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All about the rights to the car. Is it possible to go to the rights without training in a driving school? What is the driver's license

To obtain a driver's license (Wu), it is necessary, first of all, to undergo training in a driving school. It is also necessary to undergo a medical examination and to obtain a conclusion on its results (a medical center). And you still need to pass exams in the traffic police.

Requirements for age and experience to obtain driver's license

To obtain the right to manage the TC, the candidate for drivers must achieve the established age. In addition, to control the compositions of the CU, it is necessary to have the appropriate driving experience.

So, the right to management TS is provided:

  • TC category "M" and subcategory "A1" - persons who have reached the age of 16;
  • TC categories "A", "B", "C" and subcategories "B1", "C1" - persons who have reached the age of 18 (while taking an exam for the right to control TS categories "B" and "C" from 17 years);
  • TC categories "D", "TM", "TB" and subcategory "D1" - persons who have reached the 21st age;
  • the compositions of the TC categories "be", "CE", "DE" - persons entitled to the management of the vehicle, respectively, categories "B", "C", "D" for at least 12 months;
  • the compositions of the TC subcategories "C1E", "D1E" - persons entitled to the management of the vehicle, respectively, categories "C", "D" or subcategories "C1", "D1" for at least 12 months.

Persons undergoing military service at the age of 19 years old are allowed to pass the exams for the right to control the TC category "D" and the subcategory "D1". Prior to reaching them of 21 years of age, the driver's license issued by them of these categories confirms the right to manage the TS of the relevant categories belonging to only the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies that provide for military service.

1. Training in a driving school

What to pay attention to when choosing a driving school

When choosing a driving school, first of all, pay attention to the presence of a license for educational activities in the specified area and the program for the preparation of drivers of the TC category of interest to you.

Also, driving schools should have enough equipment with technical training, hardware and software complexes of testing and developing psycho-physiological qualities of the driver, initial training simulators driving skills, training vehicles for practical driving. And naturally, there must be qualified and experienced teachers.

In addition, driving schools should be owned or lease closed areas (with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 0.24 hectares) for initial driving learning.

If the driving school approached you in all respects, then you can enter into a training contract, pay and start learning.

Training in driving school

An exemplary training plan for a driving school includes three cycles: basic, special and professional. Depending on the category of vehicles, according to which preparation is carried out, some cycles may be absent in the training program, and, as a result, the number of hours of learning is also different. Theoretical classes in a driving school can pass, including remotely.

At the end of the driving school, a document is issued confirming the passage of training for the main programs of professional training of drivers This document is needed to pass the qualification exam in the traffic police.

2. Passage of medical examination

Medical inspection To obtain Wu, you can go to any medical organization (including in a private), which has an appropriate license. The examination of a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist-narcologist is carried out in state or municipal specialized medical organizations at the place of your residence.

According to the results of medical examination, a medical conclusion is drawn up (certificate) in form N 003-V / y. The presence of such a conclusion is one of the mandatory conditions for obtaining a driver's license.

3. Passing the exam in the traffic police

After the successful delivery of the qualifying exam in a driving school, its employees, as a rule, independently arrange the exam summing by a group of candidates in drivers in the traffic police examination. You can also contact the examination division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Submission of documents in the Examination Division of the traffic police

To put the exam and issuing Wu, you will need to submit:

  • statement of issuing Wu;
  • passport or other document certifying;
  • medical conclusion confirming the absence of contraindications to the management of the vehicle;
  • document on the passage of training.
  • russian National Wu (if you have a different category);
  • the written consent of one of the legal representatives to pass the exam (if your age from 16 to 18 years old and you are not recognized as fully capable or not registered).

The statement of issuing Wu can be filed in electronic form with the help of a single portal of the State Service, and the originals of other documents subsequently submit to the traffic police subsection, including by appointment.

Payment of state duty for issuing a driver's license

In addition, you need to pay state duty. You can submit a document on payment of state duty in the traffic police, but it is optional, since the traffic police request relevant information through the interdepartmental interaction system.

The state duty should be paid before applying and the necessary documents in the Division of the traffic police, and in the case of the direction of the statement through the Unified State Service portal - before the submission of the original documents.

The size of the state duty for the issuance of a driver's license on a plastic basis is 2000 rubles. If there is a possibility of addressing the statement and payment of state duty through government service portals and other portals integrated from the ESIA, the state duty is calculated with the coefficient of 0.7 and amounts to 1,400 rubles.

The procedure for passing a qualifying exam in the traffic police

Exams consist of theoretical and practical exams. Practical, in turn, is divided into an exam on the initial skills of the TS management and the TC management exam in terms of road traffic.

Exams are accepted in the following sequence:

  1. Theoretical exam.
  2. Exam for the initial TS management skills.
  3. TC control exam in road conditions.

If you do not surrender one of these exams, then you will not be allowed to surrender. Retreat will be appointed no earlier than 7 days.

Theoretical exam consists of solving 20 examination tasks, in which there are 4 thematic blocks of 5 questions in each. For rent such an exam using a computer. Test time is limited to 20 minutes.

Tickets for which theoretical exam is taken can be found on the official website of the traffic police (traffic police).

The exam on the initial TS control skills is carried out on specialized autodromes and closed sites. You will need to perform all the elements of test exercises under the control of the examiner.

For candidates who successfully surrendered theoretical qualifying exam and exam on testing the initial management skills of categories "B", "C", "D", "B", "CE" and "DE" and subcategories "C1", "D1 "," C1E "and" D1E ", in the traffic police only the exam is being conducted by checking the skills of the TS control in terms of road traffic.

Those who will give the exam on vehicles with a mechanical transmission will be given the right to managing the CU of the relevant category or subcategory with any type of transmission. And those who will pass the exam on vehicles with automatic transmission, will be given the right to manage the TC of the relevant category or subcategory only with automatic transmission.

If you do not surrender one of the exams with the third and subsequent attempts, the repeat exam will be appointed you no earlier than 30 days later. In addition, if you have passed the theoretical exam, but for 6 months they could not pass practical exams, you will have to renovate theoretical exam.

4. Getting a driver's license

Upon receipt of Wu in a traffic police unit, you will need a passport or a different identity document. There will be checked the data of the submitted documents and make your color photo onto.

The term issuance of Wu, subject to the successful implementation of all the preliminary procedures for its receipt and the provision of the necessary documents, is from 5 to 30 working days from the date of personal appeal to the traffic police department.

What is indicated in the driver's license

In a driver's license, in particular, indicate:

In section 5 - series and the number of Wu, which must fit the series and the number on the back of the driver's license.

In section 7 - your personal signature (is affixed with special ink or packed black or prints its image).

In section 9 - permitted categories and subcategories of the vehicle, to which the driver's license is applied.

In section 12 - the available limitations in the action of Wu on the relevant categories, subcategories of the vehicle, namely:

  • if you are granted the right to control the vehicle only with automatic transmission, the "AT" mark is affixed;
  • in the presence of the "A" category and the absence of the "B" category for the subcategory "B1", the MS mark is affixed, confirming the right to control the TC subcategory "B1" only with a motorcycle landing or motorcycle type;
  • in the presence of the category "B" and the absence of the category "A" for the subcategory "B1", the "AS" mark is affixed, confirming the presence of restrictions on the control of the TC subcategory "B1" with a motorcycle fit or a motorcycle type steering wheel;
  • with the categories "A" and "B" for the "B1" subcategory, the marks are not affixed;
  • if you have medical restrictions on the management of the TC category "M", the ML mark is affixed.

In section 14 - general limitations in the action of Wu, which are medical testimony to the control of the vehicle, namely:

  • MC - medical testimony to control TC with manual control;
  • AT - Medical readings for TC control with automatic transmission;
  • APS - Medical Indications for TC Management equipped with an Acoustic Parking System;
  • GCL - medical testimony for the control of the vehicle in the case of using you medical products for vision correction;
  • HA / CF - Medical Indications for TC Management If you are using medical products to compensate for hearing loss.

Driver's license is valid for 10 years. After this period, it must be changed.

If a person plans to drive his own car soon, then the first thing you need to do is get right. This requires to pass an exam in the traffic police.

Thus, it is determined how well the theory of a citizen who claims to receive the right to control the automotive agent.

At the same time, for many drivers, the question is, how to pass on the rights without driving school in 2020.

A few years ago, for the passage of the exam for a driver's license allowed people who were trained independently. They studied the theoretical part and passed the practice of driving under the guidance of a friend or private instructor.

The main reason for which drivers tried to pass the exam in the traffic school without a driving school are the desire to save on learning. But since 2013, the delivery of rights after independent preparation is excluded from the Federal Law "On Road Safety".

Now it is impossible to get the rights of any category without training in a driving school. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to go to the rights externally in 2020, negative. The ability to pass to the rights without a driving school is excluded.

In accordance with the legislation, the exam submitters can be submitted by persons who have reached the established age have a medical certificate that guarantees the absence of contraindications to driving cars and passed training courses in the prescribed manner.

In 2020, it is impossible to pass on the rights without training in a driving school. This prohibition of traffic police officers explain the poor training of drivers on theoretical part, a large number of road traffic accidents, an irresponsible attitude to the exam.

Before the introduced changes in the rules for passing the exam for rights, theoretical and practical training could be passed independently, to pass on the rights to external. At the moment it is impossible to do so.

Although some driving schools provide the ability to speed up the process. Driving can be passed with an instructor, and theoretical course independently.

It is difficult to call the external, this method of learning takes about 2 months. At the same time, registration in a driving school is obligatory, as well as payment for training.

Studying in a driving school, you will need to take an internal exam. As well as in the traffic police 3 more exams:

  • theoretical;
  • exam on the road;
  • exam in urban conditions.

To pass the exam in the traffic police, you will need a testimony of the end of a driving school. Even with a driver's license, when a person simply wants to open an additional category, you still have to take up training. Independent passing exam in the traffic police without a driving school is impossible.

Documents for passing the rights to the traffic police

To obtain a driver's license, in the traffic police need to submit the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • driver's license, if available;
  • statement can be sent in electronic form;
  • a document confirming training in a driving school;
  • the resolution of parents or legitimate guardians, if there are no 18 years for the right.

Accordingly, now it is impossible to get the right without training in a driving school. But legislation provides for a way of learning without visiting classes.

In this way, it is online learning, it is absolutely legal. Any citizen of the Russian Federation or another country can take place online training.

To do this, you need a desire to obtain the rights of category "B" and a medical certificate about the absence of restrictions for managing the vehicle.

Driving School online makes it possible to explore the rules of the road, those who have conceived to go to the preparatory courses.

Training is carried out for the most part hours provided by the course:

  1. The main provisions of the legislation determining the order of the road traffic.
  2. The device and order of maintenance of the vehicle, which refers to the category "B".
  3. The organization of transportation and their implementation on the vehicle.

But it is important to understand that some lessons cannot be remotely. For a number of courses, a compulsory personal presence of a student in classes is required.

These include:

  • psycho-physiological foundations of the driver's behavior behind the wheel;
  • first aid to victims for accidents;
  • management of the vehicle, which refers to the category "B".

At the end of the Internet and the fulfillment of all practical classes, the candidate for drivers is invited to pass the internal exam in a driving school. In the case of a successful delivery, the citizen is allowed for the examination of the driver's license to the traffic police.

Distance learning is an alternative to the traditional method. It is more convenient for many, as it allows you to significantly save time.

Online learning or distance has a number of advantages. The main among them are:

If the future driver chose the remote form of training in a driving school, he must contact the nearest educational institution that specializes in the preparation of drivers and make some actions.

First of all, the registration procedure should be followed:

  • conclude an agreement with a driving school for the provision of educational services;
  • apply for enrollment;
  • make money for learning;
  • authorized in your account.

After registration, the learner independently examines with the help of a special program, such as Auto in Line. When the theory is studied, the future driver gives standings on the material passed - in the same program.

Practical activities for the management of the vehicle is carried out with the Master of Production Learning. The schedule of classes is drawn up in the group, the possibilities of each student are taken into account.

You can pass the exam at any free time. But it is important to remember that the term of medical detention is limited. Therefore, to postpone such a procedure in a long box - it makes no sense, otherwise its passage may also be needed.

The cadet driving school gives the exam inspection exam. After checking the results, a person who has positive answers in all subjects of training, will receive a driver's license.

In the case when the results of passing exams are unsatisfactory - the cadet is invited to re-pass.

Now it is not possible to get the right to driving without training in a driving school. Accordingly, it is impossible to pass the exam. But if you wish, you can use an alternative to learning, which is completely legal.

Citizens who want to obtain the rights of the category "B" are entitled to take advantage of remote training in the driving school.

Remote or online learning allows you to save time and study the theory in any convenient location. You will need only access to the Internet..

Illustration: / Peter Kozlov

To get a driver's license, you need to undergo training in a driving school and pass the exam in the traffic police. What driving school it is better to choose from what age you can pass on the right, how much time will leave for the certificate - answers read the site in the material

When you can get right

Age for obtaining rights depends on the machine category. For mopeds (category "M" and "A1") is 16 years old, and for motorcycles with engine volume more than 125 cubic meters. See, as well as passenger cars and nonsense trucks - 18 years (categories "A", "B", "C" and subcategory "B1", "C1"). If you want to ride the car with a trailer ("E" category), then it should be waiting for 19 years or 21 years, depending on the availability of already open categories.

In which driving school to learn

To pass the traffic police exam, you need to contact a driving school who has a special license for educational activities. This can be checked on the traffic police website in the section "Driving Schools". Also compare the address where training is conducted with the address in the license. If they do not coincide, the license is invalid.

When choosing a driving school, pay attention to the technical equipment, the availability of simulators for initial training skills, the state of educational machinery and autodromes, as well as the teaching staff.

When concluding an agreement on training, you will need a passport, a military ID (for men) and 2-3 matte photos to the documents.

Asked? Answer *

Avtoexpert Ivan Klimovich:

You right to replace your driver's license no earlier than six months before the expiration of its term (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of October 20, 2015 No. 995). The driver's license is considered invalid and canceled if an application was received about his loss. Accordingly, to replace a driver's license to you, in any case, you will need an old or its duplicate (government decree dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097).

How to get a medical conclusion

After the conclusion of the contract with a driving school, you must pass a medical commission to check the contraindications to control the machine. This can be done in any clinic, but inspection of psychiatrist and narcologist - only in specially accredited institutions. Moscow residents can familiarize themselves with them on the portal "Avtokod".

To get the right to manage heavy trucks, a car with a trailer, trolleybus or tram, it is required to carry out a power acephalogram (EEG) - inspection of the brain.

How to study

Study time depends on the category. For example, learning to the category "A" includes 74 hours of theoretical classes and 52 hours of practice, the category "B" - 100 hours of theory and about 90 hours of practice. Approximate programs in all categories are provided by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 26, 2013 No. 1408.

Driving schools are allowed to carry out theoretical classes remotely (detailed explanations are given on the issue of 10 letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of September 18, 2015 No. AK-2726/06).

Practice takes place on a road where you need to perform the following exercises: "snake", parallel parking, entrance and departure from the garage, turn, start of movement and stop on the hill. You will also learn to ride around the city under traffic flow.

Lifetime - from one to 7.5 months, depending on the category. It will take the least time to train a ride on a motorcycle, and most of all - for the management of heavy ship. To open an additional category in the presence of a driver's license, basic training will be 84 hours.

After studying in a driving school, you need to pass the inner exam, which lasts four hours: two hours of the theory and two hours of practice. Those who surrendered successfully will receive a certificate of graduation that must be submitted for the traffic police exam.

Asked? Respond

Avtoexpert Ivan Klimovich:

Back in 2011, the Supreme Court explained: the directions of road signs take priority before marking (Annex 2 of the Government Decisions of October 23, 1993 No. 1090).

How to make an exam for the exam in the traffic police

As a rule, driving school independently organizes the passage of the exam in the traffic police. For this, employees apply, coordinate the place and time of the exam, collect the necessary documents. It is possible to sign up for the exam on your own in the traffic police of any region through the Avtokod portal (for Moscow residents) or the website of public services. In the last option, you can pass the exam at a convenient time for you and get a 30% discount on state duty.

For recording for the traffic police exam in the site "State Service":

  • sign in to the site, select the section "Services";
  • find the "Transport and Driving" tab, then "driver's license";
  • select the service "Getting a driver's certificate" and the type "Personal Visit of the traffic police";
  • click the "Enable Receive" button;
  • select Rights category, enter the information about driving school and medical conclusion, personal data, the desired traffic police unit, date and reception time;
  • familiarize yourself with emails on the service to receive rights and a memo on recording to the traffic police, pay the state. Vulne online with a discount and print an electronic ticket.

You can pay a duty in the bank. Details for payment you will find on the traffic police website where you are going to pass the exam and get right.

How to exam in the traffic police

The traffic police exam consists of three stages: theory, the practice on the motorway and the management of the car in the city. First you pass the test on a computer from 20 tasks in 20 minutes. If you have done one mistake, get five additional questions and five minutes to solve them. For two mistakes in different topics there are 10 more questions and 10 minutes. At the same time, it is impossible to make more than once on additional tasks or in one topic.

After the successful passing of theory, you rent five exercises on an autodrome, for example, for the category "B": a slide, turns 90 degrees with a reversal in a limited space, "snake", check-in in the garage and parallel parking reversal. The exam is not entitled if you allowed at least one error, for example, a cone was shot down or drove off the hill, without holding the handbrake.

Those who have completed all exercises on the road, is waiting for a trip with the traffic police inspector in the city. He will ask to make various maneuvers, for example, to drive or turn around at the crossroads, overtake another car, drive a pedestrian crossing or railway crossing. Penalty points are charged for errors: 5 - for gross errors, 3 - for medium and 1 - for minor violations. The exam in the city will be delivered if you get less than 5 penal points.

The exam on the road and the city will take no more than 2 hours.

If you have passed theory, but drove driving, you can recall the exam after 7 days. After three unsuccessful attempts, the next will be only in 30 days. If you have passed the theoretical exam, and for six months they could not pass the practice, you will have to return to theory. Additional renovation fee is not charged.

The traffic police data suggest that every year it is becoming increasingly harder to take the rights exams.

Every citizen who wants to become a full driver is obliged to pass the appropriate training that organizes driving school.

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After training, the exam is implied (theoretical and practical part) and receiving a driver's license.

Where they give out

Receipt occurs in the territorial branch of the traffic police. For new drivers, the issuance of rights is made only after passing the appropriate exam.

Drivers who receive a driver's license in connection with the loss, theft or replacement should either approach the traffic police department, or to sign up for a certain time through the Internet portal of public services.

Duration of the driver's license after passing the exam

With the successfully traveled exam, the future driver does not need to spend on waiting for a lot of time.

According to current legislation, the period of issuing a driver's license to former students cannot exceed ten days.

In many regions, rights are issued on the same day after the successful delivery of the theoretical and practical part of the exam. This process depends on the workload of a certain duty station.

After successfully verifying the rules of the road and the skills of the vehicle management, the student must contact the Division of the traffic police asking for writing the application for obtaining a driver's license.

This action is considered mandatory. If you do not compile this statement, the process of registration of a driver's license will not be launched.

The exams are rent not only by students, but also drivers who have been deprived of the right to manage the vehicle in connection with serious offenses (Wines in, driving a car in a state of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication, etc.).

What you need to have with you from documents

The process of obtaining driver's license and its procedure is governed by applicable law and other regulatory legal acts.

A package of documents required for presentation upon receipt of a driver's license is considered legally approved.

Citizen, when contacting the traffic police, should have with him:

  • . The application form with a request to issue a driver's license is not approved by the legislation, so it is possible to compile it in arbitrary form.
  • passport (it is possible to provide any other identity document);
  • Approved forms talking about the passage of the Medical Commission. Medical certificate of commissioning of the Commission is considered a mandatory document upon receipt of rights.

It is she who will serve as a basis for issuing a driver's license to the student who has surrendered the exam.

  • document confirming the end of training and successful exam (diploma, etc.). A little earlier allowed the possibility of passing exams without passing the appropriate training in the automotive school;

Today, such an opportunity is excluded. Therefore, the document on the successful end of learning is considered mandatory.

  • if the future driver has not achieved adult age (18 years old), then he must provide the consent of the parents, guardians or legal representatives, which is drawn up by hand. Some categories provide for a driver's license earlier than 18 years, but in this case the consent of the parents of a minor;

If there are no parents, then consent will be able to arrange guardians or legal representatives. If the consent was not issued, then the extradition of the rights of the minor is considered impossible.

  • . It is considered a mandatory process without which a driver's license cannot be issued. Payment receipt is transmitted with all documents. However, in some cases, the check can not be shown the traffic police officer, the payment should be reflected in the database.

    The presentation of the receipt will help quickly issue the issuance of rights, because the payment itself may not immediately affect the information service of the inspector.

    Before visiting the traffic police department, it is worth it to determine which documents will need and check their presence. This will help to avoid unnecessary delay when issuing a driver's license.


    To date, for obtaining a driver's license, a citizen can contact the traffic police and on the portal of public services.

    In traffic police

    How to get a driver's license after passing the pass to the traffic police? The following is a priority of actions when dealing with the rights to the traffic police department:

    • obtaining a medical certificate certifying the passage of the medical commission and the driver's suitability in health indicators;
    • the passage of training in a motor school, which has a license to conduct training sessions of this profile;
    • passing the internal exam in a driving school;
    • obtaining a diploma on the end of training;
    • appeal to the territorial department of the traffic police and the subsequent examination of the exam with the presence of an inspector (theoretical and practical part);
    • preparation of the necessary documents for obtaining a driver's license;
    • drawing up an appropriate application for the issuance of rights;
    • payment of the state duty and receiving the receipt (no need to pay transport tax in this case);
    • submission of documents required for the issuance of a driver's license to the traffic police department;
    • directly the issuance of the driver's license.

    It follows only to the department located at the place of residence of the driver. If this condition is not fulfilled, it may be denied in extradition.

    It must be remembered that a medical certificate is needed to obtain a driver's license. Without it, the certificate is simply not issued. It must authorize the right to control the vehicle, based on medical inspection.

    If the certificate was obtained during training, and the exam took place after a certain period of time for any reason (the student's disease, failure in the first exam and retire), then remake the certificate is not required.

    The application is submitted to the traffic police department together with the rest of the collected documents of the future driver.

    The statement provides for an indication:

    • the full name of that institution that accepts documents;
    • surnames, name and patronymic of the future driver;
    • date and place of birth;
    • passport data (series and number) or other identity documents;
    • requests for the issuance of driver's license (clearly and briefly);
    • dates for transferring an application employee.

    In conclusion, a citizen puts his signature. Blanks of typical statements in a huge amount can be found on the Internet.

    If there is no access to the World Wide Web, the traffic police officer will gladly provide the desired sample.

    An application for a driver's license should be drawn up with approved requirements, therefore, a potential driver must study them immediately before the writing of the document.

    The appeal directly to the traffic police station is carried out by citizens who do not have access to the Internet, or not registered on the portal of public services.

    Through state services

    And how to get right after passing the exam through state services?

    In order to take advantage of the application for submission to the issuance of a driver's license through the public service website, you need to have confirmed registration.

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    Agreement to the Russian legislation to manage the vehicle (TC) on legal grounds can only persons who have the driver's license of the relevant category. Thus, receiving a driver's license (Wu) is a prerequisite for getting driving.

    Driving license of the Russian Federation of the new sample

    From April 1, 2014 on the territoryThe Russian Federation was introduced a new format of the driver's license, unified with European standards, with duplication of inscriptions in Russian Latin. The document is a rectangular plastic card (85.6 x 54 mm).

    On the front of the document, an image of a motorway, holographic signs and a background mesh with a smooth transition from blue color to pink was applied. Here are also contained:

      the designation of the Russian Federation - RUS and the inscription "Driving license" - at the top of the card;

      photo (21 x 30 mm) owner - left;

      personal data of the owner - F.I.O., year and place of birth and registration;

      document information is the term of legitimacy, the body that issued it (traffic police), the number;

      personal signature of the owner - under the photo.

    On the back of the card, the grid is also applied with a transition from pink to blue and holographic signs. Its part of it takes the table with the designation of various categories. The reverse side of the document contains the following information:

      Dates of opening driver categories.

      Date of the end of the document.

      Barcode with encrypted information about the owner, which can be read by a special scanner - is located to the left of the category table.

      Marks on restrictions and additional information. For example, the presence of medical constraints: GCL - driving in glasses, MS - manual control, etc. If the rights are replaced - the mark "Instead" with the series, the numbers of the former document and the driver's experience, etc.

      Series, document number - at the bottom of the map.

    Sberbank of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, initiated a pilot project for which from December 1, 2020, drivers are issued new rights with chosen into microchip plastic, which must duplicate all information Wu, as well as contain biometric data of the owner. The question of the mass introduction of a new version of the right will be solved on the results of the project.

    Required conditions for

    The process of obtaining a driver's license in 2020 in the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law No. 196-FZ dated 10.12.1995 "On the safety of the road" (edition of December 19, 2017). So, in accordance with Art. The Law on the Rights on Driving TCs can use persons who successfully passed the relevant exams and received a driver's license. In accordance with Art. 26 Mandatory compliance with several conditions:

      Achieving 16 years - for categories M and A1, 18 years old - for A, B, C, B1, C1 and 21 years - for D, TM, TB, D1. The military personnel of the Russian Federation are allowed to manage the TC of the category D and D1 when achieving 19 years, but provided that cars belong to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

      Lack of medical contraindications. This must be confirmed documented.

      Completed vocational training.

    Who is only going to become a driver and still does not know how to get the rights to driving a car for the first time, you should be ready for the passage of all stages of this procedure - to successfully undergo training in a driving school, a medical examination, pay for state duty, collect papers, pass exams for knowledge of theory And on practical skills.

    Training in a driving school

    One of the indigenous changes affected the training of future drivers. An indispensable condition for admission to the exam - study in a driving school or in another institution, where in accordance with Art. 29 federal law a number 196-ФЗ, from 10.12.1995 The educational process is carried out by adhering to state standards and guidelines developed by authorized federal bodies in the spheres of transport, health care, education and social protection.

    When choosing an educational institution, it is worth paying attention not only for the terms and cost of training, but also for the availability of accreditation, license to carry out this activity, the conclusion of the traffic police on the compliance of the teaching and methodological base. Freight to school will help the site of the traffic police website.

    For this you need:

      Select the desired region - click the "traffic police in the regions".

      Take advantage of the list of regions or find the necessary on the map (for example, Sakhalin region).

      In the rightmost column in the section "Online reference books" click "Driving schools".

      In the list of driving schools in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, choose the desired. It should be remembered that schools are not alphabetically located, but depending on the receipt of the traffic police on the conformity of MTB. Here there are details, address, telephone and information about which category is being trained.

      If you click "More details", additional information will appear - a travel map, address of the educational office and a closed platform, site addresses and e-mail, curriculum, etc.

    The term of study depending on the category and intensity of classes is 1-6 months. To enroll in a driving school, you need to reach 16 years of age and provide a civil passport, a medical center 003-in / y, three photos (3 x 4 cm). Upon completion of learning, it is necessary to successfully pass exams.

    Exams in traffic police

    Legislation allows you to take examinations for driver's license in the traffic police units not only at the place of registration. To do this, sign up in advance in the traffic police.

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    As a rule, this entry of the driving school holds for its graduates in an organized manner. In addition, according to Art. 9 Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1097 of 10/24/2014. The results of successfully passed final examinations on theory and basic driving skills can be recorded in the traffic police provided that the examiner from the traffic police was present in the test school on qualifying tests. In this case, it is possible to obtain rights in the traffic police after passing only one exam - checks of practical skills and knowledge in a real road situation.

    You can also choose the desired division yourself and sign up for the exam. It is easy to do on the traffic police website:

      On the main page click "Traffic participants", in the pop-up menu, select "Examination work".

      On the page that opens, select the region. Put a mark in the filter "State Functions" opposite "Conducting exams for the right to control the vehicle and the issuance of Wu" and click "Show Division".

      From the list of choose the traffic police.

      In the menu that opens, select "Conducting exams for the right to control the vehicle and issuance of Wu."

      On the new page there will be information on the exam - addresses, details, exam routes.

      Monthly schedule for receiving exams changes, it can be downloaded.

    After the MREO choices, the established sample should be applied - personally or remotely through the "State Service" portal (in this case, all paper originals are provided with a personal visit). After receiving the response notification of the place and time of the exams, you can pay for the dut.

    Exam in the traffic police complex

    Such bureaucratic obstacles may arise now.

    Providing this reference is optional. In the case when a candidate for receiving Wu applies to MREO not at the place of registration, all relevant requests, including interdepartmental, are sent on behalf of the traffic police without attracting citizens. The inspection is carried out on special databases for internal use. Only those documents should be provided, the list of which is set forth in the adminreglamate (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 995 of 10/20/2015).

    Required documents

    The list of official papers to be submitted to obtain Wu, the following:

    • statement;
    • civil passport (identity card, military ID, etc.);
    • medial (form 003-in / y) on suitability for TC management;
    • certificate of interest in the relevant program traveled;
    • written consent of one of the parents or other legal representative if the applicant has not yet been 18 years old;
    • driver's license (when opening a new category, replacement, etc.).

    The applicant may also submit other documents on its own initiative: the receipt of the payment of state duty, passport (for the correct transliteration of Fm.o. in rights), etc.

    When contacting MFC, in order to replace the driver's license, it is necessary to further submit a photo and an electronic sample of personal signature. In this case, the presence of a receipt of payment of the fee must.

    Getting a driver certificate in the traffic police

    The procedure for obtaining a driver's license is stipulated by the adminrement of 2015. The finished document can be taken in person in the local department of the traffic police or in one of the IFC through the courier. This requires:

      Prepare a package of necessary securities.

      Make an appointment in the local traffic police department. This can be done with a personal visit to the MFC or remotely on the traffic police website or the Public Services portal. Muscovites have the opportunity to use the Avtokod information portal. The paper is allowed to submit electronically, butissuance of a driver's license in the traffic police possible only after presentation paper originals and their verification by a traffic police officer.

      pay state duty.

      Get ready-made driver's license. Faster it all will work out when sharing a document - per day with a personal visit to the traffic police. When submitting documents to MFC and delivery by courier will leave 15 working days. Wu Categories TM and TB will be ready within 5 business days, A and M - for 15. Dates of the readiness of the Category C, B, D, BE, CE, CE, are 30 working days. Traffic police officers have the right to suspend the provision of a service for a period of up to 6 months with a non-payment of duty or the applicant's failure with the original documents.

    Obtaining Wu through the "public services"

      In a bank or terminal.

      On the portal "State services" by means of a bank card. This method of payment of duties in 2020 will save 30% of the amount required.

    All existing ways of transferring money are described in the article "Payment of state duty for the driver's license."

    VS. action period

    The driver's license of the new format retain legitimacy within a 10-year period, at the end of which is subject to replacement. The international driver's license (MWIL) has a three-year period of action. However, it is worth remembering that the MVA is tied to a national certificate - if it ceases to act, then automatically lose their legitimacy and international rights.

    The early exchange of Wu is required after changing passport data, the state of health (for example, the vision has decreased and the need for constant wearing points) of the driver and so on.

    How to get international driver's license in the Russian Federation

    The driver's license of the new sample comply with the requirements of the Vienna Convention, and no inconvenience Russians on the roads of the States Parties of this Agreement are not experiencing. If you are the owner of old rights or are going to travel by car in a country that has not joined the Vienna Agreement (USA, Japan, China, etc.), it is advisable to issue an international driver's license. The procedure for obtaining this document is simple:

      Collect a packet of papers, which includes a passport, receipt of payment of duty, national rights, 2 color or black and white matte photos (35 x 45 mm).

      Apply to the traffic police.

      Provide the original documents in the traffic police or in MFC.

    Let's summarize

    The presence of a driver's license is a necessary condition for the legitimate control of the vehicle. New rules for issuing driver's licenses, which simultaneously tightened the procedure and made it more transparent, as well as the modern format of the document allowed us to approach international standards as much as possible. The receipt of Wu is available for all adult capacitive citizens who have successfully passed special training and do not have medical contraindications, and also prepared a packet of papers, paid state duty, passed theoretical and practical road safety exam.

    In Russia, the national rights of the driver legitimate for 10 years, the MYVA is valid for three years. Adminussiluga for the design of driver documents in the Russian Federation, their replacement in connection with the opening of a new category, the completion of the validity period, etc. is provided by local traffic police branches.

    How to get a driver's license through "public services": video