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FZ on fire safety. FZ on fire safety about fire safety 69

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ
About fire safety
(as amended on August 22, 1995, April 18, 1996, January 24, 1998, November 7, December 27, 2000, August 6, December 30, 2001, July 25, 2002, January 10, 2003 ., May 10, June 29, 2004)

This Federal Law determines the general legal, economic and social foundations for ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation, regulates the relationship between government bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, other legal entities regardless of their Organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership (hereinafter - enterprises), as well as between public associations, officials, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

Ensuring fire safety is one of the most important functions of the state.

Chapter I. General
Article 1. Basic concepts
Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on Fire Safety
Article 3. Fire Safety System
Chapter II. Fire security
Article 4. Types and main tasks of fire protection
Article 5. State Fire Service
Article 6. State Fireman Supervision
Article 7. Personal composition of the State Fire Service
Article 8. Guarantees of legal and social protection of the personnel of the State Fire Service
Article 9. Compulsory public personal insurance and reimbursement of damage in the event of death (death) of employees, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service or the receipt of injury
Article 10. Financial and logistical support in the field of fire safety
Article 11. Fire Protection Property
Article 12. Departmental Fire Protection
Article 13. Voluntary Fire Protection
Article 14. Fire Protection Associations
Article 15. Representative office
Chapter III. Powers of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the field of fire safety
Article 16. Powers of federal state bodies in the field of fire safety
Article 17. Powers of federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety
Article 18. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety
Article 19. Powers of local self-government authorities in the field of fire safety
Chapter IV. Ensuring fire safety
Article 20. Regulatory legal regulation in the field of fire safety
Article 21. Development and implementation of fire safety measures
Article 22. Fire extinguishing
Article 23. Manufacture of fire and technical products
Article 24. Performance and provision of services in the field of fire safety
Article 25. Firefire Propaganda and Training Fire Safety Measures
Article 26. Information support in the field of fire safety
Article 27. Accounting for fires and their consequences
Article 28. Fire Insurance
Article 30. Special fire fighting regime
Article 31. Scientific and technical support of fire safety
Article 33. Certification
Chapter V. Rights, Responsibilities and Responsibility in Fire Safety
Article 34. Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of fire safety
Article 35. Responsibilities of federal executive bodies and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety
Article 36. Responsibilities of local self-government bodies in the field of fire safety
Article 37. Rights and obligations of enterprises in the field of fire safety
Article 38. Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements
Article 39. Administrative responsibility of enterprises
Chapter VI. Final provisions
Article 40. Entry into force of this Federal Law
Article 41. Running regulatory legal acts in accordance with this Federal Law
Article 42. Ensuring the execution of this Federal Law

In one way or another fire condition of the territories of Russia is considered in different FZ, which federal law determines the basics of support? All basic provisions extended by subsequently regulatory additions are formed in. It regulates all actions and procedures for fire safety in the Russian Federation, including legal and organizational relations between the State Statistics, legal entities, institutions, services and citizens. The subject of fire safety every year is becoming increasingly relevant, so the standards are constantly updated and specified.

Federal Law No. 69 on fire safety consists of 6 chapters. The first section is general, it describes the content of the law. Here are the basic provisions, the terms with definitions are proposed. The first chapter also contains the following information:

  • the number and list of laws, acts, decisions and other documents regulating PPB;
  • the fire system, a complex of measures and the combination of principles aimed at preventing measures, as well as actions at emergencies are formulated.

Already in the aqueous part, priority is determined - these are proactive measures aimed at relieving the risks of fire.

Important! It was in the direction of preventive measures to the law amended, refinement and adjustments. In the same way, actual threats were taken, in order to adequately level the situation.

The subsequent text of FZ No. 69 on fire safety explains the directions of the fire system separately:

  • Second chapter. It describes the structure of fire safety, its goals, mission and tasks. Separately spelled out the categories: from the state industry to private protection. The list is indicated: composition, its rights, appointment and responsibilities, features of financing, supply of special equipment and social protection. The sequence of registration and prescription to services of various levels is established.
  • Third chapter. This section describes that fire safety authorities, which or level they are, have a large volume of pursuit. They are charged with instances and services due to the fact that the health and well-being of citizens depends on their actions. The chapter contains four articles, in each of which the powers and measure of the responsibility of each body and each service, professionally engaged in fire safety.
  • Fourth chapter. It regulates the activities that are aimed at preventing, preventing and extinguishing fires. Requirements for the development of new more efficient fire extinguishing facilities are established, they are engaged in scientific and technical organizations under the guidance of special bodies. The procedure for research and implementation of new means and ways to extinguish fires and rescue people are prescribed.
  • Fifth chapter. The section is devoted to the rights and obligations of citizens to prevent, prevent and extinguishing fires. The circle of persons whose actions are subject to responsibility. These are citizens whose actions caused fires, whose non-participation in the complex of fire fighting measures was indirectly caused by the emergence of fire.
  • Sixth chapter. The final section includes additional information and requirements, as well as the terms of the implementation of the law.

The development of FZ for fire safety regulates only the Constitution of Russia. Other acts and laws complement and clarify.

It should be understood. Despite the fact that this law is fundamental, its provisions can be adjusted by other acts and regulations, depending on the situation under consideration. Contributive situations are discussed at court sessions.

Recent changes in the law "On Fire Safety"

Today, Law No. 69 of the Federal Law On Fire Safety Amendments is a holistic document in which each detail has been developed. The last adjustment was made in 2017:

  • in the last edition, the list of organizations and institutions is abolished, which implies that the responsibility for fire safety lies on all Yul and FL;
  • articles 1, 6, 25 and 34, individual formulations were adjusted, according to general legislative changes;
  • article 1 has changed the regulations for conducting an independent assessment and the authority of experts and the measure of their responsibility has been refined;
  • in Art 199, control and regulation of fire safety measures and the development of evacuation routes before creating and learning volunteers, they are responsible for extinguishing the fire and rescue people in emergency;
  • in Article 20, 8 part of the law on fire safety was added, which for scientific and technical innovation centers cancels the total FZ for PPB and translates them under the action of FZ No. 216, other objects remain under the action of FZ No. 69, which is monitored and regulated by the government agencies, All additional requirements are developed under the guidance of the Russian government;
  • article 22 refer to the actions and their sequence during emergency situations, the implementation of rescue measures regarding various categories of saved objects - people, animals, movable and real estate, the federal authorities produce general control, firefighters are obliged to travel to all challenges, as well as in their powers There is an object where they can prohibit entry to any citizen, including officials;
  • article 24 complemented a list of equipment and means of fire extinguishing;
  • in Article 25 of the Federal Law on Fire Safety obliges the bodies of any level and division of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in every possible way to promote precautions to prevent fire, to conduct classes for a fire and technical minimum, the sequence of training in institutions, organizations and commercial enterprises is also specified, executive authorities;
  • instead of article 28, the Federal Law No. 122 continues;
  • article 30 describes in detail the regulations of the special regime, when the danger of fire is increasing in the territory, at this time the fire fighting measures are increasing for orders, up to complete prohibitions to the population to attend forest arrays.

Fire safety classes by employees by the organization and enterprises can be carried out either directly in the workplace, or in special educational sites, depending on the program being studied.

The rights of Russian citizens in the field of fire safety are established in 34 article:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to protect their lives and their property;
  • during the fires, citizens are allowed to receive information on the protection of life and property, and the effectiveness of the activities carried out;
  • take place participation in the actions of the investigative authorities regarding the reasons for fire;
  • participation in volunteer groups that help professional firefighters to eliminate emergencies.

FZ No. 69 was developed to form the safety of citizens who, as well as persons who stay in Russia, are obliged to adhere to the measures prescribed to them. Enterprises and people who ignore the approved provisions are responsible for their entire severity. And once again it is necessary to recall that preventive measures are priority.

Evaluated: 1 person

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety"

Chapter I. General Provisions (Article. 1 - 3)

Chapter II. Fire Protection (Art. 4 - 15)

Chapter III. Powers of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the field of fire safety (Article 16 - 19)

Chapter IV. Ensuring fire safety (Art. 20 - 33)

Chapter V. Rights, Responsibilities and Responsibility in Fire Safety (Article. 34 - 39)

Chapter VI. Final provisions on emergency rescue services and rescuer status See federal law of August 22, 1995 N 151-FZ (Article. 40 - 42)

This Federal Law determines the general legal, economic and social foundations for ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation, regulates the relationship between government bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, other legal entities regardless of their Organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership (hereinafter - enterprises), as well as between public associations, officials, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

Ensuring fire safety is one of the most important functions of the state.

Chapter I. General

Article 1. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following concepts are applied:
Fire safety - the state of the security of the personality, property, society and the states from fires;
Fire - uncontrolled burning, causing material damage, harm of the life and health of citizens, the interests of society and the state;
Fire safety requirements - Special conditions for social and (or) technical nature, established in order to ensure fire safety by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents or an authorized state body;
violation of fire safety requirements - non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of fire safety requirements;
fire regime - rules for the behavior of people, the procedure for organizing production and (or) content of premises (territories), ensuring preventing violations of fire safety requirements and extinguishing fires;
Fire safety measures - fire safety actions, including on the fulfillment of fire safety requirements;
Fire Protection - a set of management, forces and funds established in the established manner, including fire-fighting formations intended for the organization of fire prevention and their extinguishing, conducting priority emergency rescue work;
The priority rescue work, related to fire extinguishing, is the fighting of fire protection for the rescue of people, property, the first prefigible assistance to victims in fires;
Fire and Technical Products - Special Technical, Scientific and Technical and Intelligent Products, designed to provide fire safety, including fire equipment and equipment, fire equipment, fire extinguishing and fire retardants, specialized and controls, programs for electronic computing machines and bases data, as well as other means of preventing and extinguishing fires;
See the list of fire and technical products, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 18, 1996 N 33 Garnison of Fire Protection - a set of deployed on a certain territory of management bodies, divisions of fire protection, fire and technical research institutions and fire and technical educational institutions, other fire-prevention formations intended to extend fires regardless of their departmental affiliation and ownership forms.

Article 2. The legislation of the Russian Federation on Fire Safety The Legislation of the Russian Federation on Fire Safety is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and includes this Federal Law, which is made in accordance with it federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Regulating fire safety issues. The legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation does not act in a part establishing lower than this Federal Law, fire safety requirements.

Article 3. Fire Safety System

The fire safety system is a combination of forces and means, as well as measures of legal, organizational, economic, social and scientific and technical nature, aimed at combating fires.

The main elements of the fire safety system are state authorities, local governments, enterprises, citizens participating in ensuring fire safety in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main functions of the fire safety system:
regulatory legal regulation and implementation of government fire safety measures;
creating fire protection and organizing its activities;
development and implementation of fire safety measures;
implementation of rights, responsibilities and responsibilities in the field of fire safety;
Conducting fire propaganda and training of fire safety measures;
promoting the activities of voluntary firefighters and fire protection associations, attracting the population to ensure fire safety; Scientific and technical support of fire safety;
informational support in the field of fire safety;
the implementation of the state fire supervision and other control functions for ensuring fire safety;
production of fire and technical products;
work and provision of services in the field of fire safety;
Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-ФЗ In paragraph, the thirteenth part of the third article 3 of this Law made changes, see the text of paragraph in the previous edition Licensing of fire safety activities (hereinafter - licensing) and certification of products and services in the field of fire safety (hereinafter referred to as certification);
Fire insurance, the establishment of tax breaks and the implementation of other measures of social and economic stimulation of fire safety;
extinguishing fires and carrying themselves priority emergency rescue work (hereinafter - extinguishing fires); accounting of fires and their consequences;
Establish a special fire regime. Bzuo licensing activities in the field of fire safety, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2002 N 373

Chapter II. Fire security

Article 4. Types and main tasks of fire protection

Fireguard is divided into the following types:
State Fire Service;
departmental fire protection;
Voluntary fire protection;
Combining fire protection.

The main tasks of fire security in the field of fire safety are:
Organization of fire prevention;
Fire extinguishing.

The fire protection is not attracted to the actions to prevent, eliminate socio-political, interethnic conflicts and mass riots. See the Charter of the Fire Protection Service and the Martial Charter of the Fire Protection, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of July 5, 1995 No. 257 by the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ in Article 5 of this Federal Law, see the text of the article in the previous Editorial

Article 5. State Fire Service

The State Fire Services is the main type of fire protection and is part of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Eliminate Disasters as a single independent operational service.

State Fire Service:
organizes the development and implementation of state measures, regulatory regulation in the field of fire safety;
Organizes and carries out the state fire supervision in the Russian Federation;
Organizes and implements in the prescribed manner the protection of settlements and enterprises from fires, other works and services in the field of fire safety;
provides and exercises fires;
carries out financial and logistical support of the activities of the Offices and units of the State Fire Service;
coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection;
develops and organizes the implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;
Preparations, retraining and advanced training of frames for fire protection.

Other tasks on the state fire service can only be assigned to federal law.

The system of state fire service includes:
Federal Office of the State Fire Service;
Fire and Technical Research Institutions and Fire and Technical Accombs Institutions;
Special and military units of the State Fire Service and their management bodies;
Territorial bodies of the State Fire State Service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
Divisions of the State Fire Service and their management bodies, as well as enterprises of the State Fire Service.

The federal government department of the State Fire Service is an independent operational structural unit of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Disaster Proceedings, which leads the system of state fire service.

In accordance with this Federal Law, the federal government department of the State Fire Service has the powers of the Federal Overview of Russia in the field of fire safety, is a state customer of fire and technical products, the central body of the certification system.

Fire and Technical Research Institutions - Research establishments in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Eliminate Disaster Consequences, created in order to study and solve problems in the field of fire safety.

Fire and technical educational institutions - educational institutions in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Consequences, created in order to prepare specialists for fire protection.

Special and military units of the State Fire Service and their management bodies are subordinated to the Federal State Fire Service Office directly and are intended to organize fire prevention and their extinguishing in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as on particularly important and registered enterprises, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation at the proposal of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation for Fire Safety, created in accordance with Article 35 of this Federal Law.

Territorial governing bodies of the State Fire Services, created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are independent operational bodies of the State Fire Service, which are members of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Eliminate Disasters. These bodies lead the activities of departments of the State Fire Services stationed in the relevant territories, with the exception of units directly subordinated to the Federal Office of the State Fire Service.

Departments of the State Fire Services are:
Territorial units created in order to organize fire prevention and their extinguishing in settlements;
Object units created in order to organize fire prevention and their extinguishing in enterprises;
Specialized units created in extinguishing major fires.

Enterprises of the State Fire Service - enterprises created in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to the State Fire Office.

The procedure for the organization, reorganization, liquidation and content of the management bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service is determined by the Regulations on the State Fire Service approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ in Article 6 of this Federal Law, amended, see the text of the article in the previous edition

Article 6. State Fireman Supervision

State Fireman Supervision is a special type of state supervisory activities carried out by officials of the management bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service in order to control compliance with the requirements of fire safety and suppress their violations. On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in conducting state control (supervision), see the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 134-FZ Head Fe

the Deeral Offense of the State Fire Service, heads of the territorial authorities of the State Fire Service, created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are simultaneously respectively the main state inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision and the main state inspectors of the constituent entities of the Fire Supervision.

The list of positions of the personnel of the State Fire Service and the corresponding rights and obligations to implement the state fire supervision determines the chief state inspector of the Russian Federation on fire supervision. See the list of positions of the personnel of the State Firefire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Consequences and their respective rights and obligations to implement the State Fire Supervision, approved by the EMERCOM of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2002 N 302

Officials of the governing and divisions of the State Fire Service in the implementation of the State Fireman Supervision are entitled:
organize the development, approve independently or jointly with the federal executive bodies of mandatory regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as regulatory documents regulating the procedure for the development, production and operation of fire and technical products;
to carry out public fireman supervision of compliance with fire safety requirements by federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, enterprises, as well as officials and citizens;
submit to the federal executive authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government proposals for the implementation of fire safety measures;
conduct surveys and checks of territories, buildings, structures, facilities of enterprises and other objects, including inoperative time, in order to control compliance with the requirements of fire safety and suppress their violations;
Employed in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in residential and other premises, on land plots of citizens in the presence of reliable data on violation of fire safety requirements, creating a threat to the emergence of fire and (or) people's safety;
Participate with the right of a decisive voice in the work of commissions on the selection of sites (tracks) of construction, as well as commissions for the acceptance of completed construction (reconstruction) of objects;
consider and coordinate in part compliance with the requirements of fire safety urban planning and design and estimate documentation for construction, overhaul, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings, structures and other facilities with reasonable deviations from the current fire safety requirements or in the absence of these requirements;
conduct in enterprises performing project and design and survey work, selective checks in terms of compliance with the design and design and estimate documentation by the requirements of fire safety;
To give the managers of enterprises, officials and citizens compulsory to fulfill the prescription to eliminate violations of fire safety requirements, ensuring fire safety of goods (works, services), withdrawal, discontinuation of the issue and suspension of the sale of goods (services, services) that do not meet the requirements of fire safety ;
Suspend fully or partially the work of enterprises (individual industries), production sites, aggregates, operations of buildings, structures, premises, conducting certain types of work when identifying violations of fire safety requirements, creating a threat to the occurrence of fire and (or) of people's safety, as well as in case of non-compliance these requirements in the design, construction, overhaul, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, buildings, structures and other objects;
to be carried out in accordance with the current legislation in the event of fire affairs and on violations of fire safety requirements; call into bodies and divisions of the State Fire Department of Officials and Citizens on the Fires Affairs and Materials on Fires, to receive the necessary explanations, certificates, documents and copies of them;
In accordance with the current legislation, administrative recovery on citizens and legal entities, including manufacturers (performers, sellers), for violating fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safety, including evade from execution or late execution of prescriptions and Resolutions of officials of the State Fire Service.

Territorial governments and divisions of the State Firefire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Affairs and register applications, communications and other information about crimes and administrative offenses related to fires, and are obliged to take appropriate measures in a timely manner, stipulated by law.

Officials of the Offices and Divisions of the State Fire Services in the implementation of state fire supervision at facilities that are owned by foreign legal entities or enterprises with foreign investment, enjoy the rights established by this article.

The State Fireman Supervision in the forests is carried out by the federal service authorities of Russia, and on underground facilities and in the conduct of explosive work - the bodies of the federal mining and industrial oversight of Russia.

Instructions and disposal of higher officials of the management bodies and divisions of the State Fire Services are mandatory for the execution by lower officials of the Office and Divisions of the State Fire Service in the exercise of the State Fire Supervision. In this case, the intervention of other officials in their activity is not allowed. Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ in this federal law amended, see the text of the article in the previous edition.

Chapter IV. Ensuring fire safety

Article 20. Regulatory legal regulation in the field of fire safety

Regulatory legal regulation in the field of fire safety is the adoption by the state authorities of regulatory legal acts on fire safety.

Regulatory regulation in the field of fire safety is the establishment of authorized state bodies in regulatory documents required for the fulfillment of fire safety requirements.

Fire safety documents include standards, norms and rules of fire safety, instructions and other documents containing fire safety requirements.

Standardization regulatory documents that are accepted by federal executive bodies and establish or must establish fire safety requirements are subject to mandatory coordination with the State Fire Services. The procedure for the development, the introduction and application of other regulatory documents on fire safety is established by the State Fire Service. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to develop and approve within its competence, regulatory fire safety documents that are not reduced fire safety requirements established by federal regulatory documents.

The procedure for coordinating deviations from fire safety requirements, as well as not established by regulatory documents, additional fire safety requirements establishes a state fire service. Regulatory displacement documents are subject to registration and official publication in the prescribed manner.

Article 21. Development and implementation of fire safety measures

Fire safety measures are being developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as on the basis of the experience of combating fires, evaluating the fire hazard of substances, materials, technological processes, products, structures, buildings and structures.

Manufacturers (suppliers) of substances, materials, products and equipment are mandatory indicate in the relevant technical documentation indicators of the fire danger of these substances, materials, products and equipment, as well as fire safety measures when handling them.

Development and implementation of fire safety measures for enterprises, buildings, structures and other objects, including their design, must necessarily provide for decisions to evacuate people during fires.

For production, there are no compulsory plans for extinguishing fires that provide solutions to ensure the safety of people.

Fire safety measures for settlements and territories of administrative entities are developed and implemented by the relevant state authorities, local governments.

Investment projects developed by decision of public authorities are subject to coordination with the State Fire Safety Service in terms of fire safety. Federal Law of January 24, 1998 N 13-FZ in Article 22 of this Federal Law, see the text of the article in the previous edition

Article 22. Fire extinguishing

Fire extinguishing is a fighting aimed at saving people, property and fire elimination.

The procedure for organizing the extinguishing of fires in the garrisons of fire protection is established by the State Fire Services.

The procedure for attracting forces and means for extinguishing fires is determined by the state fire service and is approved:
at the interregional level - federal government bodies;
In the territorial and local levels, respectively, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The departure of fire protection units on fire extinguishing and participation in their liquidation is carried out unconditionally.

The extinguishing of fires by the State Fire Service is carried out at no cost, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To call units of fire protection in telephone networks of settlements, a single number is set to 01.

When steaming fires, the necessary actions to ensure the safety of people, the salvation of property, including:
penetration of dissemination (possible distribution) of fires and their dangerous manifestations;
creating conditions that impede the development of fires and ensuring their liquidation;
use free of charge means of communication, transport, equipment;
restriction or prohibition of access to fires, as well as restriction or prohibition of traffic and pedestrians on the territories adjacent to them;
Evacuation from people and property fires.

The direct management of the fire exercise is carried out by the head of the fire extinguishing - who arrived at the fire by the Senior Official Fire Protection officer (if not established otherwise), which manages the principles of unity of the personal fire department, participating in the fighting for fire extinguishing, and also attracted to fire extinguishing Forces.

The head of the extinguishing of the fire is responsible for performing the combat knowledge, for the safety of the personnel of the fire department of the participating in the fulfillment of fighting for fire extinguishing, and the forces attracted to extinguishing the fire.

The head of fire extinguishing establishes the boundaries of the territory on which fighting measures for fire extinguishing, the order and features of these actions are carried out, and also makes decisions on the salvation of people, the property in the fire. If necessary, the head of fire extinguishing other decisions, including limiting the rights of officials and citizens in the specified territory.

The instructions of the head of the extinguishing of the fire are required to fulfill all officials and citizens in the territory on which fighting for fire extinguishing.

No one has the right to intervene in the actions of the head of the fire extinguishing or to cancel its orders when steaming a fire.

Material damage caused by fires is subject to refund in the manner prescribed by the current legislation. Personal composition of fire protection, other participants in the extinguishing of the fire, operating in conditions of extreme necessity, are exempt from compensation for damage.

Article 23. Manufacture of fire and technical products

Fire and technical products are made on the basis of a state order and a state defense order, as well as in the order of entrepreneurial activity.

The production of fire and technical products is regulated and maintained by the state.

The state order for fire and technical products is formed and is posted on the basis of federal targeted programs in the field of fire safety. The state defense order for fire and technical products is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The organization of work on the implementation of the state order and the state defense order is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

Article 24. Performance and provision of services in the field of fire safety

The work and services in the field of fire safety are carried out and are provided in order to implement fire safety requirements, as well as to ensure the prevention and extinguishing of fires.

Fire safety work and services include:
protection from fires of enterprises and population on a contractual basis;
production, testing, purchase and supply of fire and technical products;
performing project, survey work;
conducting scientific and technical consulting and examination;
testing of substances, materials, products, equipment and structures for fire safety;
Training of the population measures fire safety;
the implementation of fire propaganda, the publication of special literature and promotional products;
Fire retardant and pipe-furnace work;
Installation, maintenance and repair of systems and fire protection facilities;
Repair and maintenance of fire equipment, primary means of extinguishing fires, restoration of the quality of extinguishing agents;
construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings, structures, fire protection premises;
Other works and services aimed at ensuring fire safety, the list of which is established by the federal and territorial bodies of the Office of the State Fire Service.

Article 25. Firefire Propaganda and Training Fire Safety Measures

Firepart propaganda is a targeted informing of society about the problems and ways of ensuring fire safety, carried out through the media, through the publication and dissemination of special literature and promotional products, the device of thematic exhibitions, reviews, conferences and the use of others not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation forms of informing the population. Fire propaganda conduct state authorities, local governments, fire protection and enterprises.

Training of fire safety measures of employees of enterprises is held by the administration (owners) of these enterprises in accordance with the rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation. Mandatory education of children in pre-school educational institutions and persons studying in educational institutions, fire safety measures are carried out by relevant institutions for special programs agreed with the State Fire Service. Voluntary squads of young firefighters can be created by education and fire protection authorities. Requirements for the content of programs and the procedure for organizing the training of these persons, fire safety measures are determined by the State Fire Service.

Article 26. Information support in the field of fire safety

Information support in the field of fire safety is carried out through the creation and use in the fire safety system of special information systems and data banks (hereinafter - information systems) required to perform the tasks.

The grounds and procedure for entering information systems for information on fire safety, as well as the conditions and procedures for familiarization with them, officials and citizens are established by federal laws and regulatory documents on fire safety. Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ to part three of Article 26 of this Federal Law, see the text of the part in the previous edition

Meteorological services and other authorized state bodies are obliged immediately and freely inform the State Fire Service about the events and forecasts for fire safety.

The media is obliged to immediately and at no cost to publish at the request of the State Fire Service operational information on fire safety issues. Public authorities and local governments should inform the population about the decisions made by them to ensure fire safety and promote the spread of fire and technical knowledge.

Article 27. Accounting for fires and their consequences

In the Russian Federation there is a unified state system of statistical metering of fires and their consequences. Official statistical accounting and state statistical reports on fires and their consequences are conducting a state fire service.

The procedure for taking into account fires and their consequences is determined by the State Fire Services in coordination with the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and other interested federal executive authorities.

On the procedure for state statistical accounting of fires and the consequences of them in the Russian Federation, see the instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1994 N 332

The established procedure for the accounting of fires and their consequences is obligatory for the execution by state authorities, local governments, enterprises and citizens who carry out business without the formation of a legal entity.

Article 28. Fire Insurance

For fire insurance, see: a letter of Rossekhnadzor from October 29, 1996 N 08 / 2-80r / 16 letter of Rossekhnadzor dated July 24, 1995 N 09 / 1-37P / 17 "On Fire Insurance"

Fire insurance can be carried out in voluntary and mandatory forms. Enterprises, foreign legal entities, enterprises with foreign investments that carry out entrepreneurship in the territory of the Russian Federation should hold mandatory fire insurance: property in their jurisdiction, use, disposal; civil liability for harm that can be caused by fire to third parties; Work and services in the field of fire safety.

The procedure and conditions of mandatory fire insurance are established by federal law. The list of enterprises to be mandatory fire insurance is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to implement fire safety measures in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation, fire safety funds are created, formed by the contributions of insurance organizations from the amounts of insurance payments for fire insurance in the amount of not lower than five percent of these amounts. Fire Safety Fund Management is carried out by the State Fire Office on the basis of the Model Charter approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2001, it was determined that these contributions possess the signs of federal tax established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since it is mandatory, individually free payment, charged with insurance organizations in the form of alienation ownership of funds in terms of financial support State activities (Article 8 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

For Fire Safety Funds and Fire Insurance, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 12, 1996 N 789 The amount of funds spent on fire insurance by enterprises, foreign legal entities, enterprises with foreign investment, which carry out entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation, refers to the cost of Products (works, services). The amount of funds spent by citizens to fire insurance is excluded from their total taxable income for the current year. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1992, N 552 The total amount of enterprise's contributions (including voluntary insurance), included in the cost of production (works, services), may not exceed 3% of the volume of sales (works, services)

In anti-fire insurance, insurers are provided with discounts from insurance tariffs, taking into account the state of fire safety of insured property. The size of discounts from insurance rates is determined by insurers independently. Federal Law of August 6, 2001 N 110-ФЗ Article 29 of this Federal Law recognized as invalid from January 1, 2002

Article 29. Tax Fire Safety Benefits

Federal Law of December 27, 2000 N 150-FZ The action of the first part of Article 29 of this Federal Law was suspended for 2001 in terms of exemption from the payment of customs duties and fees by the Federal Law of April 18, 1996 N 32-FZ Part One Article 29 This Law is set out in the new edition, see the text of the part first in the previous edition

For the application of these changes, see the letter of the Russian Service of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1996 N PV-4-01 / 43N

Management and divisions of the State Fire Services in the implementation of their functions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are exempt from paying all types of taxes, fees, duties and other payments to the relevant budgets and extrabudgetary funds, with the exception of the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Fund Social Insurance of the Russian Federation, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation and the Funds of Mandatory Medical Insurance, established in relation to the accrued remuneration of workers of the State Fire Service. See also federal law of December 27, 1995 N 211-FZ, Federal Law of December 31, 1995 N 226-ФЗ paragraph 2 and paragraph 6 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 1995 N 211-FZ, which were Installed tax breaks in the field safety on VAT and income tax, have been raised from January 1, 2001

From January 1, 2001, the calculation and payment of VAT and tax income tax is carried out in accordance with chapters 21 and 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Since January 1, 2002, the calculation and payment of the income tax of organizations is carried out in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not taxable income and income of enterprises, fire protection associations from the production of fire and technical products, and the provision of services in the field of fire safety.

The profit of enterprises, fire protection associations to be taxed is reduced by the amount:
directed to the organization of production and (or) purchase of fire and technical products;
costs for the content of fire protection;
Contributions and donations in fire safety funds.

From value added tax exempted:
Fire and technical products;
work and services in the field of fire safety;
Materials, devices and equipment purchased for the production of fire and technical products, work and the provision of services in the field of fire safety.

Not subject to taxation:
land used by fire protection;
funds and property of citizens and legal entities transmitted by the fire department at no cost of ownership (use);
incomes of enterprises of the State Fire Service and Fire Protection Associations, sent to fire aims;
Executions of insurance organizations sent to fire safety funds in accordance with this Federal Law.

All-Russian voluntary fire society is exempt from licensed fees for activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety. Public authorities and local self-government bodies have the right to establish additional benefits within their competence, stimulating fire safety.

Article 30. Special fire fighting regime

In the event of an increase in fire hazard, the decision of the state authorities or local authorities in the respective territories may establish a special fire-fighting regime. For the period of action of a special fire-fighting regime in the relevant territories, additional fire safety requirements are established, coordinated with the State Fire Services.

Article 31. Scientific and technical support of fire safety

Scientific and technical support of fire safety is carried out by research, experimental design, design and other scientific and technical institutions and organizations, as well as relevant educational institutions. Funding for scientific and technical development in the field of fire safety is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the funds of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the funds of local budgets, the funds of enterprises and funds of fire safety funds, as well as at the expense of other sources of financing. Scientific and technical developments for the implementation of the objectives of the State Fire Services are carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

Coordination of scientific research in the field of fire safety is assigned to the State Fire Service, in the system of which is a head fire and technical research institution. The federal executive bodies, enterprises in the creation of new technologies and products organize the necessary scientific and technical developments in order to ensure the legitimate interests of the individual, society and the state in the field of fire safety. Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ Article 32 of this Law is excluded

Article 32. Licensing

This Federal Law establishes a license (permissive) procedure for the implementation of activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety.

The list of licensed activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account local conditions, can establish additional activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety subject to licensing.

Activities (work, services) in the field of fire safety is carried out on the basis of licenses issued by the State Fire Services. The order of licensing is determined by the state fire service. At the same time, the size of the license collection is established in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Financial funds received by the State Fire Service as a result of licensing are sent to the relevant fire safety funds.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2002, N 135 Licensing Fire Safety Activities Currently, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, see the Regulations on the licensing of measures to prevent and extinguishing fires and the Regulation on the licensing of work on the installation, repair and maintenance of fire facilities The security of buildings and structures approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2002 N 373

The implementation of the enterprise or a citizen of activities (works, services) in the field of fire safety without a license or with violation of licensing conditions entails responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Compliance with fire safety requirements is a prerequisite for licensing for all licensed activities (works, services).

Article 33. Certification

Certification - Activities to confirm the compliance of products and services to the established fire safety requirements carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The list of products and services subject to mandatory certification is determined by the State Fire Services. The list of products subject to mandatory certification in the field of fire safety, approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 320, on the initiative of citizens and legal entities, voluntary certification may be carried out under the terms of the contract between the applicant and the certification authority. Fire safety certificate is a mandatory component of a certificate of conformity. The procedure for organizing and conducting certification is determined by the State Fire Services in coordination with the Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

The rules and procedure for certification of products and services in the field of fire safety are approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of March 28, 1996 N 10, see "Certification of products and services" the payment for certification work is made by the manufacturer (seller, performer) of products and services. At the same time, certification costs refer to the cost of production and services. See also Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation"

Chapter V. Rights, Responsibilities and Responsibility in Fire Safety

Article 34. Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of fire safety

Citizens are entitled to: the protection of their lives, health and property in the event of a fire; reimbursement of damage caused by fire in the manner prescribed by the current legislation; Participation in establishing the causes of a fire that caused damage to their health and property; obtaining information on fire safety issues, including in the prescribed manner from the management and units of fire protection; Participation in ensuring fire safety, including in the prescribed manner in the activities of voluntary fire protection.

Citizens are required: to comply with fire safety requirements; have in premises and buildings in their property (use), primary means of extinguishing fires and fire fighting equipment in accordance with the rules of fire safety and lists approved by the relevant local governments; When fires are found, immediately notify the fireguards about them; Before the arrival of the fire fighting, take action measures to save people, property and fire extinguishing; provide promoting fire protection when steaming fires; fulfill the prescriptions, decisions and other legitimate requirements of fireguard officials; Provide in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the possibility of fire protection officials to conduct surveys and inspections by the production, economic, residential and other premises belonging to them in order to monitor compliance with the requirements of fire safety and suppress their violations.

Article 35. Responsibilities of federal executive bodies and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety

The federal executive bodies and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are required:
organize the development and ensure the implementation of fire safety measures at the subordinate enterprises and the relevant territories;
Create and maintain in accordance with the established norms funded at the expense of the relevant budgets management bodies and divisions of fire protection;
provide the necessary assistance to fire protection when performing tasks assigned to it;
create conditions for attracting the population to the prevention and fire extinguishing work;
organize fire propaganda and public safety training and training;
Financing Scientific and Technical Development in Fire Safety.

In order to coordinate and improving work to ensure fire safety in the Russian Federation, the Government Commission of the Russian Federation for Fire Safety is created in the prescribed manner. The relevant commissions are created by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 36. Responsibilities of local self-government bodies in the field of fire safety

Local governments within their competence and in relevant territories are required:
organize development and ensure the implementation of fire safety measures;
Take into the municipal property of the property of fire protection in the refusal of the owner of the specified property from its content, use the specified property for its intended purpose;
Create and maintain in accordance with the established norms funded at the expense of local budgets management bodies and divisions of fire protection, including on the basis of contracts with the State Fire Service;
organize training for fire safety measures;
promote the activities of voluntary firefighters and fire protection associations.

Article 37. Rights and obligations of enterprises in the field of fire safety

Enterprises are entitled:
Create, reorganize and liquidate in the prescribed manner of the fire department, which they contain at the expense of their own funds, including on the basis of contracts with the State Fire Services;
deposit proposals to ensure fire safety bodies and local governments;
carry out work to establish the causes and circumstances of the fires that occurred in enterprises;
establish measures to social and economic stimulating fire safety;
Receive information on fire safety issues, including in the prescribed manner of management bodies and units of fire protection.

Enterprises are required:
comply with fire safety requirements, as well as to comply with regulations, decisions and other legitimate requirements of fire protection officials;
develop and implement fire safety measures;
to conduct fire propaganda, as well as teach their employees to fire safety measures;
include in a collective agreement (agreement) Fire safety issues;
contain in good condition of the system and the means of fire protection, including primary means of extinguishing fires, prevent their use not by purpose;
Create and maintain in accordance with the established rules of management and units of fire protection, including on the basis of contracts with the State Fire Services;
to promote fire protection when steaming fires, establishing the causes and conditions for their occurrence and development, as well as in identifying persons guilty of violation of fire safety requirements and the emergence of fires;
Provide in the prescribed manner when steaming fires in the territories of enterprises, the necessary forces and means, fuel and lubricants, as well as food and recreation facilities for the personnel of fire fighting, participating in the fighting of fires on fire extinguishing, and attracted to extinguishing the fires;
Provide access to fire protection officials in the exercise of official duties in the territory, in buildings, structures and other objects of enterprises;
Provide at the request of officials of the State Fire Service information and documents on the state of fire safety at enterprises, including the fire hazard of the products they produce, as well as on the fires that have occurred in their territories and their consequences;
Immediately report to fire protection about emerging fires, faults of existing systems and facilities of fire protection, about changing the state of roads and travel;
Promote voluntary firefighters.

Article 38. Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with the current legislation is carried:
property owners;
Persons authorized to own, enjoy or dispose of property, including managers of enterprises;
Persons, in the prescribed manner, appointed responsible for providing fire safety;
Officials within their competence.

Responsibility for violating fire safety requirements for apartments (rooms) in the houses of the state, municipal and departmental housing foundation is imposed on the responsible tenants or tenants, unless otherwise provided by the relevant contract.

The persons specified in the first paragraphs of this article, other citizens for violation of fire safety requirements, as well as for other firewall offenses in the field of fire safety, can be involved in disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with applicable law.

Means received from the use of penalties in the field of fire safety are sent:
50 percent - to the federal budget;
50 percent - in the relevant fire safety funds.

Article 39. Administrative responsibility of enterprises

Federal Law of December 30, 2001 N 196-ФЗ Part One of Article 39 of this Law has been recognized as invalid from July 1, 2002. Enterprises for violating fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safety on the decree of public office service officials Pay in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, a fine of up to two percent of the relevant monthly wage funds, and other entities of entrepreneurial activity - in the amount of from 50 to 100 minimum wages.

The grounds and procedure for attracting enterprises to administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of fire safety are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Manufacturers (performers, sellers) for evading the execution or late fulfillment of the prescriptions of the state fire safety officials for the provision of fire safety of goods (works, services) are administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights.

Chapter VI. Final provisions

Article 40. Entry into force of this Federal Law.

This federal law enters into force on the day of its official publication.

Article 41. Running regulatory legal acts in accordance with this Federal Law, the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, departmental regulatory legal acts, the regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities are brought in line with this Federal Law in For two months from the date of its entry into force. The Government of the Russian Federation within a three-month period contributes in the prescribed manner to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation proposals for the introduction of federal legislation in line with this Federal Law.

Article 42. Ensuring the implementation of this Federal Law, the Government of the Russian Federation within a three-month period in the prescribed manner: to develop and ensure the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Fire Security and Social Protection 1995-1997"; to submit to the State Duma proposal for amending current legislation in terms of increasing responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements; Ensure the recruitment of public fire service units by military personnel by call until 1997. President of the Russian Federation B.Leltsin Moscow, Kremlin December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ

Fires and fires can be dangerous to life and health of citizens, so they are obliged to comply with security measures to save their own lives. Persons are obliged to promote the brigades coming to grieving a building or room, but at the same time, it is not necessary to spend a strong fire on their own, it is prohibited, since it is dangerous to health. All these aspects are regulated by the Federal Law on Fire Safety.

General provisions 69 FZ

The Federal Fire Safety Law was adopted by the State Duma on November 18, 1994. The last changes in it were made on July 29, 2017. FZ 69 contains 6 chapters and 42 articles. This law regulates fundamental actions and processes on fire safety measures in the Russian Federation. It controls the legal relations between government agencies, citizens and organizations in the field of fire safety.

Also in 2017, changes were made to FZ No. 116. More details

  • In the first chapter The general provisions of the law are described. The basic concepts and terms are described, their definitions are given. The number and list of laws and acts regulating fire safety and a set of principles, measures and actions to carry out operations and measures to prevent and prevent fires are issued;
  • Second chapter Describes the goals and objectives of fire system security. Among the categories of systems, public service, federal fire supervision, municipal fire protection. The list of personal service and supervision is decorated, their social protection, rights and obligations, ensuring their special equipment and financing. Methods for opening and registration, as well as the requirements and conditions for private and voluntary fire services are described;
  • According to the third ch., the federal, state and municipal bodies in the field of fire safety have a large number of powers, as the life and health of citizens depends on them. In four articles, this chapter describes in detail the powers of each service and the authority separately in the field of fire safety;
  • In the fourth ch. processes, operations, activities and actions to prevent, prevent and steam fires are described. Special bodies with research organizations are developing new measures, methods and technical systems to prevent fires. The process of implementing new measures, methods of extinguishing and ways to rescue citizens from fires are described;
  • According to the fifth ch., Citizens and organizations have rights and obligations in the event of a fire and responsibilities for preventing it and prevention. Persons who violate the conditions and requirements of security measures, avoiding the warning and fire prevention, which are accomplices or organizers of the emergence of fire are responsible for the deed;
  • In the sixth chapter The final provisions and additional information, the conditions and requirements of the described law are described.

In addition to FZ 69, fire safety regulates the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal municipal or regional acts and laws.

What changes were made?

The latest changes to the law were made on July 29, 2017 with the adoption of the FZ number 216. Changes occurred only in Article 20, part 8 was added. In the new eighth part, according to changes in the FZ 69, it is written that only in innovative scientific and technical centers, the security of employees during fire is monitored and not regulated by the Federal Law 69, and the Federal Law "On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. "

Article 19. regulates and controls the authority in the field of fires and the fires of local governments. Among the powers, any ways to organize voluntary groups and training of first-aid citizens in the event of fire. Control and help in the device of technical equipment of buildings and premises, installation of schemes and routes, equipping of areas of cities by water systems or water towers, making urgent measures to save citizens in cases where the fire occurred.

Art. twenty regulates and controls the creation and adoption by state authorities and federal bodies of acts and laws to help save and warn citizens in cases of fire. Legal acts and laws are created and accepted with an agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation. The only territories are innovative scientific and technological centers in which it does not operate. FZ 69, and the Law on Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers.

22 article Regulates and monitors processes and steps to extinguishing fires and conducting fire protection. Emergency and rescue work includes measures to save citizens, property, children and pets and conducting operations to eliminate the focus of fire, bringing a fire to a minimum to avoid emergency situations. The federal executive authorities control the installation and creation of technical means on the challenge of fire brigades. Departures of fire brigades are unconditional, employees do not have the right to refuse. Employees Brigades have the right to prohibit and restrict access to those around the room and suspension of the organization.

According to 25 article Fire brigades, state, municipal and federal bodies working in the described area are obliged to conduct training and promotion of protection and salvation during the occurrence of fire. Organizations are instructed and a fire and technical minimum is described and described. The procedure for training employees of organizations, companies and firms is determined by the federal authority of the executive. Training occurs directly on the territory of the organization.

Article 28. The force of August 22, 2004 has lost its strength in the adoption of the Federal Law number 122.

30 describes Special regime included in the event of fires and emergencies. If local governments or state and federal organs have established a special fire-fighting registry on a certain territory, precautions are reinforced at times. Additional actions to prevent fires are committed, citizens are forbidden to visit forests, the conditions for the localization of already emerged fires are created, etc.

According to 34 article, citizens in the field of fire safety are entitled to:

  • Protection of their own life, health and property;
  • Receiving answers to questions of interest to the protection of life and health and answers to questions about the effectiveness of certain actions during the fire;
  • Obtaining monetary amounts, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, to reimburse damage;
  • Participation in the investigation and identification of the causes of the fire;
  • Collection of voluntary groups on measures to extinguish fire and protect citizens.

However, a citizen is obliged to observe fire safety measures, on the first need to call the brigade and do not try to put out strong fire on their own, have in premises or buildings of the system or technical equipment to extinguish fires, promote a brigade, federal, state and municipal authorities and authorities conducted by investigations.

Download new edition of the law

The law on fire protection was created and adopted by the state to ensure the safety of life and health of citizens. Persons living or on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to comply with security measures and precautions. Persons and organizations that do not comply with the measures described, or inactive when the fire occurs will be responsible throughout the severity of the law, as it threatens the life and health of others.

Download the law "On Fire Safety" number 69

Federal State Fireman Supervision, with the exception of the Federal State Fire Supervision, implemented at the defense facilities and other specialized facilities, which operate federal executive authorities in the field of defense, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, internal affairs, state protection, external intelligence, Mobilization training and mobilization, as well as in forests, in hazardous production facilities of underground mining, in the production, transportation, storage, use and disposal of industrial explosives, is carried out by officials of the state fire supervision authorities under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body, Commissioner for the solution of problems in the field of fire safety, and in the conduct of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the powers of the federal executive authorities on the OS the local government exercise in the event of the transfer of these powers in accordance with Article 16.1 of this Federal Law.

The Federal State Fire Supervision in the forests is carried out by an authorized federal executive authority, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the framework of the powers of the Russian Federation, as well as subordinate government agencies in the exercise of federal state forest surveillance (forest protection) within the authority established by forest legislation .

Federal State Fireman Supervision in hazardous production facilities for underground mining, in the production, transportation, storage, use and disposal of explosive materials of industrial purpose is carried out by an authorized federal executive body in the implementation of the federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation .

Federal State Fire Supervision at defense facilities and other specialized facilities on which the federal executive authorities in the field of defense, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, internal affairs, state protection, external intelligence, mobilization preparation and mobilization are carried out by these federal bodies executive power.

Bodges of the state fire supervision are:

The structural unit of the central office of the federal executive body authorized to solve the challenges in the field of fire safety, which includes issues of organization and implementation of the federal state fire supervision;

The territorial bodies of the federal executive body authorized to solve the challenges in the field of fire safety, in the person of their leaders and structural divisions, which include the organization and implementation of the federal state fire supervision in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the framework of the authorities of the federal executive authorities transferred to them in accordance with Article 16.1 of this Federal Law on the Implementation of the Federal State Fire Supervision;

Territorial, object, special and military units of the federal fire service in the person of their leaders and structural units, whose activities include the organization and implementation of the federal state fire supervision;

The structural divisions of the federal executive authorities in the field of defense, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the internal affairs, state protection, foreign intelligence, mobilization preparation and mobilization, the scope of which the organization and implementation of the federal state fire supervision are included.

The head of the relevant state fire supervision authority is at the same time:

The main state inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Fire Supervision;

The main state inspector of the territorial, object, special or military unit of the Federal Fire Surveillance Service;

The main state inspector of the federal executive authority in the field of defense, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, internal affairs, state protection, foreign intelligence or mobilization preparation and mobilization for fire supervision.

The Regulation on the Federal State Fireproof Supervision, which determines the list of other officials of the state fire supervision bodies (state inspectors), their rights and obligations to implement the federal state fire supervision is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The instructions and orders of the higher officials of the state fire supervision bodies are obligatory for executing by the lower officials of the state fire supervision bodies.

Control over the provision of fire safety of diplomatic and consular agencies of the Russian Federation, as well as representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad, is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

In case the construction or reconstruction of capital construction facilities provides for the implementation of state construction supervision, the Federal State Fire Supervision is carried out within the framework of state construction supervision authorized for the implementation of state construction supervision by the federal executive authority, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the laws of the town-planning Activities. During the construction or reconstruction of objects of federal nuclear organizations, the Federal State Fireproof Supervision is carried out within the framework of state construction supervision by an authorized organization carrying out state management of atomic energy and public administration in carrying out activities related to the development, manufacture, disposal utilization of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants of military purposes, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Officials of state fire supervision bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation have the right to:

Freely upon presentation of a service certificate and a copy of the order (orders) of the head (Deputy Head) of the State Fire Execution Authority to visit the objects of protection, territories, land plots and conduct their surveys, as well as conduct research, tests, examination, investigations and other events for control;

Issue to organizations and citizens of regulations on the elimination of violations of fire safety requirements, about conducting fire safety measures at protection facilities, territories, land plots, forest areas, in hazardous production facilities of underground mining, in production, transportation, storage, use and utilization of explosive materials of industrial purpose, with respect to fire and technical products that do not meet the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", as well as to prevent the threat of fire;

Contribute to the state authorities and local governments offer to implement fire safety measures;

Call to the authorities of the state fire supervision of citizens in the production of state fire supervision bodies and materials about fires, to receive the necessary explanations, certificates, documents and their copies from them;

Exercise proceedings on administrative offenses related to violations of fire safety requirements and take measures to prevent such administrative offenses;

Request and receive from organizations and citizens in respect of which the compliance of fire safety requirements is conducted on the basis of motivated written requests documents and (or) information necessary for conducting verification, with the exception of documents and (or) information specified in Part 8 of Article 7 Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control";

Perform an inquiry on fire affairs and cases of violations of fire safety requirements in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.

Judicial practice under Article 6 of the FZ dated 21.12.1994 No. 69-FZ

    Decision of July 2, 2019 in case number A07-37075 / 2018

    Arbitration Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan (As Republic of Bashkortostan)

    3 floor, placed heating radiators protruding from the wall plane (violation of Art. 151 F3№ 123 dated 07.22.2008. "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", paragraph 6. 32 SNiP 21-01-97 *); - P.12- on the staircases from 1 to 3 floors, the heating radiators protruding from the wall plane (violation of Art. 151 F3№ 123 ...

    Resolution of July 2, 2019 in case number A33-23171 / 2018

    Third Arbitration Court of Appeal (3 AAS)

    Articles 65, 198, 200 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to proof the fact of violation of their rights and legitimate interests is assigned to the applicant. Based on the provisions of Articles 6 and 16.1 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 69-FZ), the provisions on the Federal State Fire Supervision approved by the Resolution ...

    Decision of June 21, 2019 in case number A82-5942 / 2019

    Arbitration Court of the Yaroslavl Region (AU Yaroslavl Region)

    Fire safety, establish the general requirements of fire safety in the Russian Federation and are binding on all enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens. By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-ФЗ, state fire supervision authorities have the right to give managers of organizations, officials and citizens of obligatory for ...

    Resolution No. 4A-276/2019 dated June 21, 2019 in case No. 4A-276/2019

    Kurgan Regional Court (Kurgan Region) - Administrative Offenses

    Currently, work is underway to define a contractor for installing the fire alarm system. Checking the case file, come to the next. In accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety" Officials of state fire supervision bodies in carrying out supervisory activities have the right to issue organizations and ...

    Resolution No. 4A-96/2019 dated June 20, 2019 in case No. 4A-96/2019

    Court of Appeal of the city of Sevastopol (city Sevastopol) - Administrative offenses

    The term of legal regulation of the body implementing the Federal State Fireman Supervision, on the objects of protection, on which activities in the field of health, education and social services are carried out. According to Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", as well as paragraph 8 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs, Emergency Situations ...

  • ... Fire Safety »Heads of organizations are obliged to comply with fire safety requirements, as well as to comply with regulations, decisions and other legitimate requirements of fireguard officials. By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", officials of fire supervision bodies in carrying out supervisory activities have the right to issue organizations and citizens of the prescription ...
  • Decision No. 7-53 / 2019 dated June 11, 2019 in case number 7-53 / 2019

    Kirov Regional Court (Kirov Region) - Administrative Offenses

    Tests of automatic fire protection systems. After listening to the defender of a legal entity - K. Having studied the materials of the case of an administrative offense, the arguments of the complaints, acquainted documents, come to the next. According to Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994. N 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", officials of state fire supervision bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation have the right to issue ...

  • ... Violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with the current legislation is owned by property owners, as well as persons authorized to own, enjoy and dispose of property. In accordance with Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994. No. 69-FZ officials of fire supervision bodies in carrying out supervisory activities have the right to issue organizations and citizens of the prescription to eliminate identified ...