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The gender of the unborn child to be updated. Blood renewal

There are many ways to calculate the sex of the child. This is both the ancient Chinese calendar and Japanese tables. One of the newest is a way to renew the blood of parents. An online table will help to facilitate calculations, where you can enter data on the birth of parents, and it will give the required result.

By renewing the blood

By date of birth

father 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 January 31 January 31 January March April May June July August September October 1962 1963 1964 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1978 1979 1985 1981 1984 1984 1985 1981 1988 1989 1995 1991 1992 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2012 2012 2013 2013 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Conception date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

How does the method work?

In the scientific world, there is a theory that a person's blood is completely renewed after a certain period. This period is different for men and women. So, for the fair sex, renewal occurs every three years, and for the stronger sex - once every four years.

The sex of the child is determined by the sex of the parent whose blood is younger at the time of conception. You can find this out using your date of birth. Determining the sex from the blood of the parents can be done manually, but you can use an online calculator that makes the calculation much easier.

How does the calculator work? First you need to enter the dates of birth of the parents in the lines provided for this. Then the calculator itself will determine the period when the last blood renewal occurred in both parents and will give the result - the sex of the child.

To determine the sex by the blood of the parents, it is necessary to know the date of conception. Remember that it is determined not by the first delay in menstruation, but by the day of ovulation, i.e. 2 weeks before the start of the expected period. If you already know about pregnancy, but doubt about the day of conception, you can consult a gynecologist or wait for the first ultrasound. Then you will know exactly the date when fertilization occurred.

The method of determining the sex of a child by the blood group of the parents was known in ancient China. Modern scientists have updated it, adapted it to modern reality, and now future parents can use it to satisfy their curiosity.

Can there be exceptions?

Like any regularity, the method of determining the sex of a child by updating the blood of the parents has its exceptions. These are situations when there was a profuse blood loss. In this case, most of the blood is renewed, and the countdown is from that moment.

What situations can lead to a large loss of blood?

  1. surgical operations;
  2. uterine bleeding in women associated with miscarriage, abortion or pathology;
  3. providing own blood as a donor;
  4. blood transfusion;
  5. accidents, injuries, as a result of which a lot of blood was lost.

How reliable is the method?

A calculator, or a table for determining the sex of a child by updating blood, does not give a 100% result. This must be taken into account if you want to know the gender of the baby.

Sometimes it happens that parents do not remember the date of the operation or blood donation. In this case, the calculations are complicated, and the result that the calculator or table gives is doubtful.

A calendar or table for determining the sex of a child for blood renewal has collected conflicting reviews.

On the one hand, it is very easy to calculate. To get the result, you do not need to know any exceptional data or rely on the calendar of another country, for example, as in the Chinese table. On the other hand, no one can say exactly when the last major renewal of blood took place. The woman could have had heavy periods or other gynecological reasons, as a result of which she lost a large amount of blood. Then the calculator stops working at 100%.

In order to reliably find out who will be born, it is necessary to connect all possible methods: the blood type of the parents, the Chinese and Japanese tables (online calculator), the results of ultrasound. Then you will have the opportunity to compare the findings on this test and find out the probability of having a boy or a girl.

Also, think about how important it is for you to know the gender of your baby before birth. If we are talking about the hereditary transmission of any diseases exclusively through the male or female line, then one online calculator will clearly not be enough. Sophisticated medical research and calculations will be required that will give indications for maintaining or terminating a pregnancy. If you are just planning a child, and his gender is important to you, contact a specialist, use several methods.

In case of ordinary curiosity, treat the method of determining the sex of a baby by renewing blood as a fortune-telling, the result of which the calculator does not always give out reliably. Get help in other ways. If in reality everything happens differently, it will not be a disappointment for you. You will accept the child as he is.

The test results are not a medical conclusion. To accurately determine the sex of the unborn child, you must consult a doctor.

How is the sex of the child calculated by the date of birth of the parents and by updating the blood

Very often, married couples dream of a child of a certain gender, therefore, even before conceiving a child, they strive to do everything possible to certainly conceive a girl or a boy. Many of them are guided by a fairly common way of determining the sex of an expected or planned child by their own dates of birth.

This method is based on the theory of regular blood renewal in every human body. Scientists say that in a man's body, blood is completely renewed once every four years, and in a woman's body - once every three years.

There is a fairly high probability that the unborn child will have the sex of the parent whose blood at the time of conception will be younger.

  • To determine the gender of the expected child by dates of birth, it is necessary to divide the number of full years lived by a man by four, and the age of a woman, respectively, by three.

If either of the parents got an integer as a result, this will mean that his blood has been updated quite recently, so the unborn child will most likely inherit exactly his gender.

If none of the partners got an integer, the values ​​of the resulting residues should be compared with each other. Younger blood will be from one of the partners whose balance during division turned out to be smaller. In the event that the remainder of the division is equal, the couple's chances of conceiving a girl or a boy become equal. And there is also a small chance to conceive twins this year.

However, this method does not guarantee a 100% probability, since the blood in the human body can be renewed not only under the influence of age, but also due to surgeries, injuries, transfusions or blood donation, large blood loss, childbirth or abortion.

A woman can start counting from the date of the last menstruation, and a man from the last serious blood loss, but this will also not guarantee an accurate result.

In women with a negative Rh factor, the result in most cases is just the opposite, this should also be taken into account.

Interestingly, most often the parent, whose blood is dominant, passes on to the child not only his gender, but also his character and some features of his appearance.

Russian experts offer another calendar method

It is based on the woman's exact date of birth. If the number of full years she has reached is even, then in the even month of the year she is very likely to become pregnant with a girl, and in odd months with a boy.

  • If the woman's age is odd, then the probability is calculated in reverse. Guided by this technique, it should be noted that the calculation is based on the full years lived by the woman at the time of conception, that is, after her birthday, the scheme may change.

Planning the gender of the expected child worries both young couples and those who already have one child or several children of the same sex. Often they trust their friends and acquaintances for whom any of the methods, signs, diets and many other well-known methods “worked”.

Some turn to doctors with this problem, who in this case are completely powerless and cannot in any way affect the sex of a child that has not yet been conceived or is already in the womb.

You cannot completely trust any of the methods - they all have only a certain, smaller or larger, share of "coincidences". But, given that both folk and scientific planning methods not only do not require financial and time costs, but are also completely harmless to health, then each couple can use them at their discretion, without fear of any irreversible consequences. After all, no matter what gender the unborn child is, he will be desired, loved and unique, and they will be able to check the chosen method or other tips again, after a while.

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The birth of a child is probably the most striking event in the life of a man and a woman. Even during the first months of pregnancy, each of them is so interested to know who their child will be: a boy or a girl will be born? This is especially true for couples who already have a boy, but want a girl and vice versa. Surprisingly, you can plan the sex of the future baby, and even more - calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood.

Why is it important to know the sex of the baby before conception?

Doctors' forecasts and dry statistics do not satisfy all parents. Many mothers dream of a girl from their childhood, and the dream of men is joint fishing with their son, playing football. Calculating the sex of a child by updating the blood of partners is the right way to get the “golden couple” - first a boy, and then a girl, or vice versa.

In any case, modern technology and the digitization of old, but true ways of determining gender make it possible to plan who the child will be. And by updating the blood, each couple can calculate the sex of the child, even pregnancy is more fun: it came true or it didn’t come true, and so on until the first ultrasound!

Calculator for calculation

An ancient method

Ancient people believed that all systems in the human body work like clockwork and no one can change it. Almost everything in the body is renewed every few years: blood, cells and even the soul. In the body of a man, such castling occurs once every four years, and in the female body, once every three years.

It is on this theory that the method for determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents is built. Let's say that the theory is not unfounded, and many couples even managed to guess in such a way as to conceive the desired male or female baby.

Scientists note that the probability of coincidence ranges from 68-88%, which already inspires confidence. How to determine gender by blood renewal? This is where tables come in handy.

Tables with years of blood renewal

This method is very ancient, tables with blood groups and years of its renewal have come down to our time. Are they true? This is unknown, because the tables show calculations for girls over 15 years old, although in past centuries, childbirth at 13, 14, 15 years was not considered something wrong.

Be that as it may, coincidences with calculations are so common that, by the blood of the parents, determining the sex of the child certainly deserves attention. Before taking this test, it is worth getting to know this method better.

The strength and youth of blood - an assistant in planning

How to determine the sex of a child by the blood of dad and mom? There are two options for calculating, and we will now consider each of them. According to the theory, a woman's blood is renewed every 3 years, starting from the age of 15. That is, 15, 18, 21, etc. And the blood of the future pope every 4 years is 16, 20, 24 and beyond.

The first calculation method: boy or girl?

Let's look at an example of how to calculate the sex of a child by updating blood:

  1. Mom-to-be is 22 and dad-to-be is 28.
  2. Divide the mother's age: 22:3 = 7.3.
  3. With the age of dad, we do the same: 28/4 = 7.
  4. 7.3 is greater than 7, so in theory our couple's child is a boy. Whose age indicator is less - he becomes the "giver" of the floor.

In some cases, as in our calculator for calculating the sex of a child by updating, the date of conception is also indicated.

The second way to calculate the floor

There is also an opinion that the calculation, in principle, is not necessary and you can simply look at the year of birth and date of conception. We determine the sex of the child by date of birth: our future mother was born in 1994, and daddy - in 1998. Mom's blood was renewed in 2015, and dad's just in 2016.

It is easy to determine the sex of the child by blood renewal for this couple: a baby will be born if the conception occurred in 2016, because father's blood is “fresh”, and mother's was renewed last year. This option is more plausible and correct, and it is from it that we can calculate who your child will be using an online calculator.

If the blood is renewed in one year, and sometimes this happens, it is definitely impossible to calculate the sex. It is likely that the child is 50% boy and 50% girl. But you can expect multiple pregnancy with twins or twins.

An ancient theory grounded in modern science

In ancient times, it was believed that a child is a helper, and, frankly, at that time, the working hands of boys were more valued than girls who left the family after 10–15 years. Therefore, the question of how to calculate the sex of a child using blood renewal was relevant.

Today we are striving to plan the gender of the baby, because someone wants the child to be a boy, and someone wants to tie bows for a girl. Any child will be loved, but if you can calculate his gender, why not?

The theory of how to determine the sex of your child by blood renewal, which goes against the well-known rules, has received a scientific justification confirming the processes of tissue and blood renewal in our body. Gradually, it was believed that female blood is updated every 36 months, and male 48. The technique instantly scattered over the Internet, and today everyone has the opportunity to find out the sex of the child or plan a boy or girl.

How to calculate if there was a large blood loss or operation?

Speaking about how to determine the gender of the child by the blood of the parents, one cannot fail to note the fact that you will get the correct result if there are no such factors:

  1. Blood transfusions.
  2. Donation, transplantation (replacement) of internal organs due to surgery.
  3. Blood loss during childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, trauma, etc.

How to calculate update in this case? The calculation is based on the date of the operation or transfusion when changing blood (more than 1 liter), the update starts from zero, that is, if a woman received blood transfusion at the age of 22, then the next update occurs at the age of 25. It is also worth looking at the calendar, because transfusions at the beginning and end of the year are different time periods.

Advantages of methods over other methods for determining the sex of a child

The advantages of the method of determining the sex of the baby by revealing the blood of the parents are as follows:

  1. Often a reliable result.
  2. Scientific justification.
  3. World practice. After all, women from America, Europe, Australia, the CIS countries and Japan calculate the sex of the future baby according to the blood renewal scheme.
  4. Earlier the question was about how manual counting was used, and today you can use a calculator that processes your data in 3 seconds.
  5. The method is free, you can do the calculations with a calculator or manually. But if you are offered to pay first, and only then find out the sex of the child, this should alert you.

Summing up

Planning and gendering early is a method that has received about 80% positive feedback on the network.

In anticipation of the expectation of the baby, men and women are immersed in chores. It is necessary to prepare a nursery, buy a mountain of clothes, take care of the maternity hospital, take time to exchange delights and tenderness with each other. And even in this hectic time, they are worried about the question: will the child that will be born be a boy or a girl? This is natural, and everyone prefers to calculate according to the method they trust.

Determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents is a great way. We invite you to use the online calculator right now. Baby, no matter what gender you have, he will be the best, and we wish your future baby good health, and you lungs filled with love for nine months of waiting!

Boy or girl?

Throughout the history of mankind, people have been trying to guess who will be born to them - a boy or a girl?

Modern medicine offers the most popular way to determine the sex of a baby in the womb using ultrasound. This method gives results at a gestational age of approximately 16 weeks. But more reliable information can be obtained only at 20-25 weeks of pregnancy. Another way to determine the sex of a child is the American special test, which allows you to find out who the couple is waiting for. It is known that fetal sex hormones are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. If you combine it with a special reagent in the test, it will change color - if it is green, then it will be a boy, orange - a girl. The accuracy of the test is 90%, it can be carried out from 8 weeks. However, such a test is not cheap and it will not be easy to find it, since it is not sold in all pharmacies.
If you are only planning to conceive a child and you just want a boy or a girl, then with an accuracy of 50% you can use alternative folk and ancient methods of determining sex: according to ancient Chinese and Japanese tables, to update the blood of the mother and father, according to the blood type of the parents, folk signs.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the mother and the time of conception

Are you planning a baby and want to know the gender of your future baby? Let's look at the Chinese birth chart first. The original of this table is kept in the museum, Beijing, its age is about 700 years. The table of conception of the sex of the child was discovered in one of the eastern ancient temples. But, according to legend, it was originally found in the tomb of the emperor, and only then transferred to the temple. The Chinese conception table is based on the fact that the sex of the unborn baby depends on two different factors - the age of the mother and the month of the child's direct conception. First find the age of the mother, then correlate it with the month in which the child was conceived. You will get a plus or a minus, denoting a boy or a girl, respectively. So you can check your birth or relatives.

Given the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 45 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception. Good luck in your endeavors!

Mother's age


Folk signs how to determine the sex of the unborn child

1. Let the expectant mother take the key from the table (without a ring and not in a bunch!). If she takes the round part, then she will have a boy, if the long narrow part, then a girl, and if in the middle, let her expect twins.
2. If the expectant mother choked while eating, ask her to name any number. Then calculate which letter of the alphabet corresponds to this number (a - 1, b - 2, etc.) and ask her to name a name that begins with this letter. If she chooses the name of a girl, then she will have a girl, and if the name of a boy, then a boy.
3. If you have older children, remember the first word of the previous child. If he first said "mom", then a girl will be born, and if "dad", then a boy.
4. Compare the year of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception. If both numbers are even or both are odd, then a girl will be born, and if one is even and the other is odd, then a boy will be born.
5. If you want to give birth to a boy, a few months before conception, eat more salty, and if a girl - more sweet.
6. If you want to conceive a girl, put a wooden spoon and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.
7. The sex of the child will be opposite to the sex of the partner who was more active at the time of conception.
8. If your legs swell during pregnancy, a boy will be born, and if everything is in order with your legs, a girl.
9. If a pregnant woman is irritable, then a girl will be born to her, and if she is mostly in a good mood, then a boy.
10. If a pregnant woman eats humpbacks, then a boy will be born to her, and if she takes pieces of bread from the middle, then a girl.
11. If the hands of a pregnant woman become dry and the skin on them cracks, then a boy will be born, and if the hands become softer, then a girl.
12. A pregnant woman who is expecting a boy eats more than a woman who is having a girl.
13. Pregnant, expecting a girl, more sick.
14. If acne appears on the face and chest of a pregnant woman, then a girl will be born: the daughter “takes away” her mother’s beauty.
15. A woman who is pregnant with a boy has a lower belly than one who is pregnant with a girl.
16. Pass a chain through the wedding ring of a pregnant woman and hang it over her stomach (the woman should be lying down). If the ring swings back and forth, then a girl will be born, and if in a circle, then a boy. This fortune-telling exists in another version: it is not necessary to hang a ring, but any medallion on a chain, not over the stomach, but over the palm of a pregnant woman, and the results are opposite: if the medallion moves in a circle, then a girl, and if it sways from side to side then a boy. There is, however, an opinion that this fortune-telling is true only if the child is not the first.
17. If a pregnant woman is clumsy and constantly stumbles, then a boy will be born to her, and if she is more graceful, then let her wait for a girl.
18. If a boy who is already starting to walk shows interest in a pregnant woman, she will have a girl, and if he does not pay attention to her, then a boy.
19. If a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, then she will have a boy, and if on her right, then a girl.
20. Ask the pregnant woman to show you her hands: if she turns them palms up, then a girl will be born, if palms down, then a boy.

Online calculators for calculating the sex of the child

Our calculators for calculating the sex of the unborn child have collected several options and methods, the calculation is based on those methods that have proven themselves among women.

Online calculator for calculating the sex of a child by updating the blood of parents

It is believed that the sex of the child depends on which of the parents has more "fresh" blood. In men, blood is renewed every 4 years, in women - once in 3 years. So, if dad's last blood renewal date is later than mom's date, then there will be a boy. Try to determine the gender of your baby using this method!

Blood renewal is a regular process that occurs in the human body. In men and women, the frequency of renewal may vary. During the process, the cells of the human body are removed, and new ones receive the necessary portion of oxygen and nutrients.

In medicine, the renewal of blood is called hematopoiesis. The bone marrow is responsible for its functioning.

How is blood renewed?

This issue is still being studied by scientists, its detailed features are being considered.. The theory is being tested to this day in the course of research. The blood renewal table, taking into account some features, is still being compiled by scientists.

Blood is made up of cells that perform different functions:

  • Leukocytes.
  • platelets.

Erythrocytes are the most abundant blood cells

They do not have a nucleus, but they contain the protein hemoglobin, it contains an iron atom. Due to this, an oxygen molecule is attached to the erythrocyte. The amount of oxygen changes after it is released to the cells.

These cells enter the bloodstream from the bone marrow.

What you need to know about them:

  • They replace dead red blood cells.
  • Live 120 days.
  • Most of these cells are found in human blood. They deliver oxygen to every organ.
  • The process of death of such cells occurs in the liver, spleen, but can also be carried out in the blood vessels.

White blood cells - protection against viruses and infections

Leukocytes are much smaller than erythrocytes. They perform a protective function: prevent the entry of viruses and pathogenic bacteria into the body.

There are several types of leukocytes:

  • Eosinophils. Protects the respiratory system, urinary tract and intestines.
  • Neutrophils. Ensure the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Monocytes. They function to eliminate inflammatory foci.
  • Basophils. Eliminate allergic and inflammatory reactions in the body.
  • Lymphocytes. Destroy viruses, pathogenic bacteria.

These cells live for about three months, then they die and new ones appear in their place.

Platelets - wound healing

These cells are responsible for the integrity of the walls of blood vessels and their rapid recovery in case of damage. If a person is injured, it is these cells that lead to blood clotting. They prevent a lot of blood loss. They originate in the bone marrow and then enter the bloodstream. They live for ten days, after which they die and new ones appear from the place.

Platelets can have different sizes:

  • Microforms- 1.5 microns.
  • normoforms- 3 microns.
  • macroforms- 5 microns.
  • Megaloforms- 8-10 microns.

How is the gender of the baby calculated?

There is a theory according to which a couple will have a child of the same sex with that of the parents, whose blood at the time of conception will be younger. If she is younger than her mother, a girl will be born; if her father is younger, a boy will be born. To renew the blood for the body means to saturate it with useful substances and vitamins.

In order for a baby of a certain gender to be born, it is necessary to make simple calculations. It is necessary to take into account the year of birth of a person, or the number of full years. Next, divide the father's age by 4 and the mother's age by 3. The result helps determine whose blood is currently younger.

  • For example, a woman is 23 years old, a man is 27. The calculation is made with these figures.
  • Divide 23 by 3 to get 7.6.
  • If you divide 27 by 4, you get 6.75.
  • The main role in the calculation is played not by the first digit of the result, but by the remainder. In this case, the couple will have a girl, since the woman's blood is younger. Very often a mistake is made in calculations when people pay attention to the first digit instead of the remainder.

Some features of the calculations

When performing calculations, it is very important to know certain features. They can affect the result, the person will think that he made the calculations incorrectly.

  • Blood loss, donation. When the renewal of the blood, the body tries to recover. The update period may take longer. This is especially true if the person has lost a lot of blood.
  • Rh factor of the mother. The exchange with a negative Rh occurs in a different way. In this case, the sex of the child will depend on which parent has older blood. Often the woman herself does not know that she has a negative Rh factor, which leads to errors in the calculations. That is why a woman needs to know her Rh factor.
  • Termination of pregnancy, miscarriage. Often these processes lead to renewal, cells change to new ones.
  • Childbirth. Childbirth is considered a renewal and is often forgotten. During this process, the blood changes, but the process is longer and more complex. Whether every woman had an update after childbirth is difficult to say, because each has individual characteristics, but in general this process is taking place.

Renewal of blood in men

A change of blood in men occurs every four years. It is at such moments that she gains maximum strength. It is better for men to conceive a child at 24, 28 or 32 years. The child will be stronger, more resilient, with strong immunity. Replacement can also occur at a different age if there was blood loss, injury or donation. In this case, the man will need time to recover. It may take a lot of time. if there was a serious injury.

Renewal of blood in women

In women, renewal is performed every three years. If conception occurs at the time of renewal for both parents, then the sex of the baby cannot be determined, but the child will be very healthy and strong. Increased likelihood of failure to update due to termination of pregnancy, donation, after surgery.

In the human body, these processes leave a trace, and therefore there is an update. It is difficult to say in how many years a new update will appear in these cases.

Despite the effectiveness of the calculations, doctors are in no hurry to talk about their 100% reliability.. The calculation is not always correct, since certain processes can occur in the body, leading to the next update.

In addition, it can be updated in some cases more often than 3.4 years. This is an individual process. A person's lifestyle, nutrition affect the body in some way, which affects conception.

Blood renewal is an important process for the body. It is carried out in certain periods. By performing certain calculations, you can find out when this process was, how soon it will come.

This helps when planning a pregnancy if the couple wants to have a baby of a particular gender. Calculations must be performed as carefully as possible, after reading the instructions. Then you get the right result, which will help a man and a woman become parents of a baby of the desired gender.

Video: Gender of the child for blood renewal