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Do you need to register well? Registration of well on water - in what cases it is necessary and how the water intake is carried out.

Moscow Region Dachnings are not a joke frightened. One major federal edition reported that millions of them (in the Moscow region there are really about 3 million gardeners and dacities) From September 1, it is threatened with a rather big fines for wells on the groats without a license.

Information began to actively walk through social networks and online publications, faster all the horrors. True, the main thing remained incomprehensible: what should I do? I was looking for a long time on the Internet, as a gardener to get a license to a water well in my site. Not found. I had to go to the original source - in the Ministry of Extraction of the Moscow Region, which is of the issuance of these licenses.
"No one will penalize ordinary dachanitsa, your colleagues confused," said the departments of the department. - Private persons who use a well for personal needs, receive a license and should not. We are talking about entrepreneurs and organizations.
Later, the same confirmed to journalists and the Minister of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan: "Penalties are threaten only to legal entities. That is, organizations, and not a concrete dac of uncle Wan with a well on a personal garden. "
True, as it turned out, gardening partnerships and cooperatives and there are the very organizations that are often used by wells illegally wells, without a license. And it began to be ... Where will I take a SNT money on fines, how not from your gardeners-dacnis? But let's try to figure out the situation in order.

What borements need a license?

This is required if:
- water from the well is mined below the aquifer, which serves as a source of centralized water supply (as a rule, we are talking about artesian wells);
- Over 100 cubic meters of water per day (the usual country family of 4 people, even taking into account urban amenities, soul, watering the garden and a small pool, according to experts, it consumes no more than 1100-1200 liters, that is, 1.1 -1.2 cube; but the Artesian Well, which serves a whole SNT, may well fall under these restrictions);
- Water is not used for personal needs.

Why did licenses remembered now, and before that the fines did not threaten?

In general, the licenses for the extraction of groundwater do we believe since 1992. But this was engaged in some foggy federal structures, and on the fact of the well drilled who as wanted. And since 2015, the powers to give such licenses to regions. Here are the suburban authorities and revived. At the same time, in the Ministry of Extraction of the Moscow Region found that the wells for wells somehow do not know that they are obliged to do something there.
For autumn 2015, a little more than two thousand wells were licensed. And groundwater pumps over 2.3 million cubic meters per day. Whole water workers work without necessary documents! What is about the water pipes in garden partnerships speak.
As a result, in 2016, the so-called "water amnesty" was announced in the suburbs - until September 1. Whoever will have time to submit documents to the license, to those penalties will not be. That is, environmental inspectors have been holding a raid for a year, calculating the violators and at the same time explaining the legislation. But the fines are not discharged - only give out the proposals of the instructions to arrange documents. Such prescriptions, by the way, have already been issued many. Among particularly distinguished themselves, according to the Ministry of Extrakiology, Vodokanaly, car wash and agricultural enterprises.

"Penalties are threatened only to legal entities. That is, organizations, not a concrete dac of uncle Vana with a well on a personal garden, "Alexander Kogan, Minister of Ecology and Natural Management of the Moscow Region.

What to do that the native partnership does not fall into a fine?

If we are talking about a country partnership, licensing should have a person authorized by this partnership - as a rule, the chairman. So ordinary gardeners can not score heads generally detail. Unless to ask the Chair, whether it is aware of this story. If not in the know, let it seek on the official website of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Management of the Moscow Region ( section "Documents / Information on the rule-making activities of the Ministry / RegulationsSubmitted by the Ministry, "and there is a document called" The procedure for obtaining a license for the extraction of groundwater. "
This order is so. First issued the right to use subsoils (60 days and free of charge), then a license itself (another 45 days and 7,500 rubles of state duty).
Yes, so not easy. And who is easy? But - calm for 25 years (the license is so much drawn up, then it must be renewed).
Of the good: in the Ministry of Ecology, they promise that SNT will not be fined and further, after September 1 (unlike water volokinals and car wash). They even promise to start issuing licenses through MFC (multifunctional centers) and simplify the order. But the documents are still recommended to receive - if only because in the licensing process, water quality is necessarily investigated.
And then the summer residents often do not know that they drink and whether it is possible to do it without filters without harm to health.

Elena Arakelyan, MSK.KP.RU

Together with the passport of water intake and license for the use of subsoils for the extraction of groundwater, the owner of the hydraulic equipment is required to formulate a well for state accounting. In GVK (State Water Cadastre), she is assigned a special number.

What sources are subject to registration?

  • Sand drilling - no paperwork through government instances. The disadvantage of shallow sources (30 m from the surface) is their briefness - a maximum of 10 years of service.
  • Drilling on limestone - Requires a well-based well for state accounting. Local resources are located at a depth of more than 300 meters, so the artesian well guards the law "On subsoil". The quality of such water is much higher.

Registration of a new well on water

After receiving permission for the right to use subsoil, there is a statement of cadastral records of the new artesian well. The registration process includes several stages:

  • A geological examination of water intake by the Department of Subsoil Use is carried out.
  • The arrangement of the sanitary protection zone of the Artesian Source is underway.
  • Rospotrebnadzor analyzes the chemical composition of water and issues a conclusion about its suitability.
  • Registration is carried out in GVK.
  • Water intake is commissioned.

If the object got the owner of the land from the ground, the water intake is still required to record. Another option is to maintain the source.

Documents for registration in Rostekhnadzor

The procedure for setting on cadastral registration of the artesian source is similar to the design of any other object of real estate. Requires package of documents:

  • Situation plan (reflects the location and water consumption devices regarding settlements and other objects).
  • Accounting drilling card with GVK number.
  • Technical Plan (contains information about real estate located on the site).
  • Description of equipment (provides characteristics of piezometric pipes, water and pumping devices).
  • The well passport (contains technical information and issued a drilling company).

The finished set is provided to the state authority of the cadastral accounting. The procedure is carried out on the basis of the application of the owner. After completing the setting on cadastral records, the room is assigned to the number.

Our company will help you prepare and assemble the necessary documentation, make a borehole account and get a state water cadastral number.

Prices for the production of wells for accounting

** Depends on the existing set of documents on the well.

The depth of the well - the question is far from idle and depends on many factors. First of all, you need to decide what a lifeful moisture is needed. It's one thing. If the water is scheduled to apply only on economic needs, such as watering the garden on the household plot, for the needs of construction, for seasonal needs and so on. Water for this takes from supreme layers from a small depth of the occurrence. For such situations, the resolution on the well is not required, you can be drilled yourself.

At the same time, before starting work, you need to make sure that the water on the site is available, and its depth of it allows you to drill a well on reliable conditions. Even the presence of a full-flowable well in the neighboring country does not guarantee the presence of a lifeful moisture in the selected place.

This indicator may even be basic when determining the water search tactics. With a small amount of water consumption and mainly economic consumption, it is enough to reach a leafed layer with a flow rate of 0.5 m 3 / hour to a depth of 2 to 5 meters. Such a well will be in a minimal amount, especially if you drill it yourself. It does not require registration, since the law does not include the rigorous layer in the composition of minerals. But there is a risk to stay without water during drought, because in a hot-sided season, a well or well can dry.

To obtain permission to drill wells, you need to spend the amount from 70 to 300 thousand rubles only for the design of documents, further - to drill and equip the water intake. A small station of debitabling, biological and chemical water purification will cost exactly cheaper, but already with its quality guaranteed.

Registration of the Artesian Well-water in Russia. Very few people understand why drilled without the right permits, registration procedures and documents Artesian wells must be legalized, that is, make up special documentation. The fact is that groundwater is minerals that belong to the state.

For this reason, any extraction of reserves from state ownership, including water, is permissible only with the permission of organs in the presence of necessary securities.

This is a large set of events in which:

  1. Survey.
  2. Installing the crane for selection of water sampling in order to determine the chemical and bacteriological water quality.
  3. Installing equipment (counters) to keep records of water consumed.
  4. Preparation of documentation.
  5. Creating a project on a borehole.
  6. Production of a passport on the well.
  7. Registration of a special water use document.

Now you can consider all items in more detail.

When conducting a survey of the artesian well, it should determine its dynamic level of water, the design, in what state is the pump station for the water meter and the drain crane to take samples from it. Also, the geographical coordinates of the location of the well will also be checked, they will make a reference to the map of the region, fencing and sizes, the absence / availability of foreign buildings, holes and other contamination sources are noted.

Basics of legislation for well registration

According to the law, for each wells must install a node for the meter. The answer to the question "Why is it necessary" simple: groundwater is not an inexhaustible source, and in the absence of water selection control, this will lead to irreversible and sad consequences.

Do not forget that in nature everything is interconnected: for the underground waters, superficial, thanks to the surface we have precipitation, which give life on Earth to be. When you fall out at least one level, the whole chain will be broken, but you do not want our children and grandchildren in the future?

For water selection, a special crane is used, which makes it possible to control the quality of the resulting water from the artesian well, respond to any changes in water. After the chemical and bacteriological analysis, you can choose the appropriate equipment for cleaning, water preparation for drinking or disinfection.

Since the drilling of such a well provides for the use of state water reserves, it is important to make a permit that are not issued without consent local government and the availability of a working project. What is meant by special documents?

They represent a hydrogeological conclusion that the underground water is allowed, an act of examination and choice land plot For the well-guard zone, the protocol on the session of the deputies or the executive committee that they allow the design and drill well, tehn. Waterfill conditions at the place of residence or other utilities, publication in the local newspaper about the desire to drill and possible consequences.

After everything is ready, you can start developing a drilling project, where the result of analyzes for water reserves, the presence of aquifer will be described, the drilling technology will be selected. Even there should be information about the work of the well, structural features, water and pumping equipment. After the manufacturer, the project is submitted for consideration and coordination, and only after that you can get a document in the hands, which gives you the right to bury and register the artesian well.

How to make a passport on a well?

The main document of all is a passport on the well, where the following information will be indicated:

  • Project developer data.
  • Well registration number.
  • Drilling Organization.
  • Method of drilling.
  • What kind of drilling machine was used.
  • What instruments were used, as well as their size.
  • Geographical location.
  • Well construction.
  • Geological cut.
  • Dynamic / statistical data.
  • Data on the chemical composition of water.
  • Bacteriological analysis.
  • Test pumping results.

What is needed to design special water management?

Special water use is a fence of water with the help of devices of equipment or a special structure when using the artesian well, and this requires a separate resolution that should be in the form of a document. Permission to special use of water issued state body OPS protection (with the use of mineral state values) or regional and urban council (when using local reserves).

The resolution will be information about the body that issued a certificate full of the FIO of the water user for individual or full name for legal. In the same document, the conditions of use, limits, data and secondary users, for example, tenants, and the like information should be specified. Such permission can be issued for a period of 3 to 25 years, and it is fastened by the seal of the first person of the body that issued the document.


Remember that arbitrary or illegal use of groundwater from wells, which are not registered and have no passport and water use document, is prosecuted by law to criminal liability.

The entire process of registration, from submission of an application to Rospotrebnadzor to the receipt of the wellness passport and the conclusion of sanitary expertise. The procedure lasts from 300 to 450 days. Consider more details of the submission of documents and submarine stones of the permissive system.

Water supply of private economy, along with the satisfaction of other domestic needs, is the necessary part of ensuring the proper level of residents. Depending on the depth of aquifer, water can be obtained from wells and wells. The latter are the optimal solution, compared to other methods to obtain clean water. If you produce water from limestone horizons, it equates to the depths and requires the passage of the permissive procedure. Registration of the Artesian Well, the process of obtaining a license and operating conditions requires compliance with established rules and rules

What is the permission and what conditions of arrangement?

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the legality of drilling. Licensing of artesian wells is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Before starting work, it is necessary to pass a number of mandatory instances, after which you can proceed to drilling. After all conditions are fulfilled, the owner receives a passport to the artesian well. Then a test fence is made, which is sent to the examination, after which the well is entered into the registry. In order to pass all the instances, fulfill the requirements, as well as observe the sanitary standards, you need to be patient.

Instances and stages

All the way from obtaining a license to operation can be divided not several main steps:

  1. Submission of documents to regulatory authorities, project agreement and license.
  2. Drilling well and arrangement of the territory.
  3. Conducting water analysis, well registration and receiving a passport.

Collection and submission of documents

The first and longest stage is to obtain a license for the use of subsoil.

The sequence of actions that must be implemented:

The result of your effort will be obtaining a long-awaited license.

Important detail - Artesian well suggests certain sanitary standards. The area of \u200b\u200bthe site should be at least 60x60 m. It also requires landscaping, fence and lack of buildings in this area. In some cases, you may allow to reduce the area twice. To explore the information in more detail, we advise you to refer to the sanitary rules and standards "The sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and water supply water supply water supply systems".

Drilling well, arrangement of the territory and registration

Stages following subsoil licenses:

  1. Drilling work.
  2. Arrangement of the sanitary zone.
  3. State expertise compliance with documentation.
  4. Stopping well for accounting.
  5. Trial water fence.
  6. Obtaining a technical passport.

By coordinating the project and having received a license for drilling, you can proceed to work. They can be made by companies with relevant permits. After their execution, the well is registered, the equipment of the sanitary zone and documents are submitted to a specialized examination.

Documents for setting on cadastral registration are submitted to bodies registering any other property in the relevant settlement. These may be local district councils or other authorities.

Water samples and receiving a passport

Passport issues a contracting company that has established equipment. However, it is drawn up after a test fence of water. The procedure is strictly regulated by the relevant GOST 31862-2012 and GOST R 53415-2009. Water analysis is entitled to licensed commercial companies that have received relevant state accreditation for relevant analyzes. After sending water to analyzes, the pump is installed and the procedure is repeated. Before the procedure for fence and analysis, all the technical characteristics of the well are entered into a passport. Successful passage of trial will allow you to turn on the well in the registry and proceed to its legal operation. Detailed requirements for water characteristics are provided by SanPine

Control over compliance with norms and operating conditions is carried out through checks of Rospotrebnadzor after inclusion in the register of artesian wells. The verification data is regulated and directed to the correct use of subsoil.

Responsibility for illegal use of subsoil

Not so long ago controlling and inspection bodies closed their eyes to a huge number of households enjoying artesian water without obtaining the necessary documents.

Since last year, the situation has changed somewhat. After a short state amnesty, which made it possible to legitimize the use of artesian water, the requirements and sanctions tightened.

Now, in violation of legislation, it will be necessary to pay a fine, which varies within 3-5 thousand rubles. for citizens and 800-1000 thousand rubles. for legal entities. The illegal use of underground waters will be monitored by the Ministry of Ecology, and sanctions will apply to unscrupulous persons.

Legal procedure

Legalize use if the equipment is already installed. To do this, you will have to go through the procedure for submitting documents, obtaining a license and passport in a general order. The only vapor can be the inconsistency of the requirements and norms of the real situation.

In this case, the masters will need to give a plot in line with sanitary construction and technical requirements. In cases where it is impossible to do this, the control body can not only impose a fine, but also dismantle the equipment with subsequent confiscation.

Ways to receive drinking water

Depending on the peculiarities of the geology of the region, the population density, the remoteness from civilization and other factors, distinguish between several main ways to obtain water from the depths of the Earth:

  • Shallow well (usually up to 30 m). Water is extracted from sandy aquifers.
  • Artesian well. Limestone aquifers, depth of 50 m.

Shallow well

Its depth infrequently exceeds 30 m. Fresh the water of a shallow occurrence is quite simple. You will not need to undergo a permitting procedure, and the cost of drilling is quite low. At first glance it may seem that getting water at small depths is beneficial from any point of view, but it is not quite so. A number of disadvantages may be pretty to spoil your life and complicate the management of the economy.

Sand horizons are strongly susceptible to external factors, which makes doubt on the feasibility of drilling into small depths. Having obtaining water at a depth of up to 30 m, the likelihood of the waste of nearby industrial enterprises is high, which at best can spoil the taste of water. Do not forget about the climatic and weather factor. The arid season may well contribute to the depletion of aquifer.

Artesian well

With a depth of several tens to hundreds of meters, water is extracted from limestone horizons. The depth of limestone is large enough and begins on average at the level of 50 m. It complicates the technical side of the question. Perform drilling will be more difficult, longer and more expensive. These factors often scare the owners of private sites.

High price, the need to obtain a license and the complexity of the procedure seem to be an unbearable task. However, having acquainted with the question closer, everything becomes not so scary. The benefit from the use of the artesian well is at times greater than the arguments against its drilling.


Comparing the peculiarities of the production of water from sandy and limestone horizons, we obtain the main and indisputable benefits of the latter:

  • high performance - in connection with rich and rich in water limestone layers, water can be ensured whole cottage villages;
  • the water of deep lounge will always be crystal clear and have a shared taste;
  • full independence from arid seasons - limestone horizons have their own geological nature, which is not affected by the weather and climate features;
  • the lack of a negative impact of ecology and technogenic factors - the depth of occurrence makes it possible to avoid the effects of human activity.
Alex, April 21, 2017.

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