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The regional court administrator obeys. The judge will buy a manager

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Order of the Judicial Department when Supreme Court RF from 22-08-2006 80 On approval of typical official regulations ... relevant in 2018

III. Official duties, rights and responsibility of the court administrator

3.1. According to the organizational support of the court

3.1.1. For the security of judicial activities:

organization of training court sites for work;

organization of activities aimed at ensuring installed order the activities of the courts and the adoption of security measures during court sessions, the procedure for the protection of court buildings, deliberative rooms and judicial premises;

organization of equipment of buildings and internal premises of the court with an alarm buttons;

organization of equipment of buildings (premises) by metal grilles on the windows and in the doorways, installation of a stationary metal industry;

implementation of control over the provision and content of equipment in the chambers for defendants and premises for the convoy in proper condition;

organization with employees of the court of training sessions in cases of emergency situations.

3.1.2. For the organization of judicial statistics:

organization of providing the court for bookcases of accounting and statistical documents;

coordination of the work of the judicial degreement departments for the conduct of primary statistical accounting and the formation of statistical reporting;

monitoring the timely receipt of program templates approved forms of statistical reporting, their installation, timely dispatch, including electronically over communication channels;

the implementation of monitoring the staff of the court employees responsible for conducting judicial statistics, regulatory documents;

organization of implementing automated information systems for judicial proceedings, maintaining a criminal record database.

3.1.3. According to the information and legal support of the court's activities:

organization and control of informatization processes in court, maintaining automated workplaces, software, locally computing networks and communication channels;

organization and implementation of monitoring compliance with the operation of computer equipment, fire safety in court premises;

participation in making a decision on the choice of system-wide and special software, the organization of its implementation and operation;

the implementation of control over the timely preparation of reporting on the work of the court on the informatization line;

implementation of control over the condition of equipment and office equipment, taking measures to their preventive maintenance and repair.

3.1.4. By providing judges and workers of the court office by regulatory legal acts, legal literature, benefits and reference and informational materials:

organization of receipt, accounting and storage of periodicals engaged in the official publication of regulatory legal acts of federal legislation, organs state power Subject Russian Federation, organs local governments;

organization of receipt, accounting and storage of the Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, quarterly reviews of new legislation and judicial practice Of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, materials of the judicial practice of a higher court in the region; Organizational and technical support of training materials for improving judicial practice this court (together with a codification specialist);

exercising control over and storing orders and orders of the judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

organization of receipt, accounting and storage of legal literature and reference and information materials;

exercising control over the timely delivery of periodicals and legal literature by postal bodies, organization of claim work on lacking;

control over the conclusion and execution of contracts for the equipment of the Court reference legal systems: Consultant, Garant, Code (jointly with an informatization specialist).

3.1.5. On the organization of office work and the work of the Archive of the Court (in collaboration with the head of the court office department):

exercising control over the organization of citizens reception by employees of the court apparatus;

organization of checks of the condition of the premises and the magazine of accounting, reception, storage and destruction real evidenceentering the court;

implementation of the control of the equipment (equipped) the premises of the archive of the court, as well as for the organization of its work.

3.1.6. On the organization of medical care of judges and members of their families:

preparation and direction in the judicial department (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts), in the Office of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (administrators of district courts) of changes (additions and exceptions) in the lists of persons subject to insurance;

organization of reception in the court of the representative of the insurance company (no less often 1 time per month);

acceptance of participation in interdepartmental meetings;

timely familiarization of judges (under the painting), including those who are resigning, members of their families with the information of the judicial department on the medical care of the judges of the federal courts of general jurisdiction, magistrates, including those who are resigning, members of their families ";

timely informing about claims to the work of insurance companies for the management of social protection of judges and civil servants of the judicial department (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts), departments (departments) of the judicial department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3.1.7. On the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment of judges and members of their families:

carrying out the collection and generalization of applications of judges to sanatorium-resort treatment;

ensuring the timely issuance of sanatorium vesa vouchers to judges and members of their families, in cases of refusal of vouchers for good reasons - the adoption of timely organizational actions on the transfer of trips to another person who has the right to spa treatment, or a notice of this insurance company;

quarterly presentation in the judicial department (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts), as well as in the management (departments) of the judicial department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional court administrators) reports on the use of sanatorium-resort vouchers, as well as information about compensation for the unused right to sanatorium-resort treatment (at the end of the reporting year);

journal reviews of judges and members of their families about conducted by sanatorium-resort treatment;

timely informing the management of the social protection of judges and civil servants of the judicial department (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts) and the departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional court administrators) on complaints about the work of insurance companies;

timely familiarization of judges (under the painting), including those who are resigning, members of their families with the letter of the judicial department "On the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment of judges of federal courts of general jurisdiction, magistrate, members of their families, resignation judges."

3.1.8. For insurance life and health judges:

informing the insurance company at a 3-day term about the onset of insurance claims (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts) and immediate management (department) of the Judicial Department in the subject of the Russian Federation (regional court administrators), the judge or family member of the judge assistance to collect documents for registration of the insured event followed by their direction to the insurance company;

timely bringing to judges (under the painting) of letters of the judicial department "On insurance of life and health judges".

3.1.9. For the insurance of property of judges:

the timely notice of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic, the regional, regional and equal court (administrator of the Supreme Court of the Republic, the regional, regional and equal court) and the head of the Department (department) in the subject of the Russian Federation (administrator district Court) on the occurrence of the insured event;

assisting in the preparation of the necessary documents;

timely bringing to judges (under the painting) of letters of the judicial department "On the insurance of judges' insurance".

3.1.10. On the organization of logistical support of the court activities:

determination of the court's need for material and technical equipment (stationery, forms, documents, long-term use, consumables, etc.) in the formation of a draft estimate for the next fiscal year in accordance with the approved norms;

participation in the development of competitive documentation for tenders for the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods (works, services) for state needs, monitoring the implementation of prisoners of state contracts, submission of reports on holding contests (for administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional courts, vessels of the cities of federal importance, the autonomous region courts, autonomous districts);

participation in the conclusion and execution of contracts for the supply of goods, provision of services, including utilities;

participation in the compilation of established reports on material and technical applications and submit them to the appropriate division of the judicial department;

securing safety control material values and the timeliness of the reporting of their use;

organization of timely presentation of accounts for paying utilities, keeping current accounting for their receipt.

On the organization of providing vehicles:

determination of the need to meet the steering documents, the organization of accounting of vehicles, spare parts, registration of passport documentation;

organization of the content and operation of service vehicles;

carrying out activities for the maintenance of vehicles in good condition, the organization of the passage of technical inspection, maintenance and repair of service vehicles;

organization of accounting for fuel and lubricants, controlling the write-off of fuel and lubricants in accordance with the established norms;

organization of timely insurance of civil liability of owners vehicle.

On the organization of support for office equipment and communications:

drawing up applications for the purchase of office equipment and communications;

organization of maintenance and repair of office equipment, communications.

On the organization of furniture, safes, metal cabinets and metal produces, household objects, devices, mantle of judges and official uniforms of workers of the court apparatus having a cool rank:

organization of providing service premises of the court furniture, safes, metal cabinets in accordance with the approved standards;

organization of providing existing entips of court buildings in stationary and manual metal producers;

organization of provision of vessels with state-owned symbols in accordance with the approved regulations;

providing judges by mantle and official uniforms of workers of the court apparatus having a cool rank.

3.1.11. On the organization of construction, repair, operation and maintenance of buildings (premises) and court structures:

organization of work on obtaining documents for the decoration of land for the construction of objects;

preparation of documentation on the rationale for the construction and source data to compile the design assignment in the construction of buildings and structures to accommodate ships;

adoption of participation in the work of the Commission on Competitions for the implementation of contractors for the construction and repair of buildings and structures;

acceptance of participation in the work of the Commission on the acceptance of the constructed (repaired) buildings and structures;

monitoring the quality of repair and construction work;

organization of preparing buildings and structures for operation in the autumn-winter period;

implementation of continuous monitoring of the technical, sanitary and hygienic and firepower state of buildings and structures;

keeping accounting for utility consumption in accordance with current regulatory documents, the implementation of control over the timeliness of their payment;

development of an action plan for employees of the court upon occurrence emergencies in buildings (facilities) of the court in working and non-working time;

registration of guidelines for real estate and land ships;

organization of selection, preparation and training of personnel on the protection and maintenance of buildings of the court, leadership of its work (on behalf of the Chairman of the Court).

Administrators of the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts in the construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures of vessels draw up permits for the construction and commissioning of the facility, and also prepare projects of contracts:

with the design institute - to develop design and estimate documentation;

with regional (urban) capital construction management - on the execution of technical testing functions in the development of design and estimate documentation and construction of facilities;

for rental premises;

for utilities and other business needs;

contract for repair and construction work.

3.1.12. For the development of a draft estimates of the court:

collection and generalization of proposals for all structural divisions of the Court (with the participation of economic services) to form a cost estimate of the court for the next fiscal year;

formation of a draft estimate of the court in accordance with the instructions on the application of the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and with the allocation of existing (current financing) and the obligations received (additional funds);

representation of a draft estimate of the Court to the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (administrators of the Supreme Courts of the Republic, regional, regional and equal courts), management (department) of the Judicial Department in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation (regional court administrators).

3.1.13. On monitoring compliance with labor protection rules, domestic labor regulations and safety equipment:

organization of working conditions and workplace of employees of the court apparatus.

3.1.14. In cooperation with advocate, law enforcement and other government agencies on the issues of court activities:

organization of interaction with the federal bailiff service for activities aimed at ensuring the established procedure for the activities of courts and the adoption of security measures during court sessions, the procedure for the protection of court buildings, deliberative rooms and judicial premises;

organization of interaction with convoy departments on the timely conventionation of the defendants in court sessions;

organization of interaction with postal bodies on timely delivery of judicial correspondence;

other organizational measures to ensure the activities of the Court in accordance with the instructions of the Chairman of the Court.

3.1.15. The court administrator must:

quarterly develop a plan of its work, as well as to participate in the preparation of the work plan in terms of organizational support of the court, organization of office work and the work of the archive;

to prepare and promptly submit to the Chairman of the Court and the Head of Management (Division) of the Judicial Department in the Subject of the Russian Federation Reports on the implementation of planned activities;

comply with the rules and procedures for working with documents, deadlines and quality of their execution;

in collaboration with the head (chief specialist), the department for the office work to organize the office work and the work of the archive, to provide employees of the court to consultative assistance in their activities;

comply with the rules of internal labor regulations established in court;

to carry out other orders of the Chairman of the Court and the Head of Management (Division) of the Judicial Department in the subject of the Russian Federation;

comply with the norms of service, professional ethics and rules of business behavior; In the threat of the occurrence of the conflict of interest to report this to the direct supervisor and to fulfill its decision aimed at preventing or resolving this conflict of interest.

3.2. Administrator's rights.

improve your professional level.

3.3. The responsibility of the court administrator.

3.3.1. The court administrator carries responsibility for non-fulfillment by the legislation of the Russian Federation for non-fulfillment or improper performance of official duties, for non-compliance with restrictions and prohibitions related to civil service, as well as for:

actions or inaction leading to violation of the rights or legitimate interests of citizens;

disclosure of information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties;

the late fulfillment of tasks, orders, orders and instructions of supervisors in the procedure of subordination of managers, with the exception of illegal.

3.3.2. According to Article 15 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the court administrator carries a disciplinary, civil or criminal liability in accordance with federal legislation in the event of an unlawful order.

The decision to improve the activities of administrators of federal courts of general jurisdiction adopted the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, the press service of the Council reports.

The document, in particular, notes that the conditions for the administrators of the courts of civil service vessels are established by the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", as well as decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 1574 "On Approval of the Register of Positions of the Federal State Civil Service", according to which the position of the court administrator is attributed to the leading group of the "Managers category".

The court administrator is endowed with a significant circle of responsibilities and powers in the organization of court activities.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 7-FZ "On the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation", the position of administrator of the court was introduced into the system of the judicial department for the comprehensive provision of the activities of the courts.

The purpose of the creation of this institution was to liberate the chairmen of the courts from the fulfillment of themselves obligations on organizational support of the activities of courts that are not directly related to the implementation of justice.

The study of the information submitted by the Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts, the departments (departments) of the Judicial Department, made it possible to identify a number of typical problematic issues related to the definition legal status and the official position of the court administrator, which can be conventionally partially divided into the following groups: the duality of the Officer; the need to change the system of selection of candidates for a position (change in qualifying requirements); uneven distribution of responsibilities and competence limits (empowering authority and administrative powers, the right signature of financial documents), duplication of powers of other employees of the court apparatus; the need for subordinate personnel; an increase in monetary content, changing the wage system; Raise qualification level and other problem issues.

According to the analysis of information for the introduction of administrators to the state and submission to the Chairman of the Court, most representatives spoke judicial system Subjects of the Russian Federation, namely: 87% of the regional and equal courts, as well as 48% of the departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to 52 Supreme Courts of the republics, regional, regional and equal courts, as well as 59 administrations (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to change the system of personnel selection of administrators depending on the activities with the definition of the formation of the form of education that the applicant should have administrator's position; translation of the administrator's position to the main group of the "Managers" category with the assignment of the class not lower than the adviser to Justice 2 or Grade 1.

The authority of the court administrator marked in the Federal Law on the Judicial Department, typical official regulations, as well as in the methodological recommendations of the organization of administrators, are unnecessarily broad and largely lead to the duplication of the work of the relevant structural divisions of the court and individual workers of the court. In this regard, it is proposed to exclude in particular from the administrator functions to the organization of judicial proceedings, statistics and archives.

It was also proposed to implement a phased transfer to the administrator of the functions of the court chairman - first economic (the right of financial signature), then the authority and administrative (management of the court apparatus).

It has been suggested about the need for a differentiated approach to the establishment of the monetary content of the administrator, depending on the composition of the court.

For the effective implementation of diverse activities, the administrator is subject to consideration and the issue of advanced training by organizing centralized learning for the corresponding directions.

Given the importance of the legal status of administrators of the Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction, the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation decided to entrust the Working Group under the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation on the improvement of administrators' activities and measures to improve its effectiveness created by the Decision of the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2009 No. 200, continue to work on improving the activities of administrators of federal courts of general jurisdiction.

Today in the courts - a real boom. Never before was not so many people. If you believe the statistics, then every second resident of Russia passes through our courts. Someone as a witness, someone - the victim, someone - the plaintiff or the defendant.

But still often not trial, and simply visiting the court for any need turns into a nervous and difficult task. Where is the "one window" where the coming person could contact and here get all the necessary services? In fact, the reform of justice implies such a person, and it is called the court administrator.

At different times, this new post has already appeared in different courts. It was introduced with the status of the federal state employee. I remember well the first set of administrators of district courts of St. Petersburg - the competition turned out to be huge. Most of the selection of the lucky ones were with higher education. But not only it was important. These were officers dismissed in the reserve from the army and law enforcement, competent and serious people.

At first everything went great. Administrators became a real link between the management of district courts and the Office of the Judicial Department in St. Petersburg. Then the new generation of office equipment came to the equipment of the vessels, new furniture. Planned began to pass the capital and current repairs of buildings ... In general, the judges, and visitors saw real care.

But, will be honest, the results of the work of the court administrators would be much higher if they had a clear status in court and normal salary, indeed, the federal civil servant. Now the situation has been created: the court administrator is listed in the department of the judicial department, and works in court. It turns out that its powers prescribed in the law "On the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation" (from 01/08/1998 N7-FZ), the administrator in court, tell the legal language, is unlawful. If it is easier to say, the law has not defined the new employee of the immediate boss.

In recent years, no improvement has happened in a position with administrators. Although, according to elementary logic, this is one of the "bricks" of judicial reform.

In the past, 2003 in our city had sharply increased staff turnover: it was the staff of the courts of vessels. The main reason is the abolition of compensation for food packs and a 50 percent discount in departure for housing and utilities. Instead of canceled benefits, nothing was. So it came out that from a rather modest salary, the administrator lost on average 1000 rubles. And this is exactly one third of earnings.

The result of the framework of the frames - today's administrator of the court does not know all the secretaries of the court by the name, patronymic, as was made two years ago. And the administrators themselves often simply do not have time to remember in the face, because, having come to court and learning about working conditions and earnings, they almost immediately write statements about leaving. This is already repelled at the level of proceedings, and tomorrow can affect the safety of the court.

In such a hopeless situation, administrators of district courts began to appoint crops and other specialists without legal education. In some vessels, the responsibility of the administrator part-time is performed by the assistants of judges. We have become a winged expression: "The era of the colonels in the courts ended." On the competition of candidates for the "chair" of the administrator, everyone has already become forgotten.

Recently, a group of American lawyers visited the Department of American Lawyers. Were in the group and administrators of the courts. From our overseas colleagues, we found out that the administrator in the American court is a reputable head of employees who organize legal proceedings. Knowing the whole procedure, he controls it, affects the deadlines and quality of the execution of court cases. And the local administrator is a bit of the manager. It provides a small income from the provision of services to citizens.

I. Koryakin, Head of the Department of Judicial Department in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

For the successful implementation of tasks on the full support of the work of the courts, it was necessary to create a certain link, which would not only see, so to speak, the situation from inside, to respond to the most pressing and acute problems arising in the process of functioning the court, but, above all, Release the chairmen of the courts from the fulfillment of the unusual administrative duties. Such a link and gradually administrators of the courts are becoming gradually. On the one hand, they are employees of the judicial department system, and on the other, they work under the direct leadership of the Chairman of the Court.

Federal Law of January 8, 1998 "On the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation" provides for posts - "Administrator of the Supreme Court of the Republic (regional court, the regional court, the court of the city of the Federal Region, the Court of Autonomous Region, the Autonomous Okrug)" and "administrator of the district court ". The administrator is a civil servant of the Judicial Department system at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, directly implementing the tasks of the Judicial Department for organizing the activities of the relevant court of general jurisdiction.

The named legislative act clearly defines the procedure for the appointment of administrators of the courts, the list of their official functions, subordination and controlling. At the same time, the questions of the implementation of their powers in cooperation with the departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are set out in law only in the general form.

In the federal law of January 8, 1998, the administrator's powers are delineated quite wide. He takes measures to organizational support for the court, the preparation and conduct of the court sessions; interacts with the advocate, law enforcement and other government bodies on the activities of the court; takes measures to ensure appropriate material and living conditions for judges and employees of the court office, as well as their medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment; Provides judges and employees of the court office by regulatory legal acts, legal literature, benefits and reference and informational materials; makes information and legal support for the court's activities; organizes judicial statistics, office work and the work of the archive; Organizes the protection of buildings, premises and other property of the court inheritance; ensures uninterrupted work of the transport of the court and means of communication, the work of the economic service; Organizes the construction of buildings, as well as the repair and technical equipment of buildings and premises of the court; Develops a draft estimates of the court costs, approved by the Chairman of the Court, and submits it to the appropriate division of the judicial department or management (department) of the Judicial Department in the Federation Subject; Carries out other measures to ensure the activities of the court.

The implementation of these powers implies the fulfillment of a number of duties related to daily work to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the Court. for exampleThe work of the administrator for organizational support and court sessions includes such events: monthly preparation of the overall schedule of court sessions on the court; Weekly control of the number of discussed, deferred, discontinued, aimed at the jurisdiction of cases, as well as challenges of the participants in the process, folk and jury at the court session and the preparation of relevant information to the Chairman of the Court; Interaction with the senior bailiff of the corresponding division of bailiffs on security issues during court sessions, delivery of the defendants and forced drive persons who did not appear at the court hearing; Preparation of court fees for work and much more.

In this regard, a number of organizationally arranged before the management of the judicial department in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) legal tasksthat need to be addressed. This, for example, the organization of the working time of administrators; determination of the main qualitative parameters of their work planning; practical development of the system of interaction of administrators both with employees of various services of vessels and judicial departments in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); finding the optimal ratio of the subordination of administrators to the chairpersons of the relevant courts with their simultaneous control of the judicial department; Search for an optimal model of professional training of court administrators.

Thus, the court administrator is called up to perform a double function - to release the time of the judge necessary for judicial activities, and make a professional management level in judicial activity. In courts where administrative support is insufficient, the judges have to distribute time for the execution of judicial and administrative functions. In the flareform conditions of the increasing load, judges remain a little time to solve everyday organizational issues and develop new procedures that contribute to the improvement of the process of administration of justice. A positive impact on judicial activities and its financing can be the participation of the administrator in coordinating work processes, the development of the tasks of the court, making changes to the distribution of the load, managing the personnel system, the distribution and use of federal budget funds.

There is no need to prove that the steady following the standards of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws, sub-laws and regulations is one of the main factors for the success of the administrator's activities, which, in turn, requires certain professional qualities and skills in conducting an audit process.

In the process of implementing the Federal Law "On the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation" and the order of the Director General of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2000 "On the introduction of the court administrator's office and improving the effectiveness of the Organization for the activities of federal courts of general jurisdiction" In our republic, 35 administrators of district and urban courts have begun.

When selecting administrators of the courts, the requirements of the Federal Law "On the Foundations public service Russian Federation".

The conditions for implementing the administrator of its powers are made up of several components. This is the presence of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, as well as personal qualities that create the motivation of its successful work; the presence of appropriate conditions for the implementation of its powers; Directory impact on the part of the Chairman of the Court and the Office of the Judicial Department in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Let us dwell in more detail on the listed components from which the main tasks and ways to solve them flow.

The axis is the thesis that the success of any case, first of all, depends on how much the person is engaged in, has sufficient knowledge, skills and skills, as well as personal qualities. In the situation under consideration, a significant imprint on the requirements imposed on the candidate for the position of administrator of the court is imposed that the spectrum of its powers is so wide, and the tasks solved by them are so diverse that a universal specialist is required with knowledge in various areas of activity.

According to regulatory documents, the position of the court administrator is attributed to the senior state positions of the Federal State Service category "B". The following qualification requirements are presented to it: Higher vocational education in the specialty; experience and experience in specialty at least three years; The necessary level of knowledge of laws in relation to the execution of official duties.

If we take into account the fact that a number of district courts are located in settlements where people with higher education are not so much, but those that are usually already have a job, the field to search for a worthy candidate is small. Taking into account the fact that according to Art. On January 8, 1998, the administrator is appointed by the head of the judicial department in the subject of the Federation to submit the chairman of the relevant court, the development of the above recommendations for the selection of candidates for the position of administrators is one of the management tasks.

The work carried out by our Office was reflected in the methodological recommendations for the selection of candidates for the position of administrator of the district and urban court, which in January 2002, together with the appropriate order, were sent to the court for implementation. Practice has shown that, if neither the preparation of a candidate for a position, the execution of such specific job responsibilities requires both initial learning and a constant increase in the professional level in the subsequent. The organization and holding of this study fully falls on the Office of the Judicial Department. The heads of management departments systematize information and prepare administrators training plans in the required amount. Another important component is the presence of appropriate conditions for implementing the administrator of its powers.

Such essential professional targets obliged us to develop effective measures to organizational support of administrators, so that they do not turn into ordinary "zerkozov" so that the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing the post administrator's post is not compromised.

In this regard, when organizing the work of the administrator, I had to solve issues related to ensuring the sequence of combining these functions, i.e. With the planning of the administrator's work. The study of the provisions of the law governing his work allows us to conclude that the implementation of its powers largely involves the use of employees of the court apparatus. Chairmen of the courts, based on the specific situation, the presence in the state of the younger service personnel, carried out the distribution of the entire complex of tasks, solved in the process of daily activities between employees, which was reflected in their functional duties.

As already mentioned, one of the components is the guide impact on this category of employees from the chairmen of the courts and the management apparatus. This task is solved by developing and directed in the courts of guidelines for specific areas of work; setting specific issues requiring decisions and control over their execution; Analysis of the results of work and the development of recommendations aimed at improving them. As it turned out, the chairmen of some vessels have their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of the administrator. Sometimes this presentation does not fully comply with the requirements contained in the law, which puts one more task before the management - conducting outreach with the chairmen of the courts aimed at a clear definition of the administrator's place and establish the right relationship between them.

Analysis of administrators has highlighted several problems requiring decisions. In particular, the ownership of administrators to the states of the judicial departments in the subjects of the Federation is a lot of complaints. They are associated with the double subordination of administrators - on the one hand, the chairman of the relevant court, and on the other hand in the form of controlling the management (department) of the Judicial Department. The existing position in which the administrator consists in the state of the divisions of the Judicial Department, and in the exercise of its functions is subject to the Chairman of the Court, while employees of all other services of the court office consist in the state of this court and are subject to his chairman, creates difficulties in the relationship between administrator and employees of the court apparatus. There are also a lot of questions related to the procedure for accounting for their working time, accrual and payment of monetary content, the provision of vacations, the imposition and imposition of recovery, dismissal from office, etc.

It is also impossible not to mention that the title name - "administrator" causes a psychological rejection of a significant number of courts and employees of the judicial department system. It seems, it decesses and accruses the role of this specialist. It seems appropriate to replace the name "court administrator" to another, more relevant to the nature of the tasks and the functions carried out by this official (for example, the court coordinator).

The diversity of the powers of the court administrator, the branching of the organizational mechanisms of their implementation, some uncertainty of official status and the novelty of this institute require adjustments during practical work. However, today it is possible to state with complete confidence: in spite of everything, the Institute of Court administrators has been created and is actively operating, creating conditions for the effective adventure of justice.

Administrator functions

Court administrator:

1) takes measures to organizational support for the activities of the Court, the preparation and conduct of the court sessions;

2) interacts with the advocate, law enforcement and other government agencies on the activities of the court;

3) takes measures to ensure appropriate material and domestic conditions for judges and workers of the court office, as well as their medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment;

4) Provides judges and workers of the office of the court by regulatory legal acts, legal literature, benefits and reference and informational materials;

5) carries out information and legal support for the court's activities; organizes judicial statistics, office work and the work of the archive;

6) organizes the protection of the building, premises and other property of the court inheritance; ensures uninterrupted work of the transport of the court and means of communication, the work of the economic service;

7) organizes the construction of buildings, as well as the repair and technical equipment of buildings and court premises;

8) Develops a draft estimates of the court expenses approved by the Chairman of the Court, and submits it to the appropriate division of the judicial department or management (department) of the Judicial Department;

9) carries out other measures to ensure the activities of the court.

Official duties of the leading specialist (head office)

The head of the Office refers to the category of executives, is accepted and dismissed by the order of the Chairman of the Court for the Representation (Deputy Chairman of the Court, other officer). A person who has a higher education is appointed to the position of head of the office without presentation of the work on experience or secondary special education and work on office work for at least three years. The head of the Office is subject to the director of the enterprise (Deputy Director, other official).

In its activities, the head of the Office is guided:

legislation and regulatory documents on office work issues;

b methodological documents of higher authorities relating to the organization of office work;

b by the Charter of the Court;

b Orders and orders of the Chairman of the Court;

lE job instruction.

Head of the Office should know:

b regulatory legal acts, methodological and other guidelines on the organization of office work;

b one state system office work;

b standards of a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

b structure of the court;

b Organization of office work at the enterprise;

b schemes of document management;

b The procedure for drawing up a nomenclature of cases, describing the cases of continuous and temporary storage, established reports;

l dates and order of delivery of cases in the archive;

b systems for organizing controls for the execution of documents;

b office equipment and other means of mechanization of managerial labor;

b rules of the internal labor regulation;

b labor legislation.

Functions of the head of the stationery.

The following functions are assigned to the head of the office:

1. Organization of the office of the Office;

2. Implementation of monitoring the timing of the execution of documents and their proper design;

3. Ensuring the appropriate mode of access to documents and the use of information contained in it;

4. Implementation of the methodological guidance of office work in the enterprise divisions, control over the right formation, storage and timely delivery of cases in the archive, preparation of information on the fulfillment of the timing of the execution of documents.

Official duties of the head of the Office.

To perform the functions assigned to it, the head of the Office is obliged:

1. To ensure timely processing of the incoming and sent correspondence, its delivery for its intended purpose;

2. To monitor the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution;

3. Organize registration work, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural divisions of the documents of the current office work, including orders and orders of management, for the formation of cases and for their deposit;

4. Develop instructions for conducting office work;

5. Take measures to ensure employees of the office work service with the necessary instructive and reference materials, as well as inventory, equipment, office equipment, technical means of managerial labor;

6. Provide printing and reproduction of service documents;

7. Participate in the preparation of the convened meetings and organize them maintenance, registration of travel documents, registration of workers arriving on a business trip to the enterprise;

8. Take part in the development and implementation of new technological processes with documents, improving automated information systems and technologies (taking into account the use of computing equipment);

9. Develop and organize activities to improve the activities of the Office;

10. Conduct work on the protection of information constituting the state, commercial and official secrets.