make a significant contribution to the development of Mexico. In order to fall under this exception, you needed a significant contribution to the development of Mexican business, science, culture, art or sports.

So if you consider yourself the following David Beckham, Bill Gates, Sebastian base or Alter Einstein, and at the same time you want to become a Mexican citizen, you can try happiness on this path.

Perspective football player with Trolio of good luck and effort may well join the Mexico national football team. But it will not be limited to this. Then it will be necessary to bring a Mexican football team to victory at the World Championships. And since Mexico has never won the World Championship, a grateful nation may simply be prompted to reward you with citizenship.

What about execution qualification requirements For citizenship by implementing a significant contribution to the Mexican business? A few years ago, this option was offered by its customers one local lawyer who worked directly with the Foreign Secretariat Employees Exteriorees or SRA officers. This department in the Mexican government is responsible for the processing of citizenship applications. The case was a few years ago, and at that time the amount of the deposit was about 200 US dollars. The lawyer stopped offering this service when officials stopped providing investors promised issues of naturalization. It is clear that this scheme was not entirely legal.

Recently, the network appeared promotional materials of another "muddy" companies, which suggests a similar service in return for investment, the size of which will amount to about $ 1 million. This amount invested in the Mexican economy should allegedly open the investor to an interview with SRE officials. But at the same time no one guarantees that your application for citizenship will be approved.

A million dollars is, of course, much more than $ 15,000 requested by fraudsters from PSI. In addition, no one gives any guarantees to customers who would like to acquire second citizenship and passport. As a result, PSI offer seems much more tempting. But how does this company manage to make a passport for its customers? There is a suspicion that, however, is not supported by evidence that PSI offers passports from the "gray market" or "black market".

Consider passports from the "gray market". In the case of using such a market, documents are issued using quite a legal scheme. In most situations, the Promoter fraudster finds a corruption official with authority to issue passports that does not specify any extra questions. As a rule, we are talking about someone from the institution responsible for issuing passports (that is, from the passport table). For example, in the case of PSI, the staff of this company may have found such a corrupt official in the Mexican passport desk, ready to provide services in return on, say, $ 5,000 in cash for each passport issued. At the same time, the company itself receives the rest of the money and earns well.

And it is quite obvious that this money will not be in the treasury of the country's investor. At the same time, deciding 100% to legally issue second citizenship for investment in Malta, a foreigner will pay 350 thousand euros, which will go to the financing of important socio-economic projects, for the benefit of the Maltese people - that is, new fellow citizens of such an investor.

The passport bought on the "gray market" is officially genuine, but it is issued unofficially and unauthorized way. Depending on the powers of the corruption official, together with the passport, a certificate of naturalization can follow. Without it, it is impossible to extend the validity of this acquired not entirely legally passport. In addition, without a certificate of naturalization, a new mexican can even be unable to use his new passport For entry and departure from the country or open an account at the local bank.

In the case of using the "black market" by fraudsters, the investor receives a passport, which is forged or manufactured using lost documents or stolen blanks. The passport itself is not original, and is also not issued officially. National intelligence services, organized criminal groups and terrorist organizations are engaged in trading passports on the "black market".

The use of passports from the "gray market" or "black market" is a risky business. It is enough just once once to get the functions of border control so that everything "went to the cat under the tail." It should be remembered that border guards from all over the world have access to a regularly updated "black list" numbers of illegal interpol passports and other sources of information about stolen or fake passports.

Remember that the passport obtained on the "gray market" can be canceled at any time, especially after the corruption official responsible for issuing such documents will detect himself or leave his post. As for passports from the "gray market", one of their main characteristic features is the impossibility of extending the term.

Second citizenship for inventory 2017 - fraudsters decided to cash in at the Middle Eastern investors, offering them Serbian citizenship for money

It should be remembered that fraudsters offer their gullible clients the opportunity to acquire the citizenship of the most different countries For investments in their economy - not only the three of the above jurisdictions (speech about Mexico, Belize and Moldova). So, this month, press releases appeared in the network with information about the allegedly held the launch of the Serbian program for the sale of citizenship for investment (although the Serbian authorities about such a program are not known as it turned out). This time, fraudsters decided to catch up in Middle Eastern investors, offering them Serbian citizenship for money.

Another "gray" company with offices in the United States and Dubai announced the launch of the Serbian program. Let us call it PSI 2. This firm suggested help with rich people and members of their families who wish to acquire new passports as soon as possible "as the world moves from nationalism to globalization."

To fit the vigilance of potential customers, scammers when describing the new program actively used real facts. So, they mentioned that the very first program for the sale of citizenship for the investment was launched in 1986 by the jurisdiction of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Since then, dozens of states took advantage of this idea to attract additional investments and intellectual capital. One of these states allegedly became Serbia, which created almost an ideal program.

As one of the key arguments in favor of issuing a second passport within the framework of Serbian's Economic Citizenship Program, fraudsters lead the right to freely move around the territory of 138 countries, including all the member countries of the Schengen zone. Successful candidates receive citizenship for life and the right to enjoy the benefits of flexible tax policy. At the same time, fraudsters position this non-existent program of economic citizenship as the least expensive in the world.

Other features and advantages of the Program of Economic Citizenship of Serbia, fraudsters are highly handling applications. The press release notes that while candidates for the economic citizenship of other jurisdictions are practically "standing in queues", applications from the participants of the Serbian program are processed in an expedited manner. At the same time, applicants are invited to independently optimize the investment option in such a way that it fully corresponds to their needs and desires.

Well, for all candidates, it is proposed to issue a Serbian passport without a visit to this country using PSI 2 services.

Second citizenship for Inventions 2017 - Scammers offer visa-free access to the United States to buyers of economic citizenship Saint Lucia

Sometimes fraudsters are also trying to use the authority of actually existing and 100% legal programs for the economic citizenship of individual jurisdictions in order to sell fakes under the guise of passports. The attackers even use viral marketing to attract the attention of gullible customers to jurisdiction passports, the authority of which they hide behind (or discredit such a country in the eyes of the world community). An excellent example is the case that happened recently and touched the programs. saint Lucia's Economic Citizenship .

A number of caribbean websites at the beginning of the month have published a semi-satirical article, which subsequently silent. Its author claimed that the US State Department allegedly updated a list of visa-free countries as part of the Visa Waiver Program program (VWP), and the number of such states increased from 38 to 39 pieces. And in this list, Saint Lucia was allegedly.

The US Embassy quickly responded to this news, publishing a refutation via Tweeter. The reporting of the American authorities it is said that, despite the rumors, the list of countries in respect of which the states have removed visa restrictions, has not changed. The authors of the message also added a link to it, after the transition, on which you can see a complete list of countries whose citizens are currently entitled to travel to the United States as part of a visa-free program.

Want to live in the northeast coast of Central America in the country washed by the affectionate waters of the Caribbean? Do not be afraid to live in a small country, love diving and islands? Tired of life proteins in the wheel in rhythm earned, spent? And at the same time you own except Russian English? You in Belize. You can enjoy a quiet life in Belize, and when she get bored, drive by car to Cancun to Mexico or fly by plane in Miami for new outfits and "air of America".

By the way, you can turn around in Belize to turn on arriving from the USA - tourist liners will be brought to Belize them. Tourists from the United States are going here not only for cheap recreation and alcohol, but also for wonderful impressions and excellent photos with Flora and fauna Belize. Tourists are attracted in the balusa and coastal reefs, and the ruins of the remaining Belize inheritance from the Maya Indians.

But there is a category of tourists who are not going to sightseeing and despite inexpensively alcohol try to keep the sobriety of the mind. These tourists are international investors. The fact is that Belize is Belize just over 40 years, and independent Belize, just over 30 years old. The head of state in Belize, nevertheless, the Queen of Great Britain and its authority represents the Governor-General. But there is also elected in Belize Prime Minister. Thus, Belize is a parliamentary democracy and a full member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Before independence, Belize was called and was British Honduras and depended on the UK. The influence of the English Queen in Belize is still strong - the inhabitants of Belize see the face of Queen Elizabeth the second every day - in the Belisian dollars, of course. White dollars are tied to the US dollar and one dollar on Belize, it is 50 cents from the US dollar. By the way, there are such extreme "professionals" of the offshore industry, which are still trying to sell and even find the same buyers on the passport of the British Honduras, which has not existed for more than 30 years. But we will not be about sad, because our blog for those who want to learn and receive reliable information about Belize first-hand. Remember that Belize "was born" only in 1981. If you are inclined to investment in real estate and land, then quickly look out the fact that Belize is a treasure. By the way, Maja's Pirate Pirate Forestors and Pades are already enough, but real gold chests earned and earn investors in real estate in Belize. Investing in this small and warm tropical country with territorial taxation will be able to win and you.

The official language of Belize is English, but they live here in the main Spaniards, Creoles, methuses, menonites, the Indians of all the mixtures - with Asians, Africans, Europeans. There are Asians and Europeans and Russians.

In Belize, two times of the year - winter and summer. In the summer, an average of 26 degrees of heat, and in the winter, 21 degrees. All the difference in the rains. In winter - from May to October in Belize there are rain, and from November to April here the most detached is warm and dry. Classic tropical climate. In the cold month of the year in January, the temperature in Belize does not fall below 15 degrees in the cooler hour of the night. Here is a paradise for surfing in the summer. If it becomes too hot, you can turn on air conditioning, relax by the sea or go to the mountains. Where to escape from the heat in the summer in Belize is also there. In the summer of the temperature, it is unlikely to get up 34 degrees Celsius. So much in this June was in Odessa, where I came to a conference on international tax planning. Air in whiteness is wet, and water in the sea is 23- 2 degrees in summer.

It is impossible to fully understand the country without knowing its history. Belize history is very interesting and easy to divide into 4 main periods:

  1. Belize during the heyday of the ancient Mayan civilization
  2. The fall of the civilization of the Mayan and the early arrival of Europeans
  3. Belize - Colonia (British Honduras)
  4. Modern independent Belize

Initially, Belize inhabited exclusively Indians Maya. In fact, Maya Indians are a lot of different tribes with a total of almost 3 million people. Where did they come from, why and where they left - it is unknown so far. Questions related to Maya civilization are more than answers. Five more - ten years ago, quite like Maya Indians through the offshore Belize from many countries came and went out of money in an unknown direction. To this day, Belize is a classic offshore jurisdiction with a closed register of enterprises, banking and corporate mystery. But also with a certain number of international treaties. Using the White Companies - act carefully. Do not treat any offshore companies, including Belisky, as in one-day and everything will be fine.

And in modern Belize, you can find traces of Mayan civilization, in particular architecture, whose photos you will see on our blog. Spanish Inquisitors at one time destroyed a huge number of Mayan books written on the crust of trees. But the most important records left by Maya tribes on cuts of large stones can still be read. Architecture, painting, calendar, writing - all this was present at the Maya people when the inhabitants of the CIS countries still lived in caves and slashes.

With the onset of the 15th century, Europeans stretched to Belize. The first here were the British pirates, which in Belize were stored looted from Spanish ships. Through Belize from Central America, wood was transported to Europe and naturally gold and silver. Wood is particularly actively transported to Europe from the 17th century - mangrove trees were used to manufacture red dyes and widely used in the developing British industry. Later, the Spaniards were driven by pirates and up to 1798 Belize officially considered the colony of Spain. True, the mangrove trees British continued to withdraw, but already paying the "taxes" of the Spaniards. By September 1798, the taxes are tired of paying, and the summer in Belize began and the British arranged a battle and defeated the Spaniards from Belize.

The modern history of Belize begins from the 20th century. By the time, 40,000 people lived on the territory of Belisa. In 1973, Belize officially called Belize, and on September 21, 1981, Belize was proclaimed an independent state.

If you are reading this article and you already dream about moving to Belize and enjoy the paradise climate - you will go down a little from the skies to the ground. Belize is not yet a fatal country. Independent Belize is only 30 years old. In small towns, tourist centers And Belize's hotels are mostly all right. You can easily come to Belize with children and relax. But in larger cities - Belize City or San Pedro, you can rob, especially at night, if you walk alone in the wrong place. Night festivities in Belize cities are better to make in a group, by car or taxi. In Belize, as in any developing country there is its criminal world with which it is better not to intersect. There is also a drug -Banda, despite the fact that the crimes in this field in Belize is cruelly punished. A few years ago, a tourist police appeared in Belize, but she is still not omnipresent to talk about the utmost and round-the-clock security for tourists in Belize.

As for security road, that is, such roads for which in the rainy season can be driving or not possible or possibly, but only on an SUV. Traffic lights in Belize are not common, so when driving will need caution, gesture language and intuition. Despite the lack of traffic lights, car rental in Belize. All you need is a credit card and the right of an international sample.

Even in the cities in Belize you can find roads without asphalt coating. For its customers from the USA, I have been registered in Belize for a very long time, but completely through another agent. In the rainy season in Belize, hurricanes really happen and registration of companies in Belize in 24 hours in the rainy season can never be guaranteed completely. Hurricanes can ensure the loss of the Internet in the office in the Belize of the day by 3-4. If you want to avoid threats to your weather from the weather, it is better to really come to Belize from November to May. The hotel will naturally cost more, but you will see Belize in all its glory.

In any case, before departure to Belize, it is better to make good insurance. If you are an extreme lover and want to explore the cave in Belize or climb on the rocks - please. You can again make it accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide. If something happens to you in the mountains, but you have insurance, you will be treated in the private hospital of Belize.

Do not want threats for your safety on the part of the Belize authorities. It is easy to provide. Everything that is required of you is not to export everything from Belize that it is impossible to export, but I really want to - corals, turtle shells, orchids for seedlings of a grandmother in a greenhouse in the suburbs. Even if you managed to find the treasure of Pirates and Maya - do not want problems with the Belisa authorities, do not output. This concerns each pebble that you want to pick up on the ruins of Maya.

In the following articles, I will tell about how to come to Belize and how to move here. I will tell you about life in Belize and about immigration to Belize. If you have any questions about companies and bank accounts in Belize, you can ask them on an e-mail: [Email Protected]

Belize is the right to constant accommodation to citizens from around the world to implement the relevant government program.

The basis of the economy of most countries of the world is developed tourism and agriculture. The offshore business sector is also developing rapidly.

The essence of the Belize program:

  • conclusion of the marriage union with a citizen of Belize or with a person who has permission to reside to reside in this country;
  • the economic program developed by the State for Citizenship - Beliz Economic Citizenship Investment Programme (Becip);
  • immigration program designed to obtain citizenship by persons retirement age;
  • the ability to get permission to change the surname. Belize recognizes civil marriage. The applicant and his (her) spouse (spouse), reaching a certain affide, have the right to issue a passport and citizenship, while they may not be married certificates. Also, the applicant of her (his) spouse (spouse), their children and parents have the right to change the names and names before and after they receive the citizenship of Belize.

Without a doubt, the main way to immigrate on this program and receiving a passport is a program developed by the state in order to obtain citizenship, which is naturally enshrined by the Law on Citizenship in effect since 1981 with changes and additions from 1985, and the Belize Constitution.

The applicant is obliged to make a registration fee and make a certain amount of funds to the Investment Fund of Economic Citizenship. The amount of the registration fee depends on how many people live with him.

Together with the investor of his (her) spouse (spouse) and minors, children also have the right to become citizens Belize. Also, children under 30, the parents of the applicant who live with him, at the same time they may not exercise additional investment, have the right to become a Belize citizen and get a passport. All these questions regulate the Becip-Unit - the body specifically created under the Ministry of Finance of this program.

How much should you buy a passport and citizenship of Belize on this economic program? It consists of:

1. From the registration fee, the amount of which is 15,000 USD when issuing documents for a passport and citizenship only on the applicant itself;

2. From the registration fee, the size of which is 25,000 USD, in the design of documents to obtain a passport and citizenship on themselves, the spouse (- "and juvenile children;

3. From payment of the services of an immigration consultant who has a license, which should not be more than twenty percent of the amount of gratuitous investment and registration fee. If for some reason in the formal procedure, it was refused to receive citizenship, then the state is obliged to hold only 500 USD, and return the remaining amount of gratuitous investments and register.

Belize is the only country in South America, which officially speaks English. This means that in the case of moving, it will not be necessary to learn either Spanish nor Portuguese, which are less popular among our people.

In addition to language, Belize is famous for its offshore status and offers advantageous zero taxation for companies. For individuals Also allowed certain crossings.

In addition, the price level in the country is low, the weather is sunny, the coast of the extended and next is the second PA size of the coral reef after the Australian larger barrier reef. So, if you are also a diver, there will be something to do.

General information about Belize

Country Country: Belmopan
Population of the country: 322 453 (estimate of 2010)
Area: 22 966 km2
Official language: English
Average life expectancy: 68 years
GDP: 1.624 billion $ (2013)
GDP per capita: $ 4,893
Currency: White Dollar (BZD)

How to become a resident of Belize? How to get a residence permit of Belize?

To visit Belize and become local, it is initially necessary to get a visa. Since Belize is a community country led by the United Kingdom, in fact, any contact for obtaining official documents will be held through British consulates.

However, from February 2016, it appeared to receive an entry visa right on the border on arrival in place. To do this, you will need to have a valid foreign passport, reverse flights and money for staying in the country. There is a visa of 30 days, after which it can be extended.

However, more interesting to get a tourist map.

How to get a temporary residence permit (residence permit) of Belize?

If you decide to stay in the country located between Guatemala and Mexico, then pay attention to several types of programs. The first and most simple in terms of documents and deadlines is to receive a tourist map (Tourist Card).

This can not be called a fully temporary residence permit, but the closest thing is close to it. In fact, it is a visa that allows 30 days in the country. At the end of this period, without any problems, it is allowed to obtain a resolution. There is an extension of $ 25 for the first half a year and $ 50 in the future.

Such a visa (stamp in the passport) will allow you to move around the country, relax, but do not work. Forget to extend not recommended - can deport.

In fact, the tourist map does not require any special investments, costs, except to prove that you have a means to accommodate. Made very quickly. But at the same time does not give official status and tax elements, for which many people come to the country, it is impossible to work and receive official salary. In addition, constant costs.

The only thing that really gives a card is a credited stay in the country to transition to a permanent residence permit. However, before moving to Him, it is worth saying about another form of permission, which is called a residence permit for pensioners.

Residence permit Belize for pensioners

In English, it is called Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) or suitable persons on pensions. The program works for a long time and attracts enough people, although in recent times there is some decline in interest.

What is the interest of the program, and what is its disadvantages? Being a person over 45 years old, you have the right to qualify for the status of a pensioner in Belize and come here to live. In addition to age, it is necessary to receive a monthly retirement from $ 2,000 or a different type of income. The main thing is that official sources are confirmed - banks, pension funds, etc.

Also, future residents are offered absolutely duty-free to enter their property, ranging from furniture and bicycles, ending with machines, yachts and aircraft. And although inside the country, taxes are small, import duties are high, and the use of a program for the import of expensive things is beneficial.

In addition to the applicant's pensioner itself, a spouse / spouse, minor children or children under 23, who receive education at the university can come together.

This is from the advantages. The disadvantages will call what, firstly, the period of residence on QRP is not counted and move along the steps "PMZ-PMG citizenship" will not work. Secondly, the authorities sometimes forget that they themselves invited pensioners to live in the country and perceive them as tourists. Not to mention that no one officially knows how many pensioners drove into the country and where money earned from duties.

Therefore, the situation is often the situation when spouses come to the country, one gets and uses a tourist map for a set of time, and the second is QRP to bring personal belongings and assets to Belize without taxes.

How to get a permanent residence permit (PMZ) Belize?

Serious interest is a permanent residence permit in Belize. To qualify for him, it is necessary to live in the country for more than 1 year in a row, without leaving the territory more than 14 days. As you remember, the period of stay for pensioners is not counted, so it is mainly used by the extended tourist map.

In addition to the deadline, you need to provide personal documents (Passports, Certificate of Birth and Marriage), an extract from the police about the absence of criminal record. It is necessary to pass a medical examination to make sure that you are not a carrier of dangerous diseases, such as AIDS.

Submit an application for permanent IGs can representative of any country, although there is a risk of failure. At the same time, it is allowed to bring personal belongings without a fee, excluding vehicles.

Having received permanent residence, you have the right to work, get a salary or work on yourself - in other words to receive income in the country, and not only beyond it. Restricted on the trips is removed and is allowed to be outside the country as much as you want.

The cost of the application depends on nationality and will cost $ 250 to 5,000 dollars.

Consideration takes time and does not always pass transparently. If you refuse, not always even understandable because of what.

How to get Belize's citizenship?

Five years later with a permanent residence permit, a person has the right to apply for citizenship and a passport of Belize. It is necessary to provide a passport, statements from accounts and from the police, plus to show that you really have five years owns the status of a permanent resident.

It will be necessary to prove that you own the English language and history of Belize. English It is recommended to keep at the level always, and the history of Belize can be subtracted in a pair of books, the good is small.

A different way to receive citizenship is a marriage with a citizen of Belize. To do this, you need to get permission from the ministry. General Prosecutor And pay a fee of $ 25. A year after the conclusion of marriage, a foreigner has the full right to request the citizenship of Belize. In case of children, the process is accelerated even more.

There is information that Belize offers a citizenship program for investment. Such in the history of the country was, but now there is no active and legal program. Therefore, the question of what can be purchased for a modest reward Second citizenship is not true. Even in the Russian part of the Internet there are announcements that the citizenship of Belize is sold, with reference to sites on which there has been no such proposal for a long time. Therefore, check the adequacy of a particular advertising text, especially the "Second Citizenship program in Belize" is considered the most classical example of fraud, since it has not existed since 2002.

Passport design takes 6-12 months.

After receiving the passport of a Belize citizen, it is allowed to travel for 93 countries without a visa - almost like Russia. But the list of visa-free countries includes the United Kingdom with Ireland, and Andorra with Gibraltar, and Turkey with Israel, and Mexico with Hong Kong. Among other things, it is easy to travel through the countries of the Caribbean, so if you decide to open the company not only in Belize, but also, let's say, at Saint Kitts and Nevis, you can personally attend.

How to get blessing blessing?

The disadvantage of Belize citizenship should be called the fact that they will have to abandon the initial passport. And although this is a full offshore zone, at the moment it does not allow you to have two passports.

Therefore, if you think about getting tax breaks and live in an affordable country, then the passport is not necessary. In addition, if you already have the second passports of other jurisdictions, then there is no longer no sense in the refusal.

Taxes and tax planning in Belize

Belize is considered offshore paradise for companies, especially if they are properly structured. The usual faces can also receive some tax advantages.

Non-residents are subject to taxes from income received in the country. Married couples are taxed, each member separately.

Income tax is not small - 25%, but residents can exclude the first 10,000 dollars from taxation. But there is no tax increment tax. If you used the QRP program - the duties during the import of things are also not.

Real estate duties are quite high, although the unified: the rate of state duty when buying real estate is 10%. Land ownership - 1%. For rental income - 12.5%.

The easiest way to solve the problem of visa-free movement around the world is to buy a second passport. A number of countries of the Caribbean have programs of so-called economic citizenship, that is, citizenship in exchange for investment or donation to the amounts stipulated by law. Previously, the program of citizenship for the investment (60,000 USD on the main applicant + 5,000 USD for each subsequent family member) offered Belize - an English-speaking state in Central America with a stable political regime, a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The passport of Belize was issued instantly - for three months. This program did not have a settling centen, that is, did not oblige a foreign investor who wants to obtain the citizenship of Belize, to live in this country constantly for any specific time before or after receiving the passport.

Also Belize is a well-known tax harbor - an offshore zone. In accordance with the law of Belize on taxation, the income received outside of this country is not subject to taxes.

Currently, Belize's citizenship program for investment is closed. At the same time, those who managed to sit in the last car of the outgoing train, using the old program, still have this citizenship and are satisfied with their second passport. Belize's citizens enjoy visa-free entry into more than ninety countries of the world, including in the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Persons who are interested in obtaining second citizenship, we recommend paying attention to the Caribbean region ( , Dominica and a number of other countries, officially selling passports to investors). The level of the required investment is from 100,000 to 500,000 USD. Passports of these countries allow you to travel without visas not only in the UK, but also in all countries of Europe (Schengen).

Questions and answers to the design of second citizenship:

Question: I have a passport of Belize, whose action ended in 2001. Please tell me how to extend this passport.

Answer: Belize Embassies in Russia are not, therefore it is obvious that the passport must be obtained in Belize. What documents do you have in addition to the passport? Certificate of citizenship?

Question: The passport was obtained in Moscow at the UK embassy in 1996. In addition to the passport, no documents were issued by the staff of the embassy. I know that Belize embassies in Moscow is not. Does this mean that my personal presence in Belize is necessary or can you collect all the documents necessary to extend the passport and send them by mail? Can your company help in this matter?