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Luxembourg needs a visa for Russians. Sample Filling Questionnaire for a visa to Luxembourg

A tiny state, proudly referred to as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is a concentration in a small area of \u200b\u200bmany picturesque medieval fortresses, monasteries and castles. This country is best suited to those who prefer long hiking along mountain and forest paths and narrow streets of old cities.

Luxembourg is part of Benilyuksa - Union of Belgium, and Luxembourg. Typically, travelers are visited on this three states.

To travel, it will be necessary in Luxembourg. Since this state is also included in the scan of the Schengen contract, it is necessary to obtain the same visa. If there is an open visa in the passport to any country agreement, a separate permission is not issued.

Tourists traveling to Luxembourg, Schengen can arrange independently.

For this purpose, such documents should be brought to the consular department of the embassy:

  • passport: It must act within 3 months after the trip;
  • a copy of the passport page with personal data;
  • colored matte photos with a size of 3.5 x 4.5 without ovals and angles - 2 pieces;
  • copies of old Schengen visas, if such were;
  • questionnaire filled in 2 copies in English or French, signed by the applicant personally;
  • medical insurance policy with minimal coating of 30 thousand euros and expenses and reimbursement of expenses for the repatriation of the body from the country;
  • help from the place of work or study. It is drawn up on the organization's form, it indicates the full name of the applicant's position, wages, experience, and recorded on the preservation of the workplace during the trip;
  • evidence of financial support on a trip at the rate of 50 euros per person per person: it may be extracts from bank accounts, certificate of purchasing currency, traveler checks;
  • written confirmation of armor at the hotel or any place of residence in the country, as well as a detailed travel route in English or French;
  • copies of airline tickets in both directions or confirmation of armor;
  • schoolchildren and students in the training period provide certificates from school or educational institution on the permission to visit the country in the school period.

Students and pensioners need to prepare copies of the student ticket and pension certificate. For them, as well as schoolchildren, the design of sponsorship letters from relatives is required.

If a minor goes on a trip with one of the parents, the second must issue a notarized permission. It will need to translate into English, German or French. For those children who go to Luxembourg without parents, permission is made up from both parents.

Attention! Documents and copies are rented in English, French or German. Transfers are certified by the notary.

For a guest visa to the list of these documents, an invitation from a private person must be attached - a citizen of Luxembourg. Instead of the hotel, in this case, you can use the description of the inviting housing.

If the inviting assumes the costs of living and maintaining a guest, documents confirming this opportunity.

Work and business trip

If you are not going to rest in Luxembourg, but on official matters or are going to work in this state, you need a working visa. In addition to the main set of documents, you will need to attach an official invitation in which the contacts of the inviting part will be indicated, the purpose of the trip and its deadlines are indicated.

In some cases, the consular department can request the constituent documents of the organization or permission to business activities. If you want to take into the service trip of children, get a visa will be very difficult.

Visa for visiting relatives

For those who wish to meet with their relatives living in Duchy, as well as those who want to visit the graves of loved ones in Luxembourg, it will be necessary to design a special permit.

To standard documents for a Schengen visa, you will need to attach:

  1. Invitation from relatives who have citizenship or residence permit in Luxembourg, certified in the city administration.
  2. Documents confirming related links.

If relatives take over the cost of guests associated with the trip, they apply documents confirming their financial consistency.

Travelers, the following transit through Luxembourg, the visa is needed. To get it applied tickets to the entire route and visas for entering the country.

Students going to training should receive a training visa. It will require a certificate from the educational institution of Luxembourg about enrollment and the letter of the host part that the student will be provided with housing for study and financial content. For participants in cultural or sporting events in the state, except for such a letter and the main set of documents, it will be necessary to obtain a visa to participate in the event.

Order order

Visa to Luxembourg for Russians is drawn up in Moscow at the consular department of the Embassy of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 to 12 o'clock in the afternoon. On Wednesday, the consular department does not work. Even in four Russian cities there are representative offices: St. Petersburg, Cherepovets, Magnitogorsk and Yekaterinburg.

If from September 2015 you have not been issued by any Schengen visa, it will be necessary. This information is stored for 5 years, then they will need to be updated.

On tourist and guest visits are usually issued a single visa. For a service trip, multivisa can be issued. Sometimes representatives of the embassy cause candidates for an interview, may request additional documents.

Visa design takes from 5 to 10 business days. With an urgent design, documents are discussed within three days.

Visa to Luxembourg is provided for different periods, depending on the type: from 14 days to one year. For transit travelers, permission is valid only for 5 days.

The cost of visa collection is similar to any Schengen resolution - 35 euros, you can compare C, and for urgent receipt of documents - 70 euros.

Consular departments do not accept documents for a visa from tour operators and agencies. Each applicant must personally attend documents. But get a passport with Shengen's stamp through a trustee.

List of documents for obtaining a visa to Luxembourg

Schengen visa to Luxembourg on a private invitation:

Original invitation certified in the city administration (Declaration De Prise En Charge). Persons leaving for a tourist trip must provide hotel booking and air tickets;

Medical insurance, valid during the entire term of the visa in all countries of the Schengen Agreement (the provision of the document is possible upon receipt of a visa);

For foreign citizensliving in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide an existing visa to Russia and registration. Schengen visa is issued only for the period of the Russian visa

Personal presence for submission of documents for a visa to Luxembourg is usually not required.

Schengen visa to Luxembourg for business invitation:

Original invitation (letter from an inviting organization);

Passport, which operates at least 3 months after the completion of the visa;

Two questionnaires filled in English, German or French, with cocular color photographs 35x45 mm;

Help from the place of work or study. For foreign citizens, it is also necessary to provide permission to work in the Russian Federation;

Medical insurance, valid during the entire duration of the visa in all countries of the Schengen Agreement (the provision of a document is possible upon receipt of a visa)

For children under 18, it is additionally required:

A copy of the birth certificate translated into French, German or English;

Resolution of parents to depart the child to the countries of the Schengen Agreement. If the child leaves with one of the parents, a written consent is necessary for the departure of the second parent. In the event of the death of one of the parents, it is necessary to provide death certificate

All listed documents must be translated into French, German or English. Copies of documents and translations must be notarized.

The embassy reserves the right to request any additional documents.

Visa Cost of Luxembourg located below page With all the fees and is paid when submitting documents. If you refuse a visa, the cost is not refundable.

The visa time takes up from 2 weeks, urgent 3-4 days (8700r).

For visa registration, the applicant provides documents on the lists listed below. When submitting documents for a tourist trip or on a private invitation, you need a personal presence of the applicant. The ride with the children's invitation is difficult. Only one-time visa is issued on private and tourist invitations, the issuance of multivibuses for a specific period is possible. Typical dates for a tourist invitation - up to 2 weeks, on private and service - up to 1 month. There are no restrictions on movement for Russian citizens.

Duchy of Luxembourg is a favorite holiday destination tourists, where travelers are waiting for amazing landscapes, magnificent infrastructure and sophisticated kitchen. Luxembourg is infinitely diverse, and every traveler who came here will discovery something new for himself. The country will be interesting and seekers of adventures, and fans of fitness, and connoisseurs of nature, and hunters for cultural values, children and businessmen. Russians in 2020, a Schengen visa needs for a trip here, since Luxembourg enters the Schengen zone.

Visa to Luxembourg opens in the country's diplomances in Moscow. Residents of St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region and nearby regions are addressed to the Visa Center of the Netherlands in the Northern Capital.

Schengen visa to Luxembourg

Regardless whether a short trip is scheduled for a weekend, or a full-fledged vacation in Luxembourg will need a Schengen visa. Happy Multishengen owners can go on a journey right now.

To whom only to go through the procedure for obtaining a Schengen visa prepare documentation (standard package):

  • The passport with the "stock" 3 months and its copy.
  • filled and signed by the applicant
  • A copy of the internal passport (all sheets with information).
  • Medilovka coated 30,000 euros.
  • Two photographs with a size of 3.5x4.5 cm.
  • Flights to both ends.
  • Documentation of material consistency (certificate from the employer, an extract from the bank account, sponsorship) at the rate of at least 50 euros for every day of residence.
  • The detailed plan of the route, painted by day.

Depending on the purpose of visits, additional documents are provided:

  1. for tourism (hotel reservation, turbo tech, invitation from the tour company, lease agreement of residential premises, certificate of ownership);
  2. for business visit - invitation letter from the Luxembourg company;
  3. for guest visit - Invitation from a citizen or resident of Luxembourg with a guarantee of living. Visa at the invitation is issued to visit close or friends;
  4. for learning - letter of enrollment or student card issued by an educational institution, sponsorship;
  5. for employment - Labor contract for hiring, letter from the employer.

The consulate insists on the translation of official documents for one of the languages: English, French or German.

For minor

Sponsored letter

Each applicant must confirm its solvency. Some categories of citizens may cause difficulties. For example, schoolchildren, students, pensioners temporarily not working tourists. Then it is drawn up from one of the close relatives who guarantees pay for all expenses for living in Luxembourg. It prescribes the data of the parties with the name, passport data, address addresses. The letter is accompanied by a document on the sponsor solvency and a copy of his passport.


For Russians, a transit visa to Luxembourg is not needed, when performing a number of conditions:

  1. transit through the country is carried out by plane;
  2. docking time does not exceed 24 hours;
  3. during the waiting for the flight, a foreigner does not intend to leave the airport;
  4. the stop in Luxembourg is the only one in the Schengen zone.

If the conditions are not performed, the standard visa opens with the purpose of transit, it is issued for 5 days.

Production procedure

Visas are issued in the diplomacy of Luxembourg in Moscow. Residents of the Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Pskov, Murmansk, Novgorod, Vologda regions and Karelia are addressed to the Visa Center of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg.

Applicants, executing Schengen for the first time, submit documents personally to pass biometrics. With repeated circulation, papers are possible through a relative or a trusted representative.

The application is considered from 5 to 10 days. The urgent visa is issued within 3 days. To speed up the process is recommended all official documents Translate to one of the main languages \u200b\u200bof Luxembourg: German, English, French. A request for additional documents on the request of the Consul is possible, in such situations the term of consideration will increase.

Experience and visa cost

Entry document issued:

  • For the time specified in tickets, armor hotel, invitation;
  • For half a year, only 90 days are allowed in Luxembourg and other countries of the Schengen zone;
  • For one year. The applicant will be able to live in the zone to 180 days a year.

The consulate also opens the entrance documents for a period of from 1 to 5 years, but the term of finding in the zone is limited to 90 days in half, that is, no more than 180 days a year.

This little sovereign state has become a window to Europe for Russian business by 2020, since a multiple long-term visa in Luxembourg, issued to the first persons of companies, opens up new opportunities in the development of relations between Russia and the European Union.

luxembourg location on the map of Europe

Few people know, but there are 3 languages \u200b\u200bin the country: French and German, as well as Luxembourg, which was erected into official status only in 1984. It should be noted, but all three language groups have accustomed to getting off among themselves, although Luxembourgian remains everyday language, lawmaking is carried out in French, and German is more often used in the media. Meanwhile, citizens can make appeals to the administration and other bodies on any of the languages, and the answer will come on the same.

Speaking of the merger of nations and languages \u200b\u200bin the country's culture, we note that the former Ambassador of Luxembourg in Russia, French origin, married many years on a lady from the German family. And this is absolutely ordinary case. Among themselves they communicate in all three official languages.

Area of \u200b\u200b2,500 square meters. km is divided into 3 districts and inhabit it about 511,000 people, including visitors tourists and migrants (account for about 45%).

Detailed map of Luxembourg

Luxembourg and European Union

A small country that is barely different on the map, is part of the European Union (hereinafter - the EU) from the first day of foundation, that is, since 1957. Today, another 27 countries are members of the Union, however, their economic situation is significantly different. In general, only the first five founders feels best in the EU: Benilux countries, Germany, and France.

From the same countries, the signing of a Schengen Agreement in 1985, so all these states are still a locomotive of any process regarding the European economy, its social life and passport and visa control at the EU border.

By the way, the word "Schengen" arose thanks to a small village in the south-east of Luxembourg. It is located on the banks of the River Moselle and is the border territory of France, Germany and Luxembourg. Today in this place is the European Museum, open in honor of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Schengen Agreement.

Luxembourg and Russian Federation

Today, our states unites, first of all, business. No wonder the Luxembourg-Russian business forum was created, whose tasks are:

  • first, combine countries at the level of economics, finance and trade;
  • secondly, the Forum promotes Luxembourg as a "window to Europe" and a place for foreign business, and also contributes to the development and development of Luxembourg companies in the Russian market:
  • thirdly, the shopping chambers of both countries regularly participate in the affairs of companies, helping to create a platform for business relations not only Luxembourg and Russia, but also with Europe as a whole.

Historically, bilateral relations developed in a positive key; In 2010, the 75th anniversary of established diplomatic relations was celebrated.

Embassy of Luxembourg in Russia

The Luxembourg Embassy in Russia is located in the city of Moscow at the address: Khrushchev Lane, House 3.

There is also a reception on consular issues. If you need to arrange a Luxembourg visa, then you should call: +74957866665, or write an email :; Reception hours in the consulate: on Monday and Tuesday from 10 to 12, and on Thursday and Friday - similarly; Wednesday - day off.

For comfort russian citizens There are four more diplomatic missions in the cities of Russia: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets and Magnitogorsk. Thus, citizens of the Leningrad region, Novgorod, Sverdlovsk region, Khabarovsk Territory, Vologda region and Chelyabinsk may not go to Moscow for visas or other consular requests.

The Russian Embassy in Luxembourg is located in Chateau to Beggen, an old castle, in the place of which was the usual mill. Since 2005, it has been restored, recreated the historical appearance of the XIX century castle.

The consular department is in a different location at: Siprien Street, House 116. On the Consular Mission site hangs his schedule: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 12, and on Fridays, in the same hours, only civil issues or loss of documents are received .

Schengen visas for visiting Luxembourg

To visit Luxembourg, it is necessary. To do this, you must come to the consulate and fill out a statement by attaching personal documents and photos. The list was updated in 2016, but at 2020 it remains relevant. Terms of consideration of the full package vary from three to ten working days.

An important condition is to provide a notarized translation of documents for one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof Luxembourg or at least into English.

It is considered absolutely normal that the consulate requires additional documents or a personal interview with the applicant. This is most likely important for accepting a positive or negative answer to the visa request.

Payment is standard for all Schengen countries - 35 euros for Russians (children under 6 years old, students, scientists and members of the Luxembourg family - free of charge), and 60 - for third-country citizens.

  • For foreign citizens, it is necessary to provide copies of documents giving the right to legally stay in Russian Federation;
  • For children under 18 years old, it is necessary to submit a copy of the birth certificate, notarized the consent of the parents for departure not only in Luxembourg, but also in all countries of Shengen. A copy of the Schengen Visa of the parent is also required if the submission of documents for it was previously.