Finance. Taxes. Privileges. Tax deductions. State duty

Signs of the corruption component of the organization is. The concept of corruption and its signs

Corruption can be called a traditional and fairly widespread type of crime that exists not only in our state, but also in many other civilized countries of the world. In confirmation of this, it should be noted the opinion of well-known scientists who define corruption as total, noting Russia as the most corrupt state in the world, where corruption has become almost the main way of the country's economic collapse, destruction of the system of state power and management, disruption of market reforms and criminal deformation of legal consciousness. society. See: Criminology: Textbook / Ed. N.F. Kuznetsova, V.V. Luneeva. M., 2004.S. 106; D. S. Lvov, Yu. V. Ovsienko "On the main directions of socio-economic transformations" // Economic Science modern Russia... 1999. No. 3. S. 99-114.

Like any complex social phenomenon, corruption has no single definition.

In science, a wide variety of theoretical concepts of corruption have been proposed: corruption is a social and legal phenomenon, which is usually understood as bribing and venality of government officials, officials, as well as public and political figures in general; it is nothing more than an abuse of power for personal gain. See: Klepetskiy I.A., Rezanov V.I. Taking a bribe in criminal law. Commentary on legislation. M. 2001. P. 67; Agildin V.V., Volkov K.A. On the question of the definition of the concept of "corruption" / Investigator. No. 2, 2006. P. 50.

Corruption is more broadly interpreted in the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1979: official powers for remuneration in any form in the interests of the person giving such remuneration, both with violation of job descriptions and without violation of them " Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials: UN General Assembly of December 17, 1979 [Electronic resource]. - URL: It should be noted that in this international legal act the concept of corruption includes not only the receipt of remuneration, gifts, but also the official behavior of an official, carried out in connection with the receipt of such gifts. If we proceed from this definition of corruption, then the list of corruption crimes is expanding, in addition to bribes, it should include abuse of service, abuse of office. What is very important, this definition makes it possible to include in the structure of corruption the lawful, lawful official behavior of an official, if it was due to the gifts received or promised.

The legal definition of corruption in the Russian Federation is contained in Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" On Combating Corruption: the federal law dated 25.12.2008 N 273-FZ (as amended on 28.12.2013) Russian newspaper, - N 266, 30.12.2008 - this is abuse of office, giving a bribe, accepting a bribe, abuse of power, commercial bribery or otherwise illegal use an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, other property rights for yourself or for third parties or illegal provision of such benefit to the specified person by others individuals... The list of these acts also applies to a legal entity.

There are many forms (manifestations) of corruption: bribery, favoritism, nepotism (nepotism), protectionism, lobbying, illegal distribution and redistribution of public resources and funds, illegal appropriation of public resources for personal purposes, illegal privatization, illegal support and financing of political structures (parties and etc.), extortion, the provision of preferential loans, orders, the famous Russian "blat" (the use of personal contacts to gain access to public resources - goods, services, sources of income, privileges, the provision of various services to relatives, friends, acquaintances), etc. Accordingly various classifications of corruption and corrupt activity are given (for example, they distinguish commercial bribery and political corruption) Dementyev A.S. The state and problems of organizing the fight against corruption. Corruption in Russia: state and problems. M., Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow Institute. 2006 - P. 45. However, it is impossible to give an exhaustive list of corrupt activities.

Corruption in any form is always a threat to the normal life of every citizen. Corruption as a criminal activity is characterized by certain types of unmasking signs that accompany corruption offenses and serve as indicators for recognizing corruption.

In his works, P.N. Feshchenko distinguishes three types of signs Feshchenko P.N. On the classification of the causes of corruption and measures to prevent it // Organized crime and corruption: results of criminal sociological research. Collection. - Saratov: Satellite, 2009, Vol. 4. - S. 76-78:

1. Active bribery of officials - a promise, offer or provision by any person, directly or indirectly, of any unlawful advantage to any of the officials for that person or any other person in order for him to take actions or refrain from doing them when the exercise of their functions when done intentionally.

2. Passive bribery of officials - the request or receipt by an official, directly or indirectly, of any unlawful advantage for that person or any other person, or accepting an offer or promise of such an advantage in order to executive committed acts or refrained from committing them in the exercise of their functions, when it was done intentionally.

3. Use of an official position for personal gain - a promise, offer or provision, directly or indirectly, of any improper advantage to any person who claims or confirms that he can improperly influence the decision-making of an official for remuneration, regardless of whether such an advantage is granted to himself or to someone else, as well as a request, acceptance or consent to an offer, or a promise to provide such an advantage for a fee, regardless of whether such influence is exerted and the desired result is obtained as a result of the alleged influence ...

Scientists and practitioners note the close connection of corruption with a number of other crimes, including organized crime, terrorism, kidnapping, etc. Therefore, information about the presence of such crimes should be used as systemic signs of corruption.

bribe corruption criminal fight

The reasons for the existence of corruption in Russia

Researchers distinguish many classifications of the causes of corruption, however, we will consider the most significant, in our opinion, factors that allow this negative phenomenon to exist.

For a long time in Russia a system of “feeding” existed legally, which then grew into bribery and extortion. Russian feeding is the first manifestation of the assessment of corruption as a business: a corrupt official refers to his position as a business, trying to maximize “income”. This understanding of corruption makes it possible to include in the number of corruption offenses the receipt of benefits in connection with the position held not only as a result of receiving bribes, but also theft with the use of official position, illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity, from engaging in smuggling with the use of official position and other abuse of office.

The nature of corruption is also embedded in human psychology in the form of the enrichment instinct, which only under certain conditions can be realized in corruption offenses. And such conditions are often created. So, in the 90s of the last century, the majority of citizens increased public activity and significance, the instinct of personal enrichment received a certain "will", and the ill-conceived privatization of the economy made it possible to realize this instinct.

Ideological reasons are also of great importance, since the fundamental thesis of Marxism has become a confirmation for many: the basis of society is economics, as a result of which honor and conscience began to quickly fade into the background. The prestige of a person began to be determined not by his social significance, education, but, mainly, by the presence of money, wealth. Deep stratification of society, arbitrary interpretation of freedom and responsibility led to a sharp increase in crime, including corruption. Along with the emergence of the rich, most of the population remained poor. Under these conditions, a significant part of citizens began to participate in corruption actions. The idea that one cannot live without corruption began to take root in the minds of people. In principle, the majority of people are prone to corruption, and officials, first of all, have the appropriate conditions. These conditions serve as a provocateur of their corruption offenses. According to E. Panfilova, “the officials have not yet realized the role they are assigned in this world - they are not, in the literal sense, employees of the state, but employees of society, that is, public officials. They are still sure that they have only one boss - the state, moreover, in the person of one or another specific immediate boss. Therefore, we are ready to report on our actions, including about third-party financial and property interests, only to him. The officials are not mentally ready to tell the "little people" what and where they have accumulated and hidden there, they do not want and will not. " Elena Panfilova. We learned how to tweet on the topic of combating corruption // RAPSI, 04.04.2014 [Electronic resource]. - URL:

The economic reasons for corruption are, first of all, low salaries of civil servants, as well as their high powers to influence the activities of firms and citizens.

The institutional causes of corruption are considered to be a high level of secrecy in the work of government departments, a cumbersome reporting system, a lack of transparency in the lawmaking system, and a weak state personnel policy that allows for career advancement regardless of the performance of employees.

An important reason for the existence of corruption is the imperfection of the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

A.V. Nazarov considers the concept of corruption, enshrined in the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption", to be imperfect and offers the following definition of corruption - this is the performance or non-performance of labor (official) duties out of selfish or other personal interest, including for the purpose of illegal receipt of remuneration or the right to it in any form by representatives of the authorities, as well as by persons performing organizational and administrative or administrative functions. The place of work of such a subject should be determined based on the priorities prevailing in society and the legislator. " O.V. Nazarov On some issues of the application of the law "On combating corruption" // Advocate Commonwealth No. 8, 2010. - P. 12. This concept includes a wider range of subjects, and not only state and municipal employees with the heads of institutions, which will allow to fight against grassroots the level of corrupt officials.

Moreover, E. Panfilova notes that the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" is characterized by manifestation, declarativeness: mechanisms for implementing plans are not spelled out, several preventive measures are proclaimed, for example, the formation of intolerance to corrupt behavior, etc. However, such measures are appropriate for the concept, and not the law, and how they will be implemented by law is not provided. The law also provides for the development of institutions of public and parliamentary control over the observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption, but the absence of the laws on parliamentary and public control, etc. E. Panfilova hinders the implementation of these provisions. Analysis of the law on combating corruption // Novaya Gazeta No. 7, 2008

To a significant disadvantage current law attribute the absence in it of such a mechanism for combating corruption as confiscation of the property of corrupt officials and their close relatives. In addition, the norms that are already in the law do not work. For example, in fact, Article 10 on the conflict of interest in the state and municipal service does not apply. And the declarations of income and property of state and municipal employees are checked formally. [Electronic resource]. - URL:

Another drawback of the fight against corruption is that, when ratifying the UN Convention on Combating Corruption, Clause 20, which requires an official to confirm the legality of the origin of his wealth, was not adopted by the Russian side. Ratification of this clause would make it possible to effectively control the appearance of property, and for an official it would act as a deterrent.

Associated with the problem of ineffective legislation is the lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of the laws by the population, which allows officials to arbitrarily obstruct bureaucratic procedures or overstate appropriate payments.

Off-core TSF software consists of trusted applications that are used to implement security features. Note that shared libraries, including PAM modules, are in some cases used by trusted applications. However, there is no instance where the shared library itself is considered a trusted object. Trusted commands can be grouped as follows.

  • System initialization
  • Identification and Authentication
  • Network applications
  • Batch processing
  • System management
  • User level audit
  • Cryptographic support
  • Virtual machine support

Kernel execution components can be divided into three constituent parts: the main kernel, kernel threads, and kernel modules, depending on how they will be executed.

  • The main core includes code that is executed to provide a service, such as servicing a user syscall or servicing an exception event, or an interrupt. Most compiled kernel code falls into this category.
  • Kernel threads. The kernel creates internal processes or threads to perform certain common tasks, such as flushing disk caches or freeing memory by unloading unused page blocks. Threads are scheduled just like normal processes, but they have no context in non-privileged mode. Kernel threads perform certain functions of the C kernel language. Kernel threads are located in kernel space and only run in privileged mode.
  • Kernel Module and Device Driver Kernel Module are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into and from the kernel as needed. They extend the functionality of the kernel without having to reboot the system. Once loaded, the kernel module object code can access other kernel code and data in the same way as statically linked kernel object code.
Device driver - special type a kernel module that allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the system. These devices can be hard drives, monitors, or network interfaces. The driver interacts with the rest of the kernel through a defined interface that allows the kernel to deal with all devices in a uniform way, regardless of their underlying implementations.

The kernel consists of logical subsystems that provide various functionalities. Even though the kernel is the only executable program, the various services it provides can be separated and combined into different logical components. These components interact to provide specific functionality. The kernel consists of the following logical subsystems:

  • File subsystem and I / O subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to filesystem objects. Implemented functions include those that allow a process to create, maintain, interact with, and delete filesystem objects. These objects include regular files, directories, symbolic links, hard links, device-specific files, named pipes, and sockets.
  • Process subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to process control and thread control. The implemented functions allow you to create, schedule, execute, and delete processes and thread principals.
  • Memory subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to the management of system memory resources. Functions implemented include those that create and manage virtual memory, including the management of paging algorithms and paging tables.
  • Network subsystem: This subsystem implements UNIX and Internet domain sockets and algorithms used to schedule network packets.
  • IPC subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to IPC mechanisms. The implemented features include those that facilitate the controlled exchange of information between processes by allowing them to share data and synchronize their execution when interacting with a shared resource.
  • Kernel modules subsystem: This subsystem implements the infrastructure to support loadable modules. Functions implemented include loading, initializing, and unloading kernel modules.
  • Linux security extensions: Linux security extensions implement various aspects security that is enforced for the entire kernel, including the Linux Security Module (LSM) framework. The LSM framework serves as a framework for modules to enable various security policies, including SELinux, to be implemented. SELinux is an important logical subsystem. This subsystem implements mandatory access control functions to achieve access between all objects and objects.
  • Device driver subsystem: This subsystem implements support for various hardware and software devices through a common device-independent interface.
  • Audit subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to the recording of security-critical events in the system. The implemented functions include those that capture each system call to capture security-critical events and those that implement the collection and recording of audit trails.
  • KVM subsystem: This subsystem implements the maintenance of the life cycle of the virtual machine. It performs instruction completion, used for instructions that require only small checks. For any other completion of the statement, KVM calls the QEMU user-space component.
  • Crypto API: This subsystem provides a cryptographic library internal to the kernel for all kernel components. It provides cryptographic primitives for callers.

The kernel is the main part of the operating system. It interacts directly with hardware, implements resource sharing, provides common services for applications, and prevents applications from directly accessing hardware-dependent functions. The services provided by the kernel include:

1. Management of the execution of processes, including the operations of their creation, termination or suspension, and interprocess communication. They include:

  • Equivalent scheduling of processes to run on the CPU.
  • Splitting processes in the CPU using time-split mode.
  • Process execution in the CPU.
  • Suspension of the core after the expiration of the time quantum allocated to it.
  • Allocating kernel time to run another process.
  • Rescheduling kernel time to run a suspended process.
  • Manage process security related metadata such as UIDs, GIDs, SELinux labels, feature identifiers.
2. Allocation of RAM for the executable process. This operation includes:
  • Kernel permission for processes to share part of their address space under certain conditions; however, the kernel protects the process's own address space from outside interference.
  • If the system runs out of free memory, the kernel frees memory by writing the process temporarily to second-level memory or swap space.
  • Coordinated interaction with the hardware of the machine to establish a mapping of virtual addresses to physical addresses, which maps compiler-generated addresses to physical addresses.
3. Maintenance of the life cycle of virtual machines, which includes:
  • Set limits on the resources configured by the emulation application for a given virtual machine.
  • Launching the program code of the virtual machine for execution.
  • Handle the shutdown of virtual machines by either completing an instruction or delaying the completion of an instruction to emulate user space.
4. File system maintenance. It includes:
  • Allocation of secondary memory for efficient storage and retrieval of user data.
  • Allocation of external memory for user files.
  • Recycle unused storage space.
  • Organization of the file system structure (using clear structuring principles).
  • Protecting user files from unauthorized access.
  • Provide controlled process access to peripheral devices such as terminals, tape drives, disk drives, and network devices.
  • Organizing mutual access to data for subjects and objects, providing controlled access based on the DAC policy and any other policy implemented by the loaded LSM.
The Linux kernel is a type of OS kernel that implements preemptive scheduling. In kernels that do not have this capability, the execution of the kernel code continues until completion, i.e. the scheduler is not capable of rescheduling a task while it is in the kernel. In addition, kernel code execution is scheduled jointly, without preemptive scheduling, and execution of this code continues until it finishes and returns to user space, or until it is explicitly blocked. In preemptive kernels, it is possible to unload a task at any point while the kernel is in a state in which it is safe to reschedule.

Recently, all over the world, issues related to the concept of corruption are being discussed more and more often. Corruption is such a complex social phenomenon that originated in ancient times and continues to exist today in almost all countries of the world. The reasons for such discussions and disputes are that at the moment there is no single definition of this concept. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the concept of corruption as a social phenomenon in a broad sense goes beyond the boundaries of legal studies and criminology and is a complex synthetic socio-philosophical and criminological concept. In the legal sources of most states, various formulations of this concept are given, and in some, its decoding is not indicated at all. It can be noted that in our country activities are regularly carried out to combat corruption, new plans are being developed to counter it. But what is the state constantly fighting against? What is the definition of the very concept of corruption? The author has to find out this in his work.

Various interpretations of the concept of corruption can be found in the scientific, educational and publicistic literature. In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, corruption is defined mainly as bribery. For example, in Ozhegov's dictionary, corruption is bribery, corruption of officials and politicians.

Some sociologists argue that "corruption is the abandonment of expected standards of behavior on the part of government officials for illegal personal gain." This statement turns out to be both too narrow (corruption can be in private corporations) and too broad. Indeed, the definition does not indicate in which sphere the representatives of the authorities operate. But the abandonment of the expected standards can occur in everyday life. “One of the problems with this definition is that in many societies, corrupt practices, according to legal or administrative instructions, are often common and are considered normal behavior. This phenomenon is observed in some third world or command economies and is an integral part of achieving socially necessary results. "

Kasyanov and Nechipurenko in the dictionary of terms give the following definition: "Corruption is the use of official position by an official in the interests of personal enrichment and in violation of existing legal norms." This statement is too broad, since it falls under many articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption of October 31, 2003 only mentions the concept of corruption, but does not provide a wording of the definition. The Preamble argues that corruption "has become a transnational phenomenon that affects society and the economy of all countries, which makes international cooperation extremely important in preventing and combating corruption." Further, in chapter three, specific crimes are listed. The UN classifies bribery of national public officials as corruption; bribery of foreign public officials and public officials international organizations; theft, misappropriation or other misuse of property by a public official; abuse of influence for personal gain; abuse of office; illegal enrichment; bribery in the private sector; theft of property in the private sector; laundering of proceeds of crime; concealment; obstruction of the administration of justice.

Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" in the first article gives the following definition of the concept of corruption: "corruption -

a) abuse of office, giving a bribe, accepting a bribe, abuse of power, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, etc. property rights for oneself or for third parties, or illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by other individuals;

b) the commission of the acts specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, on behalf of or in the interests legal entity. " This is the current definition in Russian Federation presently. It lists the acts provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and also has a broad interpretation.

The variety of points of view on the definition of corruption reflects the objective complexity of this phenomenon and requires a deeper and more comprehensive study of it.

In corruption crimes, a distinction should be made between the subject and the object. On the one hand, the subjects of corruption relations are officials, on the other hand, individual representatives of society or a group of persons. The object of corruption can be practically all social and economic relations established and protected by law.

Also, the types of corruption are distinguished according to different criteria:

1) Depending on the subject of corruption abusing his official position:

State corruption (corruption of government officials); - commercial corruption (corruption of managers of firms); - political corruption (corruption of politicians).

2) Depending on the subject of corruption, initiating corruption relations:

Requesting (extortion) of bribes at the initiative of an official; - bribery initiated by the petitioner.

3) Depending on the subject of corruption, who is the bribe-giver:

Individual bribe (by a citizen);

Entrepreneurial bribe (from a legal firm); - criminal bribery (by criminal entrepreneurs - for example, the drug mafia).

4) Depending on the form of benefits received by the bribe taker from corruption:

Cash bribes; - exchange of services (patronage, nepotism).

5) Depending on the degree of centralization of corruption relations:

Decentralized corruption (each bribe giver acts on his own initiative); - centralized corruption “from the bottom up” (bribes regularly collected by lower officials are divided between them and higher officials); - centralized corruption “from top to bottom” (bribes regularly collected by senior officials are partially transferred to their subordinates).

6) Depending on the level of spread of corruption relations:

Grassroots corruption (in the lower and middle echelons of power); - top corruption (among top officials and politicians); - international corruption (in the sphere of world economic relations).

7) Depending on the degree of regularity of corruption ties:

Episodic corruption; - systematic (institutional) corruption; - kleptocracy (corruption as an integral component of power relations).

Corruption, emerging and existing in society, entails a number of new social problems and exacerbates existing problems. There is an unjustified diversion of significant forces and funds from the fulfillment of the necessary goals of social development due to the aggravation of the budget crisis and the decrease in the ability of the state authorities to really and effectively solve various, objectively arising, social problems. The process of consolidating and increasing the sharp property stratification of society becomes inevitable, there is a significant increase in the intensity of its course, a significant increase in social tension, which significantly affects the economy and threatens political stability in the country.

Corruption in society is manifested, first of all, in a special way of behavior of people. The essence of corruption lies in the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of a particular person and society as a whole. The motivational sphere in this case is of predominant importance in the choice of a special type of behavior of people: the most common motive is compensation for the damage felt by officials associated with the passage of public service... An important feature of the socio-psychological climate in society, contributing to the flourishing of corruption, is a double moral standard. On the one hand, corruption, especially at the top, is considered socially unacceptable. On the other hand, corruption, mostly grassroots, is an acceptable “by default” part of everyday life.

Hallmark corruption is its huge latency (secrecy). This is largely due to the fact that it manifests itself precisely as a bilateral “confidential deal,” in which neither side is interested in exposing it. Thus, the above can be summarized in general definition: Corruption is a negative, difficult to detect phenomenon in society and the state that arises as a result of using the opportunities of the position held in order to obtain personal gain to the detriment of the interests of a third party (society, state, company), which destroys the system within the country.


1. Andrianov, V.D. Bureaucracy, corruption and efficiency government controlled: history and modernity: monograph - M .: "Walters Kluver", 2009. - 236 p.


Corruption is broad term used to define the process of abuse state power for personal gain. The very word "corruption" comes from the Latin " corrumpere"- corruption, and" corruptio"- corruption, bribery, corruption, damage.

What is CORRUPTION - definition in simple words. Corruption concept.

In simple words, Corruption is a process in which an official, endowed with a certain power, uses it for personal gain. Such persons can include almost all civil servants who are capable in one way or another to influence the resolution of any situation. So it could be:

  • Politicians;
  • Officials of all levels;
  • Representatives of supervisory and law enforcement agencies;
  • Representatives of medicine and education.

More broadly, the term corruption includes bribery, extortion, fraud, abuse of power, waste and money laundering.

The causes of corruption.

There are many reasons for the existence and prosperity of corruption, and it is quite difficult to cite absolutely all aspects of the occurrence of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, the main reasons are almost always on the surface.

Personal greed. Greed leads to an unlimited desire for money or power, regardless of principles. In fact, it is an innate human impulse to own the greatest number of goods.

Low level of personal ethical responsibility due to the lack of proper education and upbringing.

Lack of a sense of duty of service, and community unity served by a civil servant. In this case, personal selfishness exceeds the needs of the majority.

Wage. Low wage, which is quite often paid to most employees in the public sector, pushes some people into corrupt practices.

Low opportunities for self-realization. Due to the lack of opportunities to work at will, many people deliberately go to work in government structures in order to earn money on corruption schemes. Quite often, these people give bribes to get such "warm" positions.

Lack of strict and quick punishments. This means that even if someone is found guilty or even caught red-handed, the judicial system will delay the process. In cases where trial lasts a very long time, the tension in society subsides, and as a rule, things go down on the brakes. Another problem is too soft punishments... For example, a corrupt official may not be sent to prison, but transferred to a less prestigious position. That by itself contributes to the flourishing of corruption, since there is no real punishment for the crime.

No bad reputation. This means that a person who has been seen in corruption should become "notorious", and self-respecting people should avoid him and not do business with him. It goes without saying that such a person should not be allowed to work as a manager.

Lack of unity in society. This factor is very important, since it is he who affects the situation with corruption in general. Society must be united in its quest to defeat corruption. And there should be no situations when a person openly criticizes corruption in public, and he secretly takes bribes for speeding up any business. If the public rallies against corruption in such a way that no one offers bribes, then corrupt officials will have no choice but to work honestly.

Lack of transparency and access to information. Fertile ground for corruption is the concealment of information about transactions, tenders and the property of officials. The hidden ones develop.

Lack of an independent anti-corruption body with the broadest powers.

Lack of competent and independent courts.

Lack of reporting among the work of government officials. This means that society does not know what exactly this or that employee is doing. state structure... Society does not have access to information about how he does his job and how he copes with it. Because of this, there is no way to assess the fact whether this official receives salary, bonuses, benefits and allowances deservedly.

Types and forms of corruption.

Since the concept of corruption is very broad and affects many areas of human life, it is customary to divide it into several types or forms, which in turn depend on the degree of influence and volume. The main forms of corruption are:

  • Individual ( unsystematic, household) corruption;
  • Petty corruption;
  • Political ( big, grandiose) corruption.

Individual (unsystematic, everyday) corruption.

This is the least dangerous type of corruption, which is very rare and is not able to influence the general processes in society.

Petty corruption.

Purposes, principles and manifestations of corruption.

As you can already understand from the very definition of the term, corruption pursues only one single goal: personal enrichment, concentration and retention of power. The expression "vicious circle" can be attributed to the principles of corruption. This means that corrupt officials create a structure out of their own kind. Thus, on the knowledge that each of these officials is involved in bribery, this entire vicious structure is supported.

Proceeding from our reality, about manifestations of corruption and its examples, it is probably not worth writing, since everyone met with it personally and can observe it every day. This was a waste of money on road repairs, bribes for marks in educational institutions, gratitude for a "qualified" appointment with a doctor. There is no point in talking about big corruption, it is enough to turn on critical thinking and watch the news on TV for several evenings.

The problem and consequences of corruption.

Service... First of all, I would like to note that there is no proper service in countries where corruption is rampant. You have to pay extra for high-quality and timely service. This aspect concerns almost all spheres of life: from an appointment with a doctor, to obtaining a license from a licensing authority.

Lack of proper justice. Corruption in judicial system leads to unfair decisions. In such a system, the one who brings the most money to the judge will be right. Due to corruption in the police system, the investigation process continues for decades. This allows criminals to roam freely and even commit more crimes.

Unemployment... As a result of corruption in the education system, the state produces less and less qualified personnel. This, in turn, creates a need for professionals who are simply not available.

Poor health and hygiene: Countries with more corruption can see more health problems among people.

Environmental pollution. This is mainly due to the activities of various enterprises that, for a bribe, get the opportunity not to use the cleaning systems, and generally conduct their work as they please.

Accidents. Bad roads, dilapidated communications, neglect of security measures - all this is the result of corrupt actions of officials. Here, as an example, we can give the receipt driving license for a bribe. This, in turn, increases the accident rate on the roads.

Bottom line.

As a result, I would like to note that corruption is indeed the most important problem that cannot be overcome without the active participation of the entire society. After all, the situation in the state as a whole depends on how each citizen treats and reacts to manifestations of corruption. Ideally, every person is obliged to suppress any manifestation of bribery, using all available and most importantly, legal methods.

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