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Is it possible to ride on a new car without numbers? Is it possible to ride under the contract of sale for sale to ride the car which documents to carry with you.

When purchasing a vehicle, the driver must take care of the design of the necessary documents. We are talking about the insurance policy of the OSAGO. If you ignore this moment, the owner of the car will be forced to pay a fine. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation has been established period during which drivers can legally operate cars without insurance.

What the Law says

According to existing legislationAll vehicle drivers must have an insurance policy in their hands. If the traffic police officer leaves a car, and his owner will not be able to present this document, then the penalty is discharged. Punishment can be avoided only in one case - if the driver is the owner of the car less than 10 days and has not yet managed to arrange the policy. However, the right to own the vehicle must be obtained by:

  1. Entry into inheritance.
  2. Shopping TC in the car dealership.
  3. Buying a supported car.
  4. Durious.

Punishment for driving without hemagon

If the driver goes without insurance more than 10 days after the acquisition of the car, the legislation provides for punishment depending on the circumstances:

  1. Policy OSAGO is decorated, but the driver forgot to take it with him or lost. The traffic police inspector will write a penalty of 500 rubles. Monetary recovery can be avoided if someone from relatives will bring a document to the owner of the car.
  2. The policy of OSAGO is decorated, but the owner of the TC in it is not listed. Punishment: cash fine in the amount of 500 rubles.
  3. The period of use of the insurance policy approached the end, but the validity period did not expire. Punishment: cash fine in the amount of 500 rubles.
  4. The term of the insurance policy approached the end and period of action too. Punishment: cash fine in the amount of 800 rubles.

It is important to know that the period of use of the policy of the OSAGO and its validity period is different things.

In the Police itself you can see that it is valid for one year. If the driver is not going to operate vehicle Throughout this time, it is enough for him to pay the period during which he will ride a car.

According to the current legislation, the traffic police officer cannot apply a punishment to the driver, not listed in the above list.

Why the insurance is better to hurry

As mentioned above, you can ride the newly acquired car without insurance within 10 calendar days. However, it is best to take care of the execution of the OSAGO policy in advance, since no one is insured from an accident.

There are a number of reasons for which the policy is better not to delay:

  1. If accidents happen, and the driver of the vehicle will not be insurance, then according to the law, all expenses are obliged to refund.
  2. If the driver has no insurance, and he is guilty of the accident, he will have to give a rather small amount to restore both its car and machines of other participants of the accident.
  3. Any traffic police inspector can stop the driver at the post and demand to explain why there is no OSAGO policy. It is not entitled to write down the penalty if the deadlines are observed, but the owner of the TC will have to spend time on sounding causes and presentation of documents.
  4. All accidents are made up on the Euro protocol, but if the driver has no insurance policy, it is impossible to do it. We'll have to call the security inspection to the accident.
  5. The cities have many advanced photo science chambers. They allow you to identify drivers who have no insurance policy. The owner of the vehicle will come fine by mail, as the technique does not know about some nuances and exceptions established by the legislation. To challenge the resulting penalty, you will need to apply to the authorities and write a statement that it will take time.

As a result, it is not economically not profitable to tighten with the execution of the policy of Osago.

How to drive for more than 10 days after its acquisition, without breaking the law

At the moment, many drivers refuse to execute the OSAGO policy, which is caused by the following moments:

  • for insurance will have to pay a lot;
  • with an accident, the amount of damage compensation will not be complete.

Because of these reasons, drivers prefer to pay a cash fine, discharged by the traffic police inspector than to arrange the policy of OSAGO.

Some drivers are chitryat, which allows them to legally control the vehicle after 10 days without the presence of the OSAGO policy. Each time they draw up a new purchase and sale agreement and fictitiously transmitting their own car to the ownership of a relative or friend. The legislation of the Russian Federation did not establish the norm, which would prohibit acquiring and sell the vehicle, so drivers actively apply such a way to avoid punishment.

Security measures

Although the law provides for the management of the vehicle without the Osago policy within ten days after its purchase, some drivers go to protect themselves from negative consequences.

To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with the following recommendations:

  1. Always have a document with you, on the basis of which the driver has the right to own a vehicle.
  2. Do not argue with the traffic police officers, even if the driver considers himself right.
  3. Make a printout of the law on CTP to present its inspector at any time.
  4. Get temporary insurance.

Then you can only pay the period when the machine will ride. This is indicated in the second grade of the form. Because of the ride without insurance, the fine is withdrawn as many times how many times the control of the car without insurance was installed. For example, if 10 times the documents were checked for 10 kilometers, then it will have to pay all 5 times the same amount in accordance with the legislation. In addition to the fines, which are indicated above, other sanctions for travel without insurance policy are not applicable. The following factors affect the cost of the insurance contract:

  • car type;
  • its purpose;

How much can you drive under the sale of the car sale

When making a car in the car dealership, the owner has the opportunity to get insurance immediately. In most cases, insurance agents are always there.

But the new owner has a certain time on the design, which is provided for by law. The legal framework in the law "On compulsory insurance of autocarted liability of vehicle owners" is stated that after buying a car, the owner must insure his civil responsibility to registering in the traffic police.


Immediately the question arises, how much can you ride without CTP? Civil liability should be insured no later than 10 days from the date of the right of ownership of it. Thus, in accordance with the law, 10 days or before registration in the traffic police are allocated.

In addition, no one will put the car without insurance for accounting. The reserved time is quite enough.

How much can you ride without the CTP under the contract of sale?

If the car without a run timeline for the design of insurance for a new car remains, as well as for used (10 days from the date of signing the act of receiving the car and the contract of sale). And also being the first owner of the long-awaited car, eliminates the need to pass the inspection.
This greatly simplifies the registration of the CTP, which can be done right in the car dealership. How many can be riding under the contract of sale without registration for registration or re-registration of the vehicle - a prerequisite for all car owners.


It does not matter what transportation is purchased, with zero mileage or used cars, deadlines for all. The newly minted car owner is allowed to ride without registering within 10 days.

How much can you ride by car under the contract of sale

  • Registration of purchase and sale transaction.
  • Getting a car by inheritance, from the moment the entry into possession.
  • Obtaining ownership in other cases provided for by law.
  • The features of the CTP in 2018, as before, the insurance policy is mandatory for each owner of the automotive. Its registration is regulated by the legislation of the country and refers to the Rules road.
    The following factors affect the cost of the insurance contract:
  • motor volume by car;
  • car type;
  • its purpose;
  • driving experience, which has owner;
  • region where the vehicle is recorded.

After registration of the Osago policy, the driver can compensate for the material and property damage caused by insurance payments.

How many days can you ride without insurance under the sale of sales of 2018?

Purchase and sale contract Purchase of a car - a phenomenon is always exciting. To avoid trouble, after the signing of the sale contract in 2017, it is worth adhere to the rules of insurance and registration of the vehicle (TC).

Is it possible to ride under the contract of sale without registration and without insurance? How many days can you ride? When buying a car, a contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle, according to which the buyer receives a vehicle, and the seller is money for him. Next, the buyer needs to come to the traffic police and make changes to the information about the owner of this car, in addition, it is necessary to arrange for the acquired vehicle. However, the buyer is in a hurry to fulfill this action, thinking, then on the car you can drive and without registering and without insurance on the basis of the contract of sale. Partly this is true.

How much can you ride on DKP

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How much can you drive under the contract of sale without registration of 2018

Is it possible to ride under the contract of sale without registration and without insurance? How many days can you ride? When buying a car, a contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle, according to which the buyer receives a vehicle, and the seller is money for him. Next, the buyer needs to come to the traffic police and make changes to the information about the owner of this car, in addition, it is necessary to arrange for the acquired vehicle. However, the buyer is in a hurry to fulfill this action, thinking, then on the car you can drive and without registering and without insurance on the basis of the contract of sale. Partly this is true. This may be due to the change of the owner of the car or the complete absence of the policy. It is important that the term of insurance and the period of use of the vehicle is different concepts.

How much can I ride under the sale contract, if I did insurance?

Penalties and responsibility If you bought a car and do not want to be attracted to administrative responsibility For late execution of documents, do not postpone the case in a long box. You have 10 days for insurance and registration in the traffic police.
Otherwise, these fines are waiting for you:

  • For the lack of rooms - 5,000 rubles (paragraph 2 of Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Additionally, the punishment is provided in the form of depriving the driver of the right to control the means of movement for the period from one to three months.
  • For the lack of an account or its existence of an expired period of action - 800 rubles.
  • For movement by car in those months, which are not specified in the insurance policy, 500 rubles.
  • For violation of the established period of registration of the car - up to 2 000 rubles.

Do not overshadow the joy from buying a new "iron friend" by anyone unnecessary fines.

How many days can be ride without insurance under the sale contract in 2018

By tracking this period, for driving without the policy of CTP, a penalty is imposed on the driver. Recovery for riding without insurance in accordance with the laws such:

  1. The contract is valid, but the driver forgot the insurance of the house or lost - the traffic police officers are fined for 500 rubles.

    Sometimes the auto owner is limited to a warning if relatives can bring a forgotten home document.

  2. If the OSAGO policy is available, but the driver does not fit into it - a fine of 500 rubles.
  3. Driving within the limits of time, but outside the period of use - 500 rubles.
  4. Driving a car after the expiration of the term of insurance, the action of which has already stopped - 800 rubles.

How many days can I ride without insurance of the CTP under the contract of sale?

After drawing up DCP, the new owner has 10 days to bring the documents in order. But no one will issue a car in the traffic police without an insurance policy, so first should be obtained, and then go to the nearest MREO branch.

Any thinking driver may appear quite a logical question - whether to receive new insurance if the purchased car is not new, and the term of the policy does not expire for it? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that the car is not insured, but the responsibility of its owner. Therefore, a visit to the insurance company is mandatory when changing the owner on a means of movement.

Some quirky drivers managed every 10 days to update the date in the sale contract. Of course, this will help get rid of claims from the traffic police officers. But it should be understood that in the case of an accident, its consequences will have to be compensated at its own expense.

How much can you ride without registration after buying a car with numbers

After all, before re-registration and registration of insurance, liability for damages lies on an individual. As in the case of supported by the vehicle, the cabin car should be insured within 10 days from the date of drawing up and signing the DCT. The only difference is that there is no need to undergo inspection. It simplifies the design of the car - get the insurance policy can be right in the car dealership. How long is it allowed to ride without re-registration of the vehicle? Now we need to figure out - after buying a car, how much can you ride without setting it on accounting? For all vehicles (from the cabin and former in possession), as in the case of insurance, one period is determined - 10 days. Throughout this period, the car should be registered in the MREO office. On the 11th day, any traffic police officer may finf you for driving without the necessary documents (this will be discussed below).

When buying any vehicle, the new owner must know the rules of the road and the main legislative norms. Thanks to this, the person will be aware of his rights and responsibilities, and will also understand what punishment threatens for violation.

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The most common topic for discussion between the new owners of the car is - how much can it be legally riding under the sale contract? The answer to this question will be discussed in the article.


The purchase of a car is always a joyful event for a person. However, it is important to remember the rules that require timely transportation of transport.

According to the Federal Law of Russia No. 20 of April 25, 2002 - the new owner must insure the car to the registration of the vehicle in the traffic police department. According to this ruling, a person has 10 days, on this procedure.

How much can you ride under the contract of sale? From this law, it is possible to conclude - a person has the right to ride with a contract of 10 calendar days. However, before passing the procedure for registration of transport in the traffic police, it is necessary to issue an insurance policy of OSAGO.

On what day, the Russian itself decides to do it. It is worth noting that without having insurance, in the case of an accident, all responsibility will fall on a person who has no policy.

It is worth noting that this resolution applies to all types of vehicles. Regardless of that car purchased in the cabin or in the secondary market, it is necessary to go through official registration within 10 days.

Each driver should know some benefits of riding on the basis of a sales contract.

Among the main positive sides, you can allocate such:

  • a period of 10 days provides a small savings, as insurance will be issued on the basis of the contract of sale provided;
  • the new owner of the car has time to choose the appropriate conditions for registration of the insurance policy and the registration of the vehicle;
  • if an accident happens, this will not entail the obligatory appreciation when the policy is next.

It is worth noting that in the legislation Russian FederationCitizens are indicated that can officially ride without an insurance policy. This category includes: Drivers of disabled, participants in hostilities and disabled groups of group 1.

However, in this case, the owner of the vehicle should be the driver on which the benefit is applied. In the event of an accident, all damage will cover a special insurance office.

For what time you need to register a car

As soon as the contract of sale was signed, the old owner is exempt from the removal of the vehicle from the accounting. Thanks to this innovation, all responsibility for the timely design of the car falls on the new owner.

The legislation is set dead - 10 days, the countdown begins with the date, signing the contract of sale. During this time, it is necessary to apply for any traffic police department to register the car.

In 2020, you can register a car in any separation of the traffic police. It is worth noting that registration numbers can go from one owner to another. Except is if the former owner decided to pick up the room itself.

Within 10 days, the new owner of the car must prepare a package of documents that will allow you to quickly register. An important requirement is to issue an insurance policy of the OSAGO. Get this document is quite simple, you can in any compartment of the insurer or via the Internet.

For re-registration, you must have such papers:

  • passport citizen of the country;
  • vehicle passport (TCP);
  • contract of sale;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • insurance policy of OSAGO;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle (if any);
  • application for registration of the vehicle.

When setting a car, it is necessary to pay the state fee. Its size is 2 000 rubles. However, the authorities of the country are ready to make concessions and reduced cost by 30%. You can get a discount, provided that the person has passed a preliminary registration on the official website of the State Service.

On the appointed day and time, a person is obliged to appear in the traffic police department and provide all the original documents as well as the vehicle.

The law provides for the time that an employee of the traffic police should check and register transport - 1 hour.

During this time, the inspector carefully checks all the papers, the numbers specified in the TCP with the data on the body and the chassis. If everything is in order, then the new owner receives documents on the car in its name.

Is it possible to manage the vehicle without insurance

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, to manage the vehicle without the insurance policy of the OSAGO is prohibited. For law enforcement There is not enough for the purchase and sale agreement, a driver's license and PTS. Without insurance, it is forbidden to ride, for violation, a person threatens a cash fine.

It is worth noting that legislative Base There are nuances that allow driving without the policy. In 4 article in paragraph 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation, it is said that it is possible to use a car without a master. This is permitted in the case of transporting transport, within 10 days until the car is registered in the traffic police.

However, to put the car on account, you must have insurance with yourself. In the event of a stop, the traffic police inspector needs to present a sale agreement, then the fine will be able to avoid.

Regardless of whether the vehicle was purchased in the cabin or on the secondary market, the rules for registration of the insurance policy are the same.

For the acquisition of CTP, it is necessary to provide such documents:

  • driver's license;
  • original and a copy of the contract of sale;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • technical passport of the car (TCP);
  • identification code.

You can arrange insurance using Internet resources. Now many sites that allow you to calculate the cost of the policy. However, issuing the OSAGO is better on the official website, it gives warranty that a person will not fall on scammers.

If it is not possible to use the Internet, you can always contact the insurer to the insurer. It is worth noting that today there are a lot of them and the cost of services are almost the same everywhere. The whole procedure passes very quickly. This person will have to spend 15-20 minutes, and the policy will be in hand.


The Government of the Russian Federation has developed and implemented two types of responsibility for riding without insurance policy: warning and money fine. It is worth noting that the minimum penalty for such an offense is 500 rubles.

However, if the violator is stopped several times the traffic police officers, then they all have the right to issue a protocol and write an administrative penalty.

In this case, the number of fines is not limited to a certain number. Considering this nuance, you can make a conclusion that size monetary recovery May be big enough.

If a Russian violates the timing of registration of the vehicle and registration of the CTP, he threatens administrative punishment.

As a rule, cash fines are sizes:

You can avoid problems with the law if you fully fulfill all the rulings. This applies to the registration of the vehicle. After buying a new or used car, it is necessary to arrange the OSAGO and put the car on the traffic police during 10 days.

Buying a car - the phenomenon is always exciting. To avoid trouble, after the signing of the sale contract in 2017, it is worth adhere to the rules of insurance and registration of the vehicle (TC). Is it possible to ride under the contract of sale without registration and without insurance? How many days can you ride?

When buying a car, a contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle, according to which the buyer receives a vehicle, and the seller is money for him. Next, the buyer needs to come to the traffic police and make changes to the information about the owner of this car, in addition, it is necessary to arrange for the acquired vehicle.

However, the buyer is in a hurry to fulfill this action, thinking, then on the car you can drive and without registering and without insurance on the basis of the contract of sale. Partly this is true. For a while really such right at the buyer is.

Below will deal with more details, how long days you can drive on a purchased car without insurance and registering, having only a contract for sale in your hands.

According to acting law, Driving a car without insurance policy OSAGO is allowed only within 10 days after the registration of the vehicle to the property (the date of signing the contract of sale).

During this period, the new owner is obliged to register a car in the nearest branch of the traffic police. And on account, you can only put the car with the existing policy of mandatory insurance, that is, having insurance in the hands.

That is, at first the buyer must get insurance, after which they put on the car.

If the purchase and sale agreement is decorated for the purchase of a used car

Immediately the question arises, and whether the new insurance policy should be issued if the term has not yet expired. It is necessary to clarify that the object of insurance is not a car, but the responsibility of the car owner - the owner of the vehicle. Having to act as a car, you should not pull with a trip to the insurance company.

There is a practice when especially dodgy drivers in order not to make insurance (policy of OSAGO) simply every 10 days change the date of the contract of sale. But deciding on such a trick, it is necessary to know that before re-registration in the traffic police, the car remains owned by the previous owner, and in the case of an accident, the consequences of the accident will have to restore from their own pocket.

If a car without a mileage

The timing of insurance for a new car remains, as well as for used (10 days from the date of signing the act of receiving the car and the contract of sale). And also being the first owner of the long-awaited car, eliminates the need to pass the inspection. This greatly simplifies the registration of the CTP, which can be done right in the car dealership.

How much can you ride under the contract of sale without registration

Registration or re-registration of the vehicle is a prerequisite for all car owners. It does not matter what transportation is purchased, with zero mileage or used cars, deadlines for all. The newly minted car owner is allowed to ride without registering within 10 days.

Salons of official dealers, according to the latest changes in the Regulations on the registration of the vehicle, have the right to independently put the vehicles purchased from them. This procedure requires additional costs, but at the same time eliminates car owner paper. All mandatory documents on the appointed period can be obtained in the cabin along with the car.

That is, the buyer has the right to drive by car under the contract of sale without insurance and registration for 10 days.

Fines for non-compliance with deadlines

Car dealerships now do not provide transit numbers. They are now issued, only if you intend to remove the car abroad or, on the contrary, they drove it from another state. Of course, it will be more convenient to make all the documents directly in the cabin, but it requires additional costs. You can independently try to solve all the necessary tasks with registration on the first day of purchase.

The traffic police officer during verification always requires to provide documents: driver's license, OSAGO policy, registration certificate.

Failure to comply with the timing of the above documents may result in the following sanctions:

  • 800 rubles for the lack of the policy of OSAGO or with an expired shelf life;
  • 500 rubles for riding in those months that are not listed in insurance;
  • from 1500 to 2000 rubles a penalty for late registration of the vehicle.

In order not to overshadow the purchase of a car, unexpected fines follow a car registration procedure to spend on the day of purchase.

How much can you ride without registration after buying a car with numbers

Each driver knows that any vehicle must be insured and registered. But when purchasing a new car there is a lot of questions: how many days you can ride a car under the purchase and sale agreement (DKP) without the passage of registration and the CTP, will the deadlines for the used and new vehicle, is it necessary to arrange insurance if its term does not expire? All this will be discussed below.

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Are you allowed to move without insurance?

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Drawing up a sales contract is a prerequisite for the purchase of a used either a new vehicle. It is on this document that the buyer receives a car, and the seller is money. After that, the new car owner is obliged to arrange insurance and only then visit the traffic police for reissuing the owner. However, many drivers are in no hurry to fulfill these actions, believing that it is possible to ride a car. Partially they are right - after purchasing a car, for some time this possibility actually exists.

After drawing up DCP, the new owner has 10 days to bring the documents in order. But no one will issue a car in the traffic police without an insurance policy, so first should be obtained, and then go to the nearest MREO branch.

Any thinking driver may appear quite a logical question - whether to receive new insurance if the purchased car is not new, and the term of the policy does not expire for it? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that the car is not insured, but the responsibility of its owner. Therefore, a visit to the insurance company is mandatory when changing the owner on a means of movement.

Some quirky drivers managed every 10 days to update the date in the sale contract. Of course, this will help get rid of claims from the traffic police officers. But it should be understood that in the case of an accident, its consequences will have to be compensated at its own expense. After all, before re-registration and registration of insurance, liability for damages lies on an individual.

As in the case of supported by the vehicle, the cabin car should be insured within 10 days from the date of drawing up and signing the DCT. The only difference is that there is no need to undergo inspection. It simplifies the design of the car - get the insurance policy can be right in the car dealership.

How long is it allowed to ride without re-registration of the vehicle?

Now we need to figure out - after buying a car, how much can you ride without setting it on accounting? For all vehicles (from the cabin and former in possession), as in the case of insurance, one period is determined - 10 days. Throughout this period, the car should be registered in the MREO office. On the 11th day, any traffic police officer may finf you for driving without the necessary documents (this will be discussed below).

When purchasing a new car, you can use the service of the automotive interior on registration on your behalf. For this you will have to pay extra, but you can avoid paper red tape.

How can I go on a car without insurance and registration?

There are several ways to move on the car under the contract of sale:

  1. On transit numbers. Although since 2013, this option has lost its relevance, but did not cease to be legal. Currently, transits are issued to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and individuals To move cars abroad. Temporary numbers are not suiced, and are issued for only 10 days. The extension of the numbers is prohibited by law.
  2. On old rooms, if the car is not new. Of course, after 10 days, all documents must be reissued. If this is not done, the fines will come to the former owner of the car. But for some time you can ride with DKP and PTS, in which the name of the new owner must be written.
  3. At the policy of the OSAGO former owner, if there are no restrictions on the owner. Either the auto seller can enter the buyer as allowed to manage. Naturally, this option is more suitable if the transaction is carried out between close relatives.
  4. Riding a car from the salon. No numbers are allowed to move no more than 10 days.

Another way is to manipulate the contract. Immediately it should be said that this option cannot be attributed to absolutely legal. The more impossible to act without the consent of the old owner. There are 2 options:

If the transaction is carried out between other people's people, you should not use their kindness for a long time. After all, while the car is not re-registered, all fines and transport tax will come to the address of the previous owner. In the end, this may be bored, and he, without putting you fame, stops registration and simply utilizes the vehicle.

Penalties and responsibility

If you bought a car and do not want to be attracted to administrative responsibility for late execution of documents, do not postpone the case in a long box. You have 10 days for insurance and registration in the traffic police. Otherwise, these fines are waiting for you:

  • For the lack of rooms - 5,000 rubles (paragraph 2 of Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Additionally, the punishment is provided in the form of depriving the driver of the right to control the means of movement for the period from one to three months.
  • For the lack of an account or its existence of an expired period of action - 800 rubles.
  • For movement by car in those months, which are not specified in the insurance policy, 500 rubles.
  • For violation of the established period of registration of the car - up to 2 000 rubles.

Do not overshadow the joy from buying a new "iron friend" by anyone unnecessary fines. Better on the day of acquisitions to issue insurance and go through re-registration in the traffic police.

How much can you ride under the contract of sale without the CTP? 5 reasons urgently arrange insurance

The active insurance policy of the OSAGO, as well as the registration documents on the car must be at each driver, and it should be able to provide them at any time to the road inspector. If the car is only bought, neither insurance or registration it is burdened. What to do if after buying a car you have not yet issued required documents? How much can you drive under the contract of sale, and what kind of punishment is waiting for you, if until the expiration of this term will not be framed?

After the conclusion of the contract of sale (DKP), when purchasing a car, a new owner is obliged to arrange documents, without which he has no right to participate in road traffic. We are talking about OSAGO, driver's license, as well as registration documents. Instantly all listed paper is impossible to arrange, so the driver gets a small deferment. Until the acquisition of the machine, you can take care of obtaining driver's licenseBut insurance can only be issued if there is a vehicle. How much can you drive under the contract of sale before making insurance, and what fines will pay the driver for non-compliance with the term provided by law?

How much time can you ride without CTP?

The number of days during which you can drive under the contract of sale, regulates the Law "On Compulsory Insurance". After the driver acquired the car, he must insure his own civil liability before submitting documents for registration of the vehicle in the traffic police. All this is given 10 days from the moment of buying a car.

Since the used auto insurance at the time of sale is still valid, the new owner may have an erroneous opinion that the new CTP issue is not yet necessary. It is important to understand that the role of the insurance object is the responsibility of the owner of the car, and not the car itself. After receiving the car to the property, it is not worth the installation of insurance in a long box.

It is also worth remembering that, despite the permission to manage the machine without insurance within 10 days after the purchase, the driver does not get rid of the obligation to pay all expenses independently when in an accident during this period.

What documents to carry with you?

If you have already wondered if it is possible to ride without insurance under the sale contract, it is also worth thinking about how to protect yourself in this period if the traffic police officers stop you all the same:

  1. Always have a contract of sale, a TC passport and a driver's license with you in the car.
  2. Even if the law is on your side, try to avoid conflicts.
  3. Be sure to print the necessary articles of the law on the CTP and bring them with them. If necessary, you can show their inspector and avoid conflict.
  4. Temporary policy, if in the near future you will not have a financial opportunity to issue full-fledged insurance.

The concept of the contract of sale

The purchase and sale document acts as a key guideline document when selling or buying a vehicle. It is this document that allows you to confirm the ownership of the car, which is a prerequisite when setting the car for accounting in the traffic police. So far, the owner of the TC will not receive a certificate of registration, only the DCP will be able to confirm the right of ownership of the machine.

According to the legislative standards, the owner of the car must pass into the traffic police it is its own copy, but in practice he rarely receives this instance back.

Manipulation with DKP

Availability of a vehicle acquisition agreement allows the driver for 10 days to forget about the need to arrange the CTP and put the car for accounting, but the hands of the car owner are also unleashed by possible manipulations with legislative norms on this background.

DKP There is no need to assure, it is signed only by the seller and the buyer, therefore, it is possible to take advantage of two loopholes, which will be able to seize the machine after the expiration of the term allocated in the period of 10 days:

  1. After 10 days, you can re-transfer the contract and you will have another 10 days. The number of such updates is not limited if the former owner of the car has no complaints about your side.
  2. DKP can be issued with an open date, and you can enter it directly for 10 seconds before it is necessary to provide a traffic police officer.

Reasons to arrange insurance as soon as possible

Nobody is insured against the incident on the road, so you hurry with the execution of the policy standing due to the following factors:

  1. First of all, the lack of insurance will result in the need to cover costs in case of an accident from their pocket. If wines for an accident on you, then compensate for the damage you will be both your and affected driver.
  2. According to the Euro-Protocol, you will not be able to issue an accident without the policy, so you will have to cause security inspection.
  3. We'll have to explain the traffic police for a long time for a long time for the absence of insurance every time they brake you.
  4. It will not be able to prohibit ride, but you will definitely require explanations, because the traffic police officers negatively relate to drivers without insurance, even if the term provided for by the legislation is not expirable.
  5. Warriors without insurance camera photo scatters are determined automatically, with the legislation nuances they do not take into account, so the fine will come in an automatic order by mail. To not pay it, you will have to spend your own time and write a statement in the relevant authorities.

Penalties and responsibility

If you ignore a 10-day term, which gives legislation on registration of the CTP and the registration of the vehicle after purchase, it is worth preparing for the following fines:

  • up to 2 thousand rubles. for the lack of registration documents;
  • 800 rub. for the absence of CTP;
  • 5 000 rubles. For the lack of numbers, if such were not installed on a 10-day term after the purchase (also the driver is deprived of driving rights for a period of 1 to 3 months).

Take care to insure the car after the acquisition as quickly as possible. Remember that when buying a car in a car dealership, insurance can be arranged in place, but it is not always profitable, so sometimes it is worth using a 10-day deferment to search for other options.

How much can you drive under the sale of the car sale

Any driver must have a road inspector for the registration of the car and the active policy of the OSAGO (PDD Article 2.1.1; order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 59 "On the Procedure for Registration of Vehicles" 2003/27/01).

But the freshly replenished machine is not burdened with any registered and insurance. In order not to make anger of traffic cops and not to enter the conflict with the law, it is necessary to clearly know how much you can drive under the contract of sale. Otherwise, penalties and sanctions not to power.

Documents for traffic police

Other documents, he is not obliged to show, including paper on the acquisition of property.

If, in addition to the sale agreement, sales and Wu there is nothing, then the DCP will be salvation (in some way and under certain circumstances).

A good half, and even more, drivers and inspectors are confident that without the CTP to appear on the road not only illegally, but also burdensome for the wallet. Their error dispel two documents:

The ICEA Law indicates the unquestioned obligation of driver liability insurance no later than the 10-day term since the emergence of proprietary law on auto (paragraph 2 of Article 4). At that time, while autocarted liability was not insured, the owner of the car takes all the risks for himself and is fully responsible for compensation for harm caused on the road (paragraph 6 of Article 4).

The moment of ownership of the property of GK Art.223, 224 calls a purchase, inheritance and so on. Ten calendar days are given to the new owner to pass, getting diagnostic cardreceiving insurance and registration documents.

During the 10th day of day, the only document on the car can be considered a sales contract, a certificate of inheritance or other supporting documents (depending on the origin of the property).

COAP Article 12.37 of claim 2 indicates the penalty for an irresponsible car owner who has no policy.

In the body of the article, the term "obviously" was used, which indicates the non-use of the article to drivers, whose lack of an insurance document is not connected with intent, but with natural circumstances.

Moreover, the COAP is attracted only for the completed violations, in the given case, the "road violation" can be considered over (decorated) only after the 10-day "deadline" will expire for which the car owner must perform the necessary actions. Upon completion of this pool, it will be possible to say that the action (inaction) of the owner of the car led to an illegal result.

"... before the expiration of the ten-day period allotted by the vehicle owner to conclude a civil liability insurance contract, the driver of such a vehicle has the right to manage them without the appropriate insurance policy, which directly follows from the challenged norm of the rules providing for the driver's responsibility to have this insurance policy only in Cases established by federal law. "

Thus, it is possible to ride without a hemo, but not long. It is better not to tighten with its design - without the policy it will not be possible to register a car for all the rules.

In case of stopping only the purchased car by the road inspector, justifying documents on the presentation will be a contract for sale with an affiliated date and text of the decision of the Supreme Court.

Ways to legally move on an unregistered car

For registration of the car 10 days after purchase, including holidays and weekends (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 11001 "On the procedure for registration of vehicles" 2008/24/11 Revision 2015/13/02). The finality for the delay, which previously amounted to 100 rubles, is now increased by 20 times.

An option with transit since 2013 (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) has ceased to be relevant, although it has not lost legality.

Now transits are issued in exceptional cases only for 10 days and mainly individuals and legal entities.

Moreover, the period for issuing transit increased greatly, cost increased. Extend transit validity law is prohibited.

The machine bu, purchased with numbers, must be re-registered in the same 10-day term. Otherwise, taxes and fines will come to the former owner. During the days, the owner of the car can ride with DCP and TCP, where it should be inscribed at the same time. On the 11th day, during the confluence of adverse circumstances, the penalty is imposed on it, and also will have to pay a "biting" amount into the traffic police for the delay in the registration period.

Another option to move for some time on the non-renewed car - the policy of the old owner, in which there is no restriction on users. Either the former owner denotes the new owner in the policy as admitted to management. Such a move works if the car is purchased on a DCP from someone from close relatives.

A completely new car from the cabin has no numbers. Riding without state shows is punishable by law, but if there is a DKP, the same 10 days per calendar for registration in the auto inspection and obtaining license plates are allowed.

Manipulation with DKP

The contract for the purchase of the car writes off the "current sins" by a new car owner and unlock his hands on one and a half weeks. The imperfection of legislation allows manipulation of the contract without disturbing the law.

DKP, justifying riding without re-registration, is signed by only two persons and does not provide assurances.

Such an alignment opens two loopholes with the contract, according to which the semi-legal movement by car becomes quite legal and does not fall under sanctions:

  1. Renewal of the contract after a half weeks will extend the "term of impunity" for the next 10 days. Such an update can be done as much as possible if the former owner does not have anything against.
  2. Registration of DKP with an open date. In this case, the date in the contract can be inscribed in 5 seconds at the occurrence of "hour x".

Note that such actions are possible solely with the consent of the former owner and work perfectly in the case of buying a car from a close relative (for example, grandson bought a car at the grandfather who lives with him).

Once his patience can burst, and it will stop registration or utilizes the car sold.

Other re-registration options

In general, logical options for selling cars with renewal only two:

  • concludes DKP, transfer keys and documents with a warning that after 10 days Check the data on the database of the Avtospect (in the absence of the owner's change, you can immediately terminate registration or dispose of TC);
  • we draw up a deal directly to the MREO, which will give confidence in the guaranteed change of the owner.

Sale and purchase on the general power of attorney is quite common, which is customary to be re-registered. This is not re-registration, but the transfer of cars with potential re-registration. Saving funds and time with such a purchase (sale) is very controversial, and risks on both sides are extremely great.

With this procedure, the owner's shift is actually not occurring - until the new owner holds all registration procedures. In other words, the re-registration of cars will be carried out only after the documents for movable property will be reissued.

Currently, it is possible to sell the car without removing from accounting (there was no such thing before), and therefore the relevance of the risky purchase and sales on the general power of attorney sued no.

Communities\u003e Road Stories\u003e Forum\u003e Machine under the contract of sale

I want to tell you one interesting thing.

Often we buy cars from hand and a choice appears, how to buy it? General power of attorney? - The worst option. 3 years after signing it, you need to re-look for the owner and decompose again, you often find it to find it. Therefore, sales on the generator does not exist! It is a myth! It's just you "gave ride and dispose of property."

The best option in any case is a contract of sale.
It can be made completely from hand and do not need to assure any seals from the notary.

And now I will tell you a few horseshoes and what this contract gives us.

The contract is drawn up in 3 copies, one leaves the former owner, the second is the new owner, the third - is given to the traffic police when registering. Blank such a contract can be downloaded on the Internet.
So, when you buy a car, you fill out 3 copies, sign up for the fact that the car got, and the former owner for receiving money. Next, you need to make data in the TCP, write the former owner, and enter the new one. Do not forget to sign signatures.
In addition, it is necessary to put a date, as well as specify a document that confirms the right of ownership, then I mean DKP.

After the car got, we have 10 days for registration and for registration of insurance. Here, many people arise: "How is it? Can I drive 10 days without an insurance policy? And if the traffic cop stops? ". Yes, you can. Only not all traffic cops know about it.

In the rules of Rules 2.1.1, it is necessary to transfer the following documents to the inspector: Wu, registration documents and the policy of OSAGO. Now look.
Article 4.2 of the OSAA Law tells us that we really have 10 days for the execution of the policy after the day of acquiring a vehicle. Acquisition day - Date in DKP.
What to do if the traffic cop stops? Many will say. Carry with me a DCP. You can, but I will tell you a secret, you are not obliged to make a contract of sale as evidence that this is your car, and that the 10 day term has not come out. Such a hike was formed after November 24, 2012, when from paragraph 2.1.1. Removed "Documents confirming the right of ownership." This is a power of attorney, and the generator, and the contract of sale here also fits.
We will not represent such situations, I will describe you real, on your personal example.

I bought a car from my grandmother, concluding DKP. The car from another region, on account still listed on it, but I am at home DKP and PTS confirming that I am a new owner. I go only with one WC and a certificate of registration in which my grandmother is indicated. I recently stopped me a traffic cop and I had half an hour with him about whether I was obliged to insure my vehicle immediately after the purchase. He insisted what is obliged, I explained that there is no. He made articles, resolutions of the Plenum, in which it clearly states that this policy should be obtained no later than 10 days from the date of the acquisition of the vehicle.
At the same time, the traffic cop said adequately, and understood that the contract of sale I was not obliged to present it. But in theory I must present the OSAGO. Neonicity arise, on the documents the car is alien, I did not make it any more, but I can ride it. And indeed it is. Prove that you bought a car you are not required, but if you want to solve everything in place, you can carry with me a DCP and PTS. Personally, I do not do this. I also interfere with this paper.
The inspector was entitled to arrange me for the absence of an insurance policy, but on the other hand he would not consider all the materials of the case. The purchase agreement was at home, to check this fact could not be possible, therefore there would be no legality in his actions! When the protocol and the decision of the inspectors are issued, there is a duty to immediately consider it, while it is necessary to check all the facts. If I say that I bought this car, but I have a DKP at home, the inspector is delivered problems and doubts. Someone naturally does not stop, but I assure you, it is very easy to appealed in court. Bring all the necessary documents, documents for the car, and confirm the fact of acquisition, the decision is canceled, the case is closed.

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