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Compatibility: Leo woman, Pisces man. What does the horoscope say

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs in love Leo man and Pisces woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Leo - Pisces

It is rare to find such incompatible couples in the Zodiac. These people find it difficult to understand any kind of mutual understanding, and it is generally difficult to talk about long-term close relationships. It is noteworthy that this is a more complex union for Leo than for Pisces: representatives of the second sign adapt well to the needs of the first and even manage to manipulate it. But Leo very rarely has the strength and patience to maintain this relationship for a long time.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Leo man – Pisces woman

The woman in this couple is gentle and shy, and the man is brave, strong and elegant - novels are written about such heroes, others stare at them, but few people understand from the outside how difficult it is for such partners to get along together. When they meet, they often do not even suspect that a real life test awaits them ahead, which will be very difficult for them to pass.

The Leo man is impressed by this woman’s spiritual vulnerability, her trepidation, her mystery, she awakens in him the desire to take her under his wing and protect her from all misfortunes. In turn, the chosen Pisces at first comes into sincere delight from his courage, pressure and beautiful courtship. The rapprochement of partners gives them a whole range of pleasant emotions, it will be full of romance and sensuality, but all this, alas, will not last long, since the first mutual disappointments are already looming on the horizon.

Pisces ladies need constant support, they need to feel loved, but the self-centered Leo is focused mainly on himself, and very soon there is practically nothing left from his behavior at the time of winning the lady’s heart. Pisces will also have to worry about Leo’s constant absence and his open flirting with other women. Attempts to influence him with the help of hysterics and streams of tears, as well as appeals to conscience, often result in the husband leaving. At the same time, Pisces women can successfully control the behavior of their Leo spouse if they think of doing it differently, gradually, since people of this sign are good at manipulating others.

But Leo himself will have it even worse in such an alliance. Not only can his wife put pressure on him in a way that he will not immediately understand, but she remains incomprehensible to him, which constantly keeps the man in a state of discomfort. He may become entangled in her web, feeling confused and anxious. This state of mind has a very detrimental effect on representatives of this sign.

How all this can end depends on whether the Leo man and Pisces woman are able to mutually understand their partner and trust him. The hysterics and psychological pressure of Pisces quickly turn the husband into a loser, an aggressive type, and plunge him into the abyss of harmful passions. The relationship, into which both have invested a lot of effort, can be destroyed at any stage. A Pisces woman should understand that her husband is worthy of turning a blind eye to some of his flaws - his advantages often outweigh. The horoscope advises Leo not to arouse jealousy or anxiety in a vulnerable woman with his behavior and to appreciate the home comfort that his spouse creates with his caring hands.


Pisces man – Leo woman

Such couples are found quite often, which is surprising, since the relationship in a pair of a Pisces man and a Leo woman is far from being a celebration of life, but rather a harsh education of the character of both.

The Lioness will have to work more on herself, worry more, and even change her character in such a couple, but her sacrifice may ultimately not be appreciated. She may suffer from unrequited feelings even when outwardly everything will be fine in their union. The couple lives in different rhythms: at the initial stage of the relationship they are very attractive to each other, but then a happy time of mutual passion is replaced by periods of quarrels and alienation.

Pisces men have a complex inner world, and it is not easy for a Leo woman, who is more open and straightforward, to comprehend it. Such a man often puts on a mask of indifference and detachment, but in fact he observes his wife’s behavior with pleasure and interest. Even the inner strength of a Leo woman will not save her from manipulation by Pisces.

The husband usually deals with everyday issues, and he will be happy to give his more proactive wife the right to financially provide for the family, but at the same time he will unobtrusively manage her actions.

If a Leo woman and a Pisces man unconditionally agree to such a distribution of roles, this will significantly facilitate their life together. And yet, in such families there is very often a clash of ambitions. Striving for power, both spend a huge amount of nerves and energy that could be spent on something more worthy. In any case, the Lioness, who is forced to sacrifice her career and her personal growth as a result, could achieve much more without such a partner. But Pisces is often happy with this arrangement; this man feels at ease. The secret to the success of their relationship is not only a specific distribution of responsibilities, but also the opportunity to remain themselves, as well as mutual respect.

Pisces and Leo - sexual compatibility

The beginning of a romance for these partners can be very intriguing and promising, for which they have to thank the force that invariably attracts opposites. But as soon as the relationship becomes closer, disappointment cannot be avoided. For Pisces, sex is, first of all, an emotional unity; they expect from it an almost mystical merging of not only bodies, but also souls. Leos need a completely tangible manifestation of reciprocity in bed, and Pisces can give them the impression of frigid people; the lion's passion will not be satisfied. In addition, Leo will probably be irritated by his partner’s excessive, feigned artistry. The discrepancies are further aggravated by the fact that both representatives of these zodiac signs want to receive more than they are willing to give.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Leo in work and business

If Pisces and Leo are paired up to work together, it will take a lot of time just for them to learn to understand each other more or less. Most often, these people look at such colleagues as if through thin air. Their business qualities have little overlap. However, Leo will be able to perfectly relax and restore wasted energy in a comfortable environment, which even Pisces can create in a work team. If both choose the path of voluntary partnership, then it is preferable, oddly enough, for Pisces to be the main ones in such a tandem. The best option for their cooperation is to work in the field of creativity and art, in which case they can achieve success.

Pisces - Leo couple: compatibility in friendship

These people have very few points of intersection of interests and characters; Leo and Pisces can be united, perhaps, only by joint creativity. In this case, a friendship more like cooperation may develop between them. Pisces draw optimism and cheerfulness from Leo’s company and allow him to touch the rich world of his imagination, which inspires him to new achievements. In other cases, Leo will find the company of Pisces too boring, and thus will be uncomfortable in the company of this noisy and not always delicate person. Rather, they will become friends due to forced circumstances, for example, if their spouses are in close contact.

See the compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs:

Pisces Woman Leo Man

The romance of a Leo man and a Pisces woman is like a beautiful fairy tale, where everything works out in the best possible way. The characters love each other madly and go through life together happily ever after. Everything is true, but there are many nuances that can snowball into a lot of problems. Having linked their destinies, Leo and Pisces will take a long time to reach mutual understanding; they will have to endure major disappointments from unjustified hopes. But first, everything will develop based on a wonderful love story. She is tender, beautiful, trembling in the hands of a strong, courageous warrior Leo. The amazing contrast of the couple will delight the eyes of others, but the relationship will require grueling work and patience.

The Leo man requires concentrated attention to himself and does not tolerate being in the background. Leo, passionate only about himself, runs the risk of painfully annoying his beloved. The Pisces woman will be greatly disappointed by the fact that the beautiful words and admiring glances are over, and the man demands royal veneration and the immediate fulfillment of all his whims.

It is difficult for a Leo man to part with the role of a public person; he is accustomed to female attention, loves to flirt and flirt with other girls. Since the Pisces woman is a jealous person, if she begins to vehemently show dissatisfaction and call for conscience, she risks being dismissed. A Pisces who manages to choose the tactic of a calm and indifferent attitude towards Leo’s wild life will get the desired effect. Cleverly manipulating Leo’s pride, she will keep him near her “skirt”.

The union of Leo and Pisces is considered promising, but one of the most difficult relationships. In a relationship with Pisces, Leo will experience many new sensations, and not always pleasant ones. The Pisces woman is ruthless, is unlikely to forgive an inappropriate attitude towards herself, she is a vengeful person, and can isolate herself in silence for a long time. Thus, creating uncertainty, confusion, and impasse in a man. Pisces knows how to gently push a man and has the gift of suggestion. The woman is smart, cunning, self-possessed, she is gifted with extraordinary patience, and also endowed with the wisdom of an experienced woman.

A wounded and defeated Leo man can fall into deep depression and alcoholism. To prevent this from happening, a man must receive from his woman positive incentives, pushes, words of faith in him and his achievements. The Leo man gains strength when solid support, faith, and confidence appear. To live together, a couple should seriously think about resolving their own rules, understand that there is another person with a different opinion, views and interests.

Pisces Woman and Leo Man Compatibility

Astrologers attribute such different qualities to the Pisces woman and the Leo man that the connection between them seems absurd. The combination of water and fire, ice and flame is nonsense, it would seem. However, this is only at first glance. Compatibility of these two zodiac signs is possible and even very favorable. It goes without saying that there is no talk of equality in this extravagant couple. It was not fitting for a royal person like Leo to share the throne.

The compatibility horoscope favors them. The romance between Pisces and Leo begins very quickly. A strong and powerful beast will be literally captivated by the tenderness and femininity of Pisces. She needs reliable support and support that can protect her from all adversity. A man who can inspire her with confidence and respect - this is the ideal of a woman of the last zodiac sign. As a rule, this property of Pisces is established in childhood: they are accustomed to idolizing their parents, despite the fact that this often hides oppression, excessive severity, accompanied by punishment.

The Leo man needs a retinue to amaze her with his dexterity, strength, sense of humor and resourcefulness. Pisces is too receptive and impressionable, and Leo loves to brag and talk about himself. Many people at a rendezvous with this fiery zodiac sign begin to feel insignificant and faded personalities against its background. But not the Pisces woman.

His ideal is a taciturn girlfriend and ardent lover rolled into one. These qualities only contribute to their compatibility: Pisces, with their timidity and gullibility, will remind Leo of a child who needs to be protected and pampered. And the man will really play the role of a benefactor - giving gifts, paying bills from fashion stores and salons. In general, generosity is not the last trait among the positive qualities of Leo.

Leo does not recognize the equality of partners; he is satisfied only with patriarchal relationships. Leos are good leaders by nature and do not tolerate objections or criticism. Pisces are happy to go with the flow, but this is their strength - adapting to win. The creative inclinations of both also contribute to their compatibility. Pisces are often very smart and erudite.

The Leo man is like reading a book, communicating with his beloved Pisces woman. And Leo is especially good at oratory - he is an excellent storyteller and knows how to convince others. Speaking about compatibility in this water-fire pair, it is worth paying attention to the following potential problems. If Pisces is too pliable, the dominant Leo can easily turn into an indomitable and cruel despot.

Distinguished by his excellent gift of penetrating the soul of another, this insidious beast is able not only to manipulate his woman, but also to turn her into a free housekeeper. She will endure for a long time, but tyranny from her companion will quickly break her.

His characteristic selfishness and conceit will eventually prevail in him, leaving behind his former tenderness and caring. And then a sudden change from a loving and gentle guardian to a callous and cruel tormentor can put their compatibility at risk.

So, having begun as a fairy tale or a fantasy come true, the relationship between Pisces and Leo can become a disaster for her. If such a period comes in a couple, then it will be impossible to return to old feelings. Hysterics and persuasion will only strengthen the Leo man’s determination to end the relationship.

Astrologers know that there are no perfectly compatible zodiac signs. However, by understanding a little about themselves and their partner, even such antagonistic natures as Pisces and Leo can increase their chances of compatibility. Leo sets a high standard for his girlfriends, including in the home. Pisces should be able to receive their Leo in cleanliness and comfort at any time of the day and surprise each time with culinary delights. Pisces should never push or try to force Leo to do anything. It will only make him angry. As always, feminine cunning and wisdom, which a woman of this watery zodiac sign masters perfectly, will come to the rescue.

It doesn’t hurt for a Leo man to sometimes curb his desire to control everything and everyone, demanding complete submission. Leo must always remember that initially he chose a woman who attracts admiring glances, and who has not lost her self-esteem. The same applies to her: trying to please him every minute, she risks completely disappearing in his shadow. So that even her companion will stop noticing her.

An important note for Leo: since he is a fire sign of the zodiac, and Pisces is a water sign, you should not be surprised at the difference in libido. For Pisces, emotional fusion will always be more important. If these two decide to tie the knot, then Rybka should prepare in advance to bear the burden of housekeeping worries under the picky gaze of a strict owner.

This couple will have very happy children, as both parents love children. The king needs heirs, and he is pleased with the prospect of having a bunch of children whom he will consider his property, be proud of them and talk about their successes as if they were his own achievements. If Leo manages to suppress his egoism in time and learn to direct his energy in the right direction, then such an alliance will only grow stronger over the years.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility in life and love

Every year there are more and more cases of divorce. Often the reason is haste and lack of knowledge about each other. Astrologers advise that before joining your destinies, ask the stars about compatibility. We invite you to find out what compatibility the signs Leo and Pisces have and whether Leo and Pisces are suitable for each other.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility in love relationships

Sometimes the question becomes relevant whether Leo and Pisces are compatible in love. Astrologers claim that these two signs are very different. However, even despite this, such a union may have a future if two people do everything to show their partner their best qualities. Leo and Pisces have different temperaments and attitudes towards life. All this is due to their belonging to different elements. For this reason, you will have to put a lot of effort into building relationships.

The relationship between Leo and Pisces can be romantic, which will provide an opportunity to get around sharp corners and many pitfalls. At the same time, it is important to understand that the fiery Leo will always be afraid in his soul that the aquatic Pisces will claim his space and extinguish his fire. If the roles are distributed incorrectly, then this will be so, but often Pisces has the wisdom to use their abilities for good and thereby calm down the sometimes too violent Leo, making their relationship more harmonious.

Leo and Pisces - Marriage Compatibility

The answer to the question whether Leo and Pisces can be compatible in marriage is clear. Already at the first meeting, it becomes obvious that there is nothing in common between the two people. At the first meeting with a Leo woman, a Pisces man may fall recklessly in love, but at the same time he will be afraid to take the first step towards him. However, if he decides to meet the woman of his dreams, it is quite possible that she will believe in the sincerity of his feelings and give him a chance.

What is the compatibility of the signs Leo and Pisces in a couple where the man is Pisces and his wife is Leo is often of interest to summer and spring birthday people. In such unions, representatives of the fair sex often become leaders and even breadwinners in the family. Leo will be able to realize his own ambitions in business and career. As for the man, he will be able to take on the housework. A married couple where the woman is Leo and the man is Pisces in this situation can be harmonious and even happy. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied with everything and brings maximum pleasure.

Leo and Pisces - in bed

Representatives of the elements of fire and water sometimes wonder whether Pisces is suitable for Leo in intimate life. The stars say that for such a couple, all the difficulties and problems of personal relationships can easily be solved in bed. Although the union has completely opposite views, they can very quickly find mutual understanding. Two people are able to enjoy mutual caresses for a long time; they do not need anything more. At the same time, sometimes everything can be ended with foreplay, which will suit both partners. It is also important that Leos and Pisces perfectly understand each other’s desires and feelings.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility in friendship

Representatives of opposite elements often wonder whether Leo and Pisces are compatible in friendship. Astrologers assure that such relationships have a right to exist if both decide to change not only the environment, but also their preferences. Pisces have peace of mind, and they are also noble and receptive. Leos can also be called gifted, wise and generous. Such people are happy to make new acquaintances and create families.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility at work

Many of us spend most of our time at work, and therefore it is very important what kind of climate reigns in the team. Sometimes employees realize how compatible Leo and Pisces are. Especially when Leo is a leader, and Pisces is a subordinate. In this situation, representatives of the fire sign will be happy to show their own desire for unlimited power, and Pisces will be able to provide excellent results in the shortest possible time, using their activity.

Compatibility of Leo man and Pisces woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility of Leo men and Pisces women in relationships

Leos have developed cat instincts, with the help of which they identify subjects (like Pisces) most suitable for their royalty, and Pisces women have psychic abilities that allow them to recognize strong and protective people (which is typical for Leo men). Pisces agree with someone else's point of view if they understand that the person expressing it is acting in their interests. And this is not at all a matter of Pisces’ weakness of character; on the contrary, this arrangement allows them to feel safe from external threats and gives them the opportunity to focus on mystical internal research. Leo men melt with adoration for their partner, and Pisces women lavish their affection sincerely and naturally.

Although building these relationships will require certain efforts from partners, due to significant differences between the signs, they will not be in vain. Leo men strive to become the center of the universe, and Pisces women strive to dissolve in it. They, of course, do not give Leo any reason to worry, so they immediately gain access to the “royal bed.” This is where it all begins.

Sexual compatibility of Leo men and Pisces women

The interest that Leos feel in a partner who is capable of following their fantasies does not dry out. Pisces, on the other hand, is intoxicated by the very opportunity to break out of the boundaries of everyday life.

An incredible passion arises between a Pisces woman and a Leo man, which will be the envy of many. Leos are the very ardor, their Pisces are coolness and freshness. Captivated by sexual desire, they know exactly how to give Leo a previously unknown pleasure and make him admire his partner even more.

Business compatibility between Leo man and Pisces woman

This couple is good in leader-subordinate relationships. At the same time, Leo, as a boss, can feel infinitely powerful, even while remaining relatively inactive. Pisces, as workers, can use their own energy and end up getting things done on their own.

What a Pisces woman needs to know about a Leo man

Pisces, you are confused by the demanding nature of Leo men, but you will have to come to terms with it, since this is what they do best. demand. However, they really value the person who walks through life hand in hand with them, and therefore it costs them nothing to give a gift that will make you gasp. The duration of this funny friendship or love depends on maintaining the feeling of mutuality between you. However, finding something in common can be challenging.

What does a Leo man need to know about a Pisces woman?

Leo men, you will quickly realize that Pisces live in their own world, outside the confines of your kingdom. It is possible that your partner’s reluctance to open his soul to you hurts your pride. However, it is difficult for Pisces to allow anyone into the spiritual reality they have created, which exists exclusively in the inner depths of this complex sign.

Pisces women's dependence on drugs or alcohol is very typical for them. It can be caused by their desire to escape reality, and you, Leo man, hate this kind of weakness. If you put too much pressure on a Pisces woman, she will become more and more distant from you and will eventually withdraw into her inner world, or, even worse, turn on you with her vicious, heartless side.

Their depression, by the way, is quite understandable. Pisces women absorb pain or other strong emotions that befall them.

Therefore, they need to free themselves from accumulated feelings from time to time, and meditation, that is, internal immersion, is a way of relaxation for them. Problems arise when you want to play, but your partner is too deep into himself for you to get close to him. The inner world of Pisces is excessive for your nature and can have a depressing effect on you. In the worst case, the relationship may end sadly, but I want to believe that without violence.

Compatibility of Leo man and Pisces woman: chances for the future

As a result of difficult relationships, each of the interested parties becomes internally stronger, which makes the connection between them stronger than in the case of an alliance that develops easily. In these circumstances, Pisces women teach Leo men that there are much more important things in life than the favor of others, and also show by their own example how to be compassionate - and not because of sympathy for any particular person, but as a result the intrinsic value of good. Leos explain to Pisces that being a martyr does not benefit anyone and is only a form of selfishness, much more sophisticated than simple narcissism. The ability to perceive the pain of others is a great gift that should contribute to a better life.

There is no point in noticing the suffering of others if it is not used to recognize one's own problems. If Pisces women understand that Leo men have no desire to constantly deal with their quirks, they will become stronger and will feel less like victims. Leo men must remember: their existence is no less real than the inner life of Pisces women. We must understand that each person exists in his own manner, which creates a variety of interactions. For example, the more cheerful Leo is, the more joy he radiates to those around him.

Pisces woman and Leo man can live like in a fairy tale, but they must have the need to develop and maintain their relationship. It's refreshing, but these two are a good fit for each other. Pisces feel at home in the kingdom of Leo, and Leo, even without fully understanding Pisces, enjoy living together with them. Both have good reasons for keeping things the same, but ironically, each will not hesitate to leave if things get too intense. This is the property of the combination of Water and Fire.

Like Sharks. As for the latter, it is not so much fear that makes them act!) carefully, but rather a strong desire to avoid by all means a tiresome scene - dramatic outbursts, cold insults, which are the usual result of the fact that Leo I don't like the splinters of disrespect on his strong paw.
Typical (non-Shark) women - Fish fascinated by a man Leo, intuitively feel that they must obey His Highness. Pisces knows this for sure, and it doesn’t matter what she says, listening to the advice of her well-meaning friends, who believe that it is necessary to “talk frankly with him at least once.” Fish too wise in regard to the human heart to use methods that might spoil everything.

a lion very sentimental, and he is an incurable romantic. Only Taurus may be more sentimental and more romantic. Enamored a lion, admired by extraordinary femininity Fish, loses his head so much that he is even ready to obey her. But this is a temporary capitulation. He will never leave the throne for a long time and will not voluntarily give up his golden scepter. True, you can try to push him off the throne, it’s better not to...

We must always remember that a lion- a sign of Fire, and Fish- sign of Water. Any Fire is secretly afraid that Water will extinguish it. It doesn't matter how much a lion seized power over the woman he loves: the inner trembling that she is able to “extinguish” his burning enthusiasm remains. Water is also afraid of Fire, because if it has enough strength, it can dry up everything in its path. This man and woman continues, in the end it If the love between develops into a feeling of mutual respect, as in all Fire-Water combinations, since each of them knows that the other can destroy his personality. Still on an emotional level Aries It's always better to give in to the "big cats" and remain the one being controlled, at least outwardly.

Woman- Fish will rarely try to lead a man. She would rather try to convince him - softly, persistently, with a gentle chirp. If this doesn't work, she may resort to an aloof silence, full of hidden pain that can plunge a sincere Leo into a rage. It’s better for her to chirp, otherwise the house will be filled with the fire of rage and streams of tears. a lion first, as a rule, he deifies his girlfriend, and then demands that she correspond to the ideal he has invented. It is very difficult for him to realize that his girlfriend is a person. Instead, he sees her as his reflection, praising and elevating her, so that she sometimes despairs of having to constantly be on the pedestal on which he has placed her. Only men Scorpios And Scales can expect as much from a woman as a lion. Like all Fire signs, a lion dramatic and has a happy ability to express his feelings in words with great pleasure and skill. Fish They don’t know how to talk a lot and beautifully and, after trying several times, they can take the path of least resistance - swim away. When constantly disagreeing or under severe pressure Fish They just try to disappear.

Many Lions, looking around after an arrogant lecture to make sure that their trembling victim has been sufficiently humiliated and punished, they discover an empty place where the Pisces girl had just sat and listened to him with a patient smile. Where did she go? She floated away. She swam far, far away. Himself Leo the same intense suffering is caused by the humiliating knowledge that she did not ask his wise advice before deciding to take such a responsible step. His grief is so sincere and deep that it is impossible not to sympathize with him. Sad, lonely, with a broken heart, he desperately tries not to show how bad he is... However, the typical a lion will not live alone for long.

The only time this couple doesn't have fights is during sleep. Those who study these issues know that lions sleep 17 hours a day. People need to do almost the same thing - Leos. As for Fish, she also doesn’t like to get up at dawn. They both love to sleep. So the alarm clock can rarely be a cause of discord between them, especially when they say “Good morning!” to each other, which usually precedes their lovemaking. This is not even a prelude, but something similar to an echo, with romantic music connecting this night with the previous one.

Fish represent the eighth house of sex for Leo, So a lion strives to find a Pisces girl who attracts him at first sight. This vibration can also cause him to instantly surrender. Then, later, he will begin to wonder. The phrase “cold as a fish” appeared in the language for a reason. After all, fish in nature are not warm-blooded creatures. This is not to say that the Pisces woman is frigid, but sometimes she may not match the passionate ardor Leo the way he would like it or how he demands it. But Leo sex needs a touch of romance, and the Pisces girl can give him this in abundance.

Sexual jealousy is common between spouses or lovers of the couple. Typical woman Fish- this is the embodiment of flirting, and a lion, of course, roars menacingly at the slightest hint that someone might have their eye on his girlfriend. Nevertheless, he can expect from her that she will calmly look at his unreasonable actions caused by vanity and thirst for admiration.

AND Fish, And a lion are able to view love as a high spiritual exaltation or as a feeling that can be destroyed by a casual love affair, because love itself is too important for both.

Woman- Fish in great need of complete emotional fusion, a feeling of mystical unity, sexual consummation of love and a touch of mystery, a man Leo You need more tangible satisfaction - warmth, love and passion. He needs sentimental speeches both before and after lovemaking. However, excessive outpouring of words does not always correspond to the concept of a woman ruled by Neptune about the sacrament of love. Therefore, the degree of harmony and happiness that this man and woman will achieve together depends very much on the location of the Moon in each person's birth chart. If her Moon is in a Fire sign and his is in a Water sign, or if both Moons are in the same sign, regardless of the element, they will understand and be able to perfectly satisfy each other's desires. Otherwise, they will need a lot of persistence and patience.

AND a lion, And Fish need emotional freedom. The more of this precious gift they generously give to each other, the closer they will be. But freedom must always be accompanied by trust and fidelity, otherwise it will turn into an escape for one side and a terrible torture for the other. A search started on one side of the globe can always end where it started, since the Earth is round. Love also travels in circles, if it is true love... After all, only you really miss it when it leaves... and promises to return.

L. Goodman - Twelve Sacraments of Love

There is a lot of passion in the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Leo man. It turns out when its tenderness and softness, fluidity are combined with its heat and pressure. She was not used to achieving - he was not used to waiting. He acts quite nobly, she is impressed by it. Their relationship develops slowly - and all thanks to her. The Leo man is by nature quite impatient, but the Pisces woman skillfully manipulates him and manages the process of her own conquest as if from behind the scenes. Problems in a couple may arise due to his jealousy: the Pisces woman will give a lot of reasons for concern. On the other hand, it is jealousy that will give some dynamics to their relationship, because in order for a woman to be only with him and no one else, the Leo man is ready to move mountains, and that’s what she needs.

Sex can be very high quality in this couple, if only he takes his time and always insists on having his way. The Pisces woman is one of those who needs room for imagination: rest assured, she will figure out how and how to surprise herself and her partner this time. An irresistible craving for experimentation forces her to try new and new tricks, to demonstrate different facets of her personality. The Leo man is used to dominating in bed - she likes it. We can say that their sex life is quite harmonious.

Family and marriage

If they get married, patriarchy will reign in their family. The division of roles in the family will be traditional: the husband is the breadwinner and the wife is the keeper of the hearth. However, it is not a fact that they will cope with these roles. The Leo man, with the artistry inherent in his nature, will want not only to catch a mammoth, but also to shine in society, and the Pisces woman will get bored sitting at the notorious hearth. It is better for them, of course, to accept themselves and each other as they are, then their marriage will be a union of two people who love each other and love to explore the world - together and alone.

Their friendship is a rather strange thing. It would seem that they give each other what lovers usually share: she gives him tenderness and affection, he gives his patronage and protection. Having a friend like a Leo man, a Pisces woman need not be afraid that someone will offend her. It must be admitted that looking at such friendly unions, people begin to doubt that friendship between a man and a woman exists: they treat each other too tenderly.

Work and business

In a business organized by a Leo man, a Pisces woman will play the role of a muse. Her fragile shoulders will bear the burden of creating an atmosphere that will allow her to work more productively. She will come up with a business concept and decide what color the logo will be. Although, it is possible that her agility will only be enough for the logo. In any case, the Pisces woman is unlikely to bring significant practical benefit to their common cause. But the Leo man is capable of playing big. His intelligence and charisma are quite enough to distinguish a profitable offer from a disadvantageous one in order to conclude a deal at the most opportune time. We can say that the Leo man approaches work creatively, he has a nose for money and profitable directions. The Pisces woman will be his faithful assistant, and together they can create something truly worthwhile.

Astrologers attribute such different qualities to the Pisces woman and the Leo man that the connection between them seems absurd.

The combination of water and fire, ice and flame is nonsense, it would seem. However, this is only at first glance. Compatibility of these two zodiac signs is possible and even very favorable.

It goes without saying that there is no talk of equality in this extravagant couple. It was not fitting for a royal person like Leo to share the throne.

Almost perfect couple

The compatibility horoscope favors them. The romance between Pisces and Leo begins very quickly. A strong and powerful beast will be literally captivated by the tenderness and femininity of Pisces.

She needs reliable support and support that can protect her from all adversity. A man who can inspire her with confidence and respect - this is the ideal of a woman of the last zodiac sign.

As a rule, this property of Pisces is established in childhood: they are accustomed to idolizing their parents, despite the fact that this often hides oppression, excessive severity, accompanied by punishment.

The Leo man needs a retinue to amaze her with his dexterity, strength, sense of humor and resourcefulness. Pisces is too receptive and impressionable, and Leo loves to brag and talk about himself.

Many people at a rendezvous with this fiery zodiac sign begin to feel insignificant and faded personalities against its background. But not the Pisces woman.

His ideal is a taciturn girlfriend and ardent lover rolled into one. These qualities only contribute to their compatibility: Pisces, with their timidity and gullibility, will remind Leo of a child who needs to be protected and pampered.

And the man will really play the role of a benefactor - giving gifts, paying bills from fashion stores and salons. In general, generosity is not the last trait among the positive qualities of Leo.

Leo does not recognize the equality of partners; he is satisfied only with patriarchal relationships. Leos are good leaders by nature and do not tolerate objections or criticism. Pisces are happy to go with the flow, but this is their strength - adapting to win.

The creative inclinations of both also contribute to their compatibility. Pisces are often very smart and erudite.

The Leo man is like reading a book, communicating with his beloved Pisces woman. And Leo is especially good at oratory - he is an excellent storyteller and knows how to convince others.

What might a Pisces-Leo couple encounter?

Speaking about compatibility in this water-fire pair, it is worth paying attention to the following potential problems. If Pisces is too pliable, the dominant Leo can easily turn into an indomitable and cruel despot.

Distinguished by his excellent gift of penetrating the soul of another, this insidious beast is able not only to manipulate his woman, but also to turn her into a free housekeeper. She will endure for a long time, but tyranny from her companion will quickly break her.

His characteristic selfishness and conceit will eventually prevail in him, leaving behind his former tenderness and caring. And then a sudden change from a loving and gentle guardian to a callous and cruel tormentor can put their compatibility at risk.

So, having begun as a fairy tale or a fantasy come true, the relationship between Pisces and Leo can become a disaster for her. If such a period comes in a couple, then it will be impossible to return to old feelings. Hysterics and persuasion will only strengthen the Leo man’s determination to end the relationship.

How to prevent a breakup?

Astrologers know that there are no perfectly compatible zodiac signs. However, by understanding a little about themselves and their partner, even such antagonistic natures as Pisces and Leo can increase their chances of compatibility.

  • Leo sets a high standard for his girlfriends, including in the home. Pisces should be able to receive their Leo in cleanliness and comfort at any time of the day and surprise each time with culinary delights.
  • Pisces should never push or try to force Leo to do anything. It will only make him angry. As always, feminine cunning and wisdom, which a woman of this watery zodiac sign masters perfectly, will come to the rescue.

  • It doesn’t hurt for a Leo man to sometimes curb his desire to control everything and everyone, demanding complete submission. Leo must always remember that initially he chose a woman who attracts admiring glances, and who has not lost her self-esteem.
  • The same applies to her: trying to please him every minute, she risks completely disappearing in his shadow. So that even her companion will stop noticing her.
  • An important note for Leo: since he is a fire sign of the zodiac, and Pisces is a water sign, you should not be surprised at the difference in libido. For Pisces, emotional fusion will always be more important.

Marriage and family life

If these two decide to tie the knot, then Rybka should prepare in advance to bear the burden of housekeeping worries under the picky gaze of a strict owner.

This couple will have very happy children, as both parents love children. The king needs heirs, and he is pleased with the prospect of having a bunch of children whom he will consider his property, be proud of them and talk about their successes as if they were his own achievements.

If Leo manages to suppress his egoism in time and learn to direct his energy in the right direction, then such an alliance will only grow stronger over the years. Author: Liya Metova

The combination of these zodiac signs Leo and Pisces is problematic, despite fairly high compatibility in various areas. Representatives of this zodiac sign create seemingly successful unions; partners are not prone to conflicts, but at the same time it is very difficult to achieve understanding in tandem. The problems stem from the fact that satellites have different ways of thinking, and therefore perceive events occurring in the world around them differently. In general, there is no reason that could keep partners together for a long time. Under certain circumstances, couples easily break up.

Leo man and Pisces woman – compatibility

Leo man and Pisces woman find a common language and create successful tandems with great difficulty. Different lifestyles complicate relationships. The Leo man is a strong personality. He quickly makes the right decisions and rarely makes mistakes. A girl born under the sign of Pisces is a doubtful nature. She spends a lot of time thinking about various problems, but still cannot make the right decisions.

In love relationships (love compatibility 71%)

The compatibility of a Leo man and a Pisces woman in a love relationship is relatively high. In such couples, the representative of the fire sign appears in the eyes of a gentle, thoughtful beauty as a real prince. He attracts attention with his natural gallantry, ability to show determination in any situation and optimistic attitude towards life. A strong man and partner are attracted to him. It seems to him that there is a fairy-tale princess next to him, who can become his reliable companion.

What keeps lovers together are deep love feelings that arise suddenly. People admire each other's actions. But not very much time will pass, and the chosen one will begin to tire of the intrusiveness of his partner, who strives to delve into all his affairs, while demonstrating simple curiosity, nothing more. She is more interested in whether her loved one is cheating on her than in the state of his work affairs. If she suspects betrayal, she will immediately be disappointed in her chosen one.

Successful love tandems between representatives of these zodiac signs can only be if Leo and Pisces are engaged in creative activities. In this case, a woman with good intuition and developed intelligence can provide a man with effective assistance.

In bed (sexual compatibility 67%)

The compatibility of a Leo man and a Pisces woman in bed is excellent. But relationships in the intimate sphere can only become ideal when the partner can overcome his own natural egoism.

Both partners are very passionate individuals by nature. They strive to fully open up in sexual relationships. That is why sex is filled with unforgettable impressions and positive emotions. Sexual relationships are a bonding factor that helps strengthen relationships between people as a whole.

Married (compatibility in family life 63%)

Average compatibility between Leo and Pisces in marriage does not guarantee strong families between representatives of these zodiac signs. If unions are created at an early age, they usually fall apart. In such cases, those around them are convinced that people do not get along in character.

First of all, this may be due to the fact that a man always becomes the main breadwinner; in order to financially provide for his family, he has to spend a lot of time outside the home. Therefore, he will be very happy with a stay-at-home wife, whose role is suitable for a woman born under the zodiac sign of Pisces.

The wife is a very sociable person, so she happily accompanies her husband to various social events. She is very tactful and knows how to be in the shadow of her husband, without claiming a leadership position.

A girl in such a tandem is quite satisfied with the patronage provided by her husband. In gratitude, she surrounds him with care and affection. She devotes all her free time to self-improvement, so she is a storehouse of useful information.

But if a marriage is not based on convenience, but arises out of love, then it has much more difficulties. First of all, they are associated with jealousy, which arises in the soul of the wife, due to the activity and sociability of the husband. Violent scandals arise in the family on this basis, which most often lead to divorce.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 32%)

Strong, sincere friendship between representatives of this zodiac sign is extremely rare. Friendly relations are possible only between relatives. This is due to the fact that a woman is a very secretive and mysterious person who never opens her inner world to strangers. And without trust and openness, friendship is simply impossible.

The Leo man does not strive for friendly relations with an incomprehensible beauty. He, who has an open, sociable character, has difficulties communicating with such a friend. In most cases, companions are united by forced communication, but nothing more. After all, partners don’t have common hobbies, they are so different.

Having met in the same company, Leo and Pisces repel each other. Their opinions do not coincide even in small things. A melancholic girl does not like the guy’s impulsive character; it negatively affects her peace of mind. On the other hand, a representative of the zodiac sign Leo is always irritated by the touchiness of his companion, who can react inappropriately to any little things. He also doesn’t like her desire to live in an illusory world, not noticing real events.

Pisces man and Leo woman – compatibility

Difficulties in unions are due to the fact that a woman born under the zodiac sign Leo is much more confident in her own abilities than her companion. She is open and sociable, so it is very difficult for her to find a common language with a Pisces man, who likes to create an aura of mystery around himself. In fact, in reality, things always go better for the partner, and her companion is always searching for himself.

In love relationships (love compatibility 65%)

The compatibility of a Pisces man and a Leo woman in a love relationship is quite high. But this indicator focuses on the fact that much in love tandems depends on the correct distribution of roles. More successful are unions in which the chosen one occupies a dominant place.

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo in love can guarantee the creation of a strong, promising union. Since a man born under the zodiac sign of Pisces lives in illusions and dreams, he can invent a beautiful stranger who will become his life partner. A beauty belonging to the fire element is very suitable for this role.

A mysterious young man who sincerely expressed admiration for a Leo woman will not leave her indifferent. This will be the starting point for creating a love tandem. At first, the relationship will be very successful. The partner will surround the chosen one with attention and affection. She will feel like a real woman. But you shouldn’t expect material benefits from him, but the bright beauty needs them so much.

Soon the partners will face great difficulties. First of all, problems will arise due to the fact that they do not have common friends, this significantly limits the possibilities of friendly communication with like-minded people, which is so necessary for both of them. In addition, difficulties will arise periodically due to various natural characters.

In bed (sexual compatibility 75%)

The compatibility of Pisces and Leo in bed is approaching ideal. This is due to the partner’s natural ability to provide maximum pleasure to a woman. He is ready to deify his chosen one. It is very important that a temperamental partner learns to behave in a similar way in the intimate sphere and shows special tact and caution.

It should be remembered that even the slightest rudeness can push away a gentle and affectionate guy. Due to her sharp and original character, the Leo girl may well make such a mistake in bed.

Over time, partners get used to each other so much that they feel each other’s desires on a subconscious level. After this, nothing will threaten sexual relationships. It is noteworthy that sex in such a couple is a strengthening factor and significantly increases the chances of maintaining the union.

Married (compatibility in family life 50%)

A family tandem between representatives of these zodiac signs can be strong, but it can hardly be considered friendly, as evidenced by the low compatibility of a Pisces man and a Leo woman in marriage.

The likelihood of divorce in such marriages is high. Older people have a greater chance of maintaining a union. It is very important that the couple immediately assign roles in the family. First of all, it should be taken into account that, due to his natural character, the spouse rarely successfully moves up the career ladder. Because of this, he is unlikely to be able to become the main breadwinner in the family. That is why you should entrust responsibility for the financial condition of the family to your spouse. She will cope with this task better. The spouse can cope excellently with household chores, providing a reliable rear for his wife.

Threats to marriage exist even with the correct distribution of roles; idealistic relationships should not be expected. It is especially important for your spouse to monitor your behavior. Being in a leadership position, she should not abuse her authority, which can greatly offend her spouse.

A successful marriage between representatives of these signs requires accurate calculation. If people marry for love, then much more difficulties will arise in family tandems.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 41%)

Even close communication between representatives of these zodiac signs will not lead to the emergence of strong friendships. These people cannot be frank with each other. First of all, this is due to the man’s closeness.

Pisces and Leo are sociable, but they rarely meet in the same companies. They do not have common hobbies that could become a unifying factor.

Relatives or people belonging to different generations can become friends. But even in this case, as a rule, friendly tandems are based on the fact that the Leo lady patronizes a friend with a weaker natural character. She teaches him to be more practical, to strive to get him out of the illusory world, which greatly prevents him from becoming a successful person. For his part, a friend can share useful information with a friend, because he devotes all his free time to self-improvement.

It is absolutely not difficult for a woman born under the zodiac sign Leo to win a Pisces man. Its beauty, brightness, and originality of natural character are a strong attractive factor. Since the Pisces man is very sensitive to everything beautiful, he will definitely notice an exquisite beauty if he finds himself in the same company with her.

The chosen one will have an even greater desire to continue the relationship after the first conversation. He is an intellectually developed person, so it is very important for him that the woman he likes can hold conversations on any topic. In most cases, the developed Leo young lady easily copes with this task.

In order to keep your beloved close to you, you should communicate with him sincerely, you should not lie even for good. The chosen one has naturally developed intuition, so he immediately identifies even hidden falsehood.

How a Pisces man can conquer a Leo woman

It is almost impossible for a Pisces man to win a Leo woman, and, however, he very rarely has such a desire. People lead different lifestyles, their interests do not intersect, and they do not have common hobbies. But, nevertheless, representatives of these zodiac signs often meet in the same company.

The reason that a man born under the sign of Pisces will have a desire to attract the attention of a self-confident chosen one can only be sincere, sudden love.

The first thing you need to start with is an invitation to attend some interesting event. The Leo woman is unlikely to refuse such an offer. It is important to arrange the first date very beautifully. It is necessary to give exquisite flowers, invite the young lady to a restaurant. You should definitely think through the topics of possible conversations, but this is not difficult for the intellectual companion of Pisces.

It is very important to try to find out about the hobbies of your chosen one. If it is appropriate, then you should definitely admire her natural abilities and character traits. Such a role - an admiring admirer - is quite capable of being played by a talented man with a flexible character. It is important that the girl does not suspect that the person caring for her is far from reality and prefers to live in an illusory world.